View Full Version : 32 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer if they breastfed

03-18-2012, 08:37 PM

Women carrying faulty genes have an almost three in four chance of developing breast cancer and feeding their babies naturally is one of the few ways they can reduce that risk, researchers have found. A study has found that women carrying the BRCA1 gene were 32 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer if they breastfed for at least a year compared with women with the gene who didn't. It's as if living according to nature has benefits. Hmm.

03-18-2012, 11:36 PM
As always though there are the notable exceptions. I fed three children for more than 36 months combined and still got cancer before my youngest was 4. Apparently having more children is also beneficial but increases your risk initially in the first 5 years post partum.

03-18-2012, 11:44 PM
"women carrying the BRCA1 gene were 32 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer if they breastfed for at least a year"

Yep..a 32% reduction doesn't eliminate the risk.

03-19-2012, 10:38 AM
Another counter example here. Breastfeed all my 3 kids for 2 years each. Found lump while nursing my 3rd. Go figure, I was so shocked with my diagnosis because I thought breastfeeding would make me immune to the disease...