View Full Version : Age affects bc genes influence

05-04-2007, 06:37 AM


05-04-2007, 10:11 AM
You've done it again....another good article.
My husband has said for a long time that he believes that the risk curve for
women may prove to be a higher risk for those woman who are strongly estrogen postive during post menapause...

In my family (mother was one of 7 girls) no one had breast cancer and all lived well into their 80's and 90's. My Grandmother was 98 and passed of old age. My Great Grandmother was 102..and she passed becasue she fell.

On my father's side his mother died of old age....he had one sister and she is still alive at 93...lives alone ....still smokes...and loves her wine....she is a real kicker. No breast cancer there either.

I have two sister who are older. Doing great.
So go figure...I get breast cancer. My husband really thinks it was after menapause that casused my bc. Who knows why? But it makes one consider doesn't it.

Thanks again for a good read.

05-04-2007, 11:35 AM

My parents (and their families) are also long-lived, as I hope we both will be. :)

Are you aware of the Common Disease - Common Variant hypothesis? I was doing a little reading on it earlier this week. Here is a link to a gene blog that has a pretty concise description of it: http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/02/note-on-common-disease-common-variant.php

I was wondering if bc, so common, yet with so few common denominators, could fit this theory?

Food for thought,


05-04-2007, 11:51 AM
Interesting thoughts here...another part of the puzzle to ponder.

Thanks for sharing...
Jean :)