View Full Version : ASCO Releases Guideline Recommendations for HER-2 Testing (Dec 2006)

01-08-2007, 11:50 PM
The ASCO recommendations are an effort to standardize accross all laboratories the processes used in the biopsy test methods for HER-2:
immunohistochemistry (IHC), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and bright field in situ hybridization.
The article mentions an alarming estimate of a 20% error rate in current lab results. It does not estimate (at least in the few sections I read the target reduction in error rate if the recommendations are implemented).

http://www.asco.org/portal/site/ASCO/menuitem.62221d9cbf019a5ed6d5ba10320041a0/?vgnextoid=3f1eaa90c269f010VgnVCM100000ed730ad1RCR D&vgnextfmt=printer
ASCO Releases Guideline Recommendations for HER-2 Testing

There is a section devoted to the patient at:
http://www.plwc.org/portal/site/PLWC/menuitem.169f5d85214941ccfd748f68ee37a01d/?vgnextoid=b1a4ff09b246f010VgnVCM100000ed730ad1RCR D
ASCO Patient Guide: HER2 Testing for Breast Cancer