View Full Version : Stem Cell Protein Stops Cancer in its Tracks

03-05-2008, 06:11 AM

A protein found in human embryonic stem cells is showing promise in fending off the spread of deadly cancers.
Researchers say the protein, which they’ve dubbed “Lefty,” inhibits the production of another protein known as Nodal, found in embryonic stem cells and cancer cells alike. Under normal circumstances, Nodal plays a key role in helping embryonic stem cells turn into the different cells needed in the human body, such as tissue cells, skin cells, etc.
In this study, cells found in melanoma (skin cancer) and breast cancer were found to over-produce Nodal, thus leading to the spread of the cancers. But when the researchers exposed the cells to Lefty, the over-production of Nodal came to a halt. Tumors began to decrease, and an increase was seen in the programmed suicide of the cancer cells.