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KDR 02-28-2015 11:05 AM

Is This The End Of Cancer?

Promising things,

Jean 03-01-2015 12:41 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
I watched the exciting Vice program on HBO. Shane Smith is the founder of the program. His mother was dx. with breast cancer. His step mother also was dx with breast cancer. This report was personal for him.

Vice is a program that does documentaries and special reports. Each week there is a different report. This week was cancer.
The show opened filming at MD Anderson, with an experiential procedure. Injecting a virus into the brain tumor. The viruses / diseases that once killed us, like small pox, measles now may hold the key to a cure.

Dr. John Bell, at the Ottawa hospital for innovative cancer research is credited as the first to figure out the virus without harming the healthy cells. It had been suspected since the early 1900's that viruses attacked cancer cells.
Dr. Bell research took a leap 5 yrs. ago. The virus attacks the cancer, enters the cell and the cancer cell explodes.
Heathly cells are not harmed. This is a revolutionary treatment. It is a rapidly developing field.

Dr. Steven Russell at the Mayo Clinic, engineered a measles virus. The virus that Dr. Russell used was original from the throat of a boy who had the measles in 1954.
Dr. Russell added a new gene into the virus in order to make it better for treating cancer.
Two patients with Multiple myeloma (which is a cancer that accumulates in the bone marrow) and the virus treatment is their last hope, as both men exhausted all treatments. Both patients were injected with the measles virus. This is a phase 11 trial.

A week after treatment both patients go back to the hospital (8 days) both patients had a hard reaction,
severe bone pain, nausea and fatigue. Both were better a week later.

In the phase 1 trail a women was treated (she also had exhausted all known treatments) she had a huge tumor presenting on her head. The size of a golf ball. She had an amazing reaction. Her recovery is a miraculous.

After a single injection, she had a severe headache, high fever. 36 hrs. after the treatment the huge golf ball tumor on her forehead was gone. This is the first time in history that a virus is documented that has eradicated cancer.

She has energy and is feeling strong. The cancer is gone from her body. As they said in the report, the virus loves to beat up on the cancer. This patient is 18 months out from the treatment and she NED. This virus treatment destroyed all her tumors. Again, healthy tissue is not harmed. The virus goes throughout the body and attacks all the tumors. She had a single injection/treatment.
The virus also deactivates the cancers ability to suppress our immune system. Very ground breaking indeed.

Dr. Juan Fueyo is the director of the brain tumor research program at MD Anderson. He is working with the common cold virus. The researchers genetically modified the adenovirus to attack brain tumors. Dr. Fredrick Lang a neuro surgeon who works with Dr. Fueyo on this phase 1 trial. They took brain tumors from humans and placed them in mice. Then treated them with the virus and the tumors were attacked and destroyed. The report shows a patient being treated with the cold virus directly into his brain tumor. 25 people were treated and 3 had NED. Again, this is a phase 1 trial. The treatment and surgery takes 5 hrs. 6 weeks after the patients surgery the tumor has stopped growing.

We already use live virus for vaccines. The report states that the next five years using viruses will be a main driver to treat cancer. Both of these treatments are in the early stages. They are trying to fast track the treatment.

There is a radical new therapy virus treatment using the HIV virus. At the children's hospital of Pennsylvania. Since this virus is one of the dreaded viruses that causes aids, you could imagine that the news of this deadly virus was offering the best chance of all was so surprising.
The Children's Hospital is using the HIV virus to treat leukemia. A little girl who had reached the end of known treatments went to the hospital as a last hope for treatment.

Dr. Carl June who studied HIV and cancer for the Tcell treatment. Dr. June learned how to use HIV to reprogram the virus. The patient cannot get HIV from the treatment. This treatment is a T cell killing treatment.
Three adults were treated. 21 days after treatment all had no leukemia.

4 weeks after the little girl was treated (she was the 4th and 1st child) she is in total remission NED and the three adults are also in full remission. NED

These are ground breaking results. 39 children have now been treated and 90% of them have experienced complete remission, for 2 plus years. There has never been a treatment that has done this.

