View Full Version : Her2 Vaccine Trial

08-11-2004, 03:04 AM
Judy it's a clinical trial of an anti-Her2 vaccine being conducted at University of Washington in Seattle. They've had a trial of women not on Herceptin and now they're running a trial of women on Herceptin and either NED/in remission or with stable disease. The first criteria is a volunteer's blood has to be positive for HLA A2 which is an antibody present in only 40-50% of people. This antibody is easily measurable and so they will use it as a marker to determine if study participants are developing an immune response against Her2neu!

08-18-2004, 08:14 AM
Lolly what would the advantage of the trial be? Are the effects of the vaccine similar to the Herceptin most Her2 patients are getting?