View Full Version : An estrogen-dependent model of breast cancer created by transformation of normal huma

06-18-2007, 01:28 PM
human mammary epithelial cells."

This is an interesting article published in provisional form at http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/9/3/R38. The download of the provisional pdf is free. It is a little technical, but contains some provacative conclusions:

"It has long been known that ER alpha postive breast tumors metastasize early, leading to distant relapse many years after excision of the primary tumor. Compared to ER alpha negative tumors, they have a better initial prognosis, but this is followed by a relentless increase in breast cancer specific mortality that continues even 15 years after treatment of the primary tumor. It is tempting to speculate that the correct paradigm for these tumors is a low grade lymphoma: a systemic disease characterized by few genetic changes and poor response to therapy . . . it is tempting to speculate that ER alpha itself plays a critical role in the early metastasis of ER alpha positive human breast tumors."
