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10-07-2008, 06:31 AM
Walnuts Slow Growth of Breast Cancer Tumors
Monday, October 06, 2008 :: infoZine Staff (javascript:OpenWindow('/news/users/op/usersViewNW/uid/2','OpenWindow','600','330'))
http://www.infozine.com/news/_themes/infoZine_center/images/topics/health.png (http://www.infozine.com/news/topics/op/topicsView/tid/17/)New research funded by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has found evidence that a daily dose of walnuts - equal to two servings a day in humans - reduces the growth of breast cancer tumors in mice. The study is the first to investigate the effect of walnut consumption on cancer.

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<SMALL>Washington, D.C. - American Institute for Cancer Research - infoZine</SMALL> - "This is an intriguing finding that needs to be repeated, and ultimately confirmed in humans," said Karen Collins, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Advisor for AICR. "But it fits with some of what we've seen from other studies. We know that walnuts have a lot to offer, such as omega-3 fat, vitamin E, and other antioxidants. Many of these substances have already shown anti-cancer potential individually."

The study appears in the current issue of the journal Nutrition and Cancer.

Walnuts in the Diet Slow Tumor Growth
In the study, researchers looked at the ability of walnuts to slow the growth of breast tumors using an amount comparable to what humans might eat.

A group of 22 mice with human breast cancer tumors was divided into two groups. One group was fed ground walnuts daily in the amount equivalent to two ounces (28 walnut halves) for humans. The comparison group consumed a diet supplemented with corn oil, along with amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber that were similar to the amounts occurring in the walnut diet.

After 35 days, the breast cancer tumors of the walnut-fed mice were only about half the size of the tumors in the mice that were not fed walnuts.

"What this study showed is that we had a significant suppression of cell proliferation in the walnut-fed group," said W. Elaine Hardman, Ph.D., lead investigator and associate professor at the Marshall University's Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. "The time it took the tumor to double in size was 11.1 days for the corn oil fed mice compared to 23.3 days in the walnut fed group."

That such a small dose of walnuts could exert such influence intrigued investigators. "I was surprised by the results because, compared to most dietary studies, we were adding a very small amount to the diet and I didn't think this amount would be enough to suppresses the growth as much as it did," Hardman added.

Walnut Components Display Anti-Cancer Potential
Although the current study is the first to investigate the effects of whole walnuts on cancer, individual walnut components have displayed the ability to slow or prevent cancer in previous investigations.

One of those components, a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), sets walnuts apart from other nuts, according to AICR's Collins. "Walnuts are one of the few plant foods that contain this kind of omega-3 fat, which protects against heart disease, inflammation and - potentially - cancer as well." Canola oil and flaxseed are also sources of ALA.

Studies suggest that omega-3 fats exert their influence by increasing the production of hormone-like, anti-inflammatory compounds. There is growing evidence that inflammation plays a role in the development of cancer.

Other much-studied cancer-protective substances within walnuts include gamma-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), phytosterols and flavonoids. Lab studies funded by AICR and other organizations have shown that these compounds may slow cancer cell growth and fight inflammation.

"If it's not the omega-3 acting alone to prevent cell proliferation, it may be a synergy among some or all of the compounds," said Collins. "Each one of these substances might be present in too small an amount on its own, but when they all come at [the tumor] from different directions, they may have an effect."

A Healthy, but Calorie-Dense, Food
Walnuts also contain fiber, which studies have shown can help with weight control. One caution, notes AICR's Collins, is that walnuts pack a lot of calories into a relatively small portion.

"Calories still count, even in a healthy food that has plenty of nutrients," she said. "It's not a matter of adding extra handfuls of walnuts to your normal diet, it's about substituting walnuts for other foods so you don't increase your calorie consumption." Because once you start gaining weight, Collin said, "you start to cross out a lot of the health benefits."

The mice in the current study were eating enough walnuts to account for 18 percent of total daily calories (an amount equivalent to 370 calories in a 2,000-calorie human diet).

Dr. Hardman co-authored the study with Gabriela Ion, Ph.D., also of the Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia.

The study was funded by grants from the American Institute for Cancer Research with a matching grant from the California Walnut Commission. Neither group had any input on the study design or findings.

10-07-2008, 06:32 AM
So..should they be eaten with chemo or AIs?

10-09-2008, 07:49 PM
Interesting Post On Benefits Of Walnuts, Thanks.

10-09-2008, 07:57 PM
Any propellor heads think it could conflict with chemo a la antioxidants?

10-09-2008, 09:08 PM
First, let me disclaim - I am most definitely not a propellerhead...

One thing I notice on the attached study is the "non walnut" group was instead supplemented with an Omega6 laden corn oil. So further messing up the omega 3/6 balance.

I also note the funding of the study - (California walnut commission). So there may have been some bias.

That said, there is an abundance of evidence supporting the view that walnuts are a very good (even "super") food and I'm not surprised that in some settings they would have anti-cancer effects.

The study notes vitamin E content, but most studies and concerns about antioxidants working against chemotherapies are really looking more at megadoses and supplements vs. nutrients coming from food. My take on it, which my onc supports, is that eating healthy foods in "normal" quantities at worst falls into the can't hurt, might help category. I doubt eating the quantity of walnuts noted would interfere with the action of chemo.

Personally, I don't discount the abundant evidence of the anti-cancer action of certain foods just because they lack double blind placebo based studies.

By the way, I just finished eating a pumpkin - flaxseed muffin with dried cranberries and WALNUTS...it was yummy. So I guess we all have our biases.

Check with your mom's oncologist, as always; but my guess is walnuts would be ok not only because of the nutritional value but also because they are calorie dense, which I think would be helpful at this point.

10-11-2008, 04:25 PM
Can you post the link to the trial Chrisy please.

I think you are asking the right questions. Walnuts are very high in Omega six but come with some three, and corn oil has no three.

Walnuts are high in antioxidants but one would need more info.

I would be cautious to make them a regular dietary item because of the high Omega 6 in walnuts - but much better than refined high 6 vegetable oils.

We do not need much Omega 6 to be healthy - maybe a max of 2% of calories.


10-12-2008, 06:09 PM
My Mother has been sending me walnuts from overseas for more than a year now. (My siblings did not tell her about my first bout of breast cancer in 2003.) She had non-hogekins lymphoma surgery and treatment back in 1998. So she's also a cancer fighter and cancer survivor. At 85, I'll have to say she is a poster 'great-grandmom'.

12-01-2008, 07:54 PM
Any further thoughts on this?