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MammaPrint |
TEST ACRONYMM/AFULL TERMINOLOGYMammaPrint DEFINITIONThe MammaPrint is the first cleared in vitro diagnostic multivariate index assay (IVDMIA) device. The MammaPrint test uses the latest in molecular technology to predict whether existing cancer will metastasize (spread to other parts of a patient's body). The test relies on microarray analysis, a powerful tool for simultaneously studying the patterns of behavior of large numbers of genes in biological specimens. WHEN TEST WOULD BE PERFORMEDAgendia compared the genetic profiles of a large number of women suffering from breast cancer and identified a set of 70 genes whose activity confers information about the likelihood of tumor recurrence. The MammaPrint test measures the level of activity of each of these genes in a sample of a woman's surgically removed breast cancer tumor, then uses a specific formula, known as an algorithm, to produce a score that determines whether the patient is deemed low risk or high risk for spread of the cancer to another site. The result may help a doctor in planning appropriate follow-up for a patient when used with other clinical information and laboratory tests. INFORMATION VALUEMammaPrint results will provide patients and physicians with more information about the prospects for the outcome of the disease. This information will support treatment decisions. CAUTIONN/A
Last Updated on Thursday, 21 January 2010 10:09 |