View Full Version : JOe Please help : Need to find sites in The Nethelands for Tykerb EAP

09-04-2006, 09:32 PM
HI Joe,
How do we go about finding sites in Europe specially the Netherlands where the EAPis or will be available in the near future. Iam a Dutch citezen residing in Singapore. I may get on to the EAP in LA, but my insurance will not pay out for the follow up testing sessions. The centre in LA have told me that I cannot have the tests done in Singapore. I can sustain the costs for a couple of months. In the mean time I need to find out the situation in the Netherlands/ Europe. I am covered by insurance in Singapore and the Netherlands. I have tried to contact GSK Holland and Pharmanet as well. They seem to be in meetings constantly, probably will not talk to laymen. I wrote to the European Gsk site but was directed to the Singapore office. Made contact with them but they are not palnning to start till next yr. My onco feels that the EAP will probably not come here as there is no political pressure or lobbying. He says It probably would be approved by FDA by then. Please help in anyway you can.
Thanks very much.


09-05-2006, 03:54 AM
I'll try to get more info, but this is all that I have for now

For more information about the Tykerb EAP outside the U.S. physicians should e-mail: breastcancereap@gsk.com (breastcancereap@gsk.com) Patients should speak directly to their oncologists about their eligibility.