There are 300 kinds of cancer. Dr. June is taking about a cure. This virus should be approved by FDA by 2016. Dr.June believes many of those 300 cancers will be cured. The dr's know they are on the right path. This is the biggest news in cancer since chemo/and/radiation.
Taking viruses that used to kill us are now saving lives.
This is a paradigm shift in treating cancer.
So, YES dear sisters, the end is near.

I hope that all can view this documentary.

sarah 03-01-2015 05:16 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
couldn't see the doc but this method does seem useful for overcoming the blood/brain barrier. I think malaria was another one tried for this reason.

rhondalea 03-01-2015 08:29 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Here's a direct link to the video, sarah. Maybe you can see that.


KDR 03-01-2015 11:16 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Sorry about the link not working and thank you, Rhondalea for posting a direct link.


StephN 03-01-2015 01:46 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
This is very exciting.

My hubby just commented, "If they can cure Ebola, they should be able to find something easier for cancer!" There have been some more breakthroughs against Ebola in Europe recently.

Thanks for the link.

rhondalea 03-01-2015 04:27 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Watching that video was a privilege, Karen. I posted it to my FB page, and I'll probably post it to other sites as time goes on. Thank you for finding and sharing it. I am so very hopeful that these treatments are the miracle we've all been waiting for.

waterdreamer 03-01-2015 05:44 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Thanks so much for posting this. Fever is a big factor in many remissions, as the cancer cannot survive the heat produced by the body. Hyperthermia makes many treatments that much more successful.

Nurse4u2day 03-02-2015 02:27 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Normally I don't get into reading all the possible miracle drugs that might cure cancer probably because I feel they are so far from curing cancer I just don't go there. But to read this just brought me such great hope for not just myself but for so many others and other cancers. I guess I have always believed how can they find a cure for Cancer when there are so many different types of cancers. It just seems like an impossible task. Unlike other diaseses Cancer has so so many types. But this ladies has put a smile on my face. And Ummm 2016 is just right around the corner.

Nurse4u2day 03-02-2015 03:30 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
I just watched the video and it looks promising. Talk about giving hope to so many and truly possibly in 2016. It is exciting

Rachnick 03-03-2015 12:25 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
The best part about the report was that doctors sound excited about the treatment. That almost never happens.

Andrea Barnett Budin 03-04-2015 02:17 PM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Truly exciting news. Thanks Karen and Jean and Rhondalea for sharing.

Years ago a man we know had 4th stage melanoma. He was given Thalidomide (remember that horror of a drug erroneously given to pregnant women who then had horribly deformed babies??) -- well this man is doing well (maybe 10 yrs later). The idea captivated me that something that was so awful (utilized in one way) could miraculously send cancer packing!

Living in hope is no longer a frivolous activity, Ladies!

The FDA fast-tracked Herceptin in '98, which helped save my life for sure. It's time to get fast-tracking again, FDA. THIS IS HUGE!

RobinP 03-28-2015 09:06 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Lani, thanks for sharing this is exciting and great news!

AlaskaAngel 03-28-2015 09:49 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Thanks KDR, Jean and Rhondalea for the link and description - early days with it, but very interesting....


P.S. Good to see you, RobinP!

P.P.S. I haven't watched it yet, but one question in particular occurred to me that I thought I'd raise. In regard to using the immune system's response to viruses as a way to battle cancer.... perhaps it may provide some explanation as to why some people with the same genetics as others who develop cancer do not also develop cancer. Perhaps they happened to have gone through having had a virus at some point that wasn't deadly but that "worked" on a cancer they didn't know they had?

Mtngrl 03-28-2015 10:21 AM

Re: Is This The End Of Cancer?
Rhondalea's link didn't work for me (YouTube says the video is "private") but my internet search turned up this commentary on it from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewh...curing-cancer/

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