View Full Version : The results are in...........................

Mary Jo
10-23-2007, 04:30 PM
Well my results are in. They are good BUT not as good as I would have liked. You see, I would have liked "all is perfect" but unfortunately, that is not what I heard. However, I did not hear "you have cancer" so I suppose that is close enough to perfect.

I did hear that that I had 1 pre-malignant lesion - that was the bleeder. Thankfully, it was removed before it turned into a malignancy. I will go in for a another colonoscopy in 3 - 6 months so my doctor can make sure there is no residual polyp tissue left behind.

Two of the polyps were hyperplastic and showed areas of decreased blood flow. I know I don't have this sentence worded correctly and honestly isn't quite sure how to word it. My doctor said she wasn't "real happy with the report" (I think she meant in how it was written or worded) and said that she saw no evidence of decreased blood flow. She said my colon looked good and people with a disease that has decreased blood flow (I think she said disease) have very bad looking colons.

I have a list of questions already started for my face to face visit with her on Monday, the 29th and will definitely feel more "in the know" at that point. The main thing THAT I DO KNOW is that I did not have any cancer. So for that I am thankful. I am also thankful I was pro-active and went in went I felt I should and had this colonoscopy done now and not in 2 years when I am 50.

So it looks like colonoscopy's will be in my near future and then in my yearly future for a while but I guess that'a ok too. Better to know - stay on top of it and catch whatever needs to be caught before it turns into TROUBLE.

I will admit though, I was a little ticked off today. I felt like I was just one big genetic mess AND you know what, I probably am. http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif I also kind of felt like why do I do the things I do? Why do I exercise religiously? Why do I try to eat right? Why do I take the vitamins I do? Why do I care? Honestly, it really seems like what will be will be and it doesn't really matter what I do. I know that sounds like I have a major pity party going on AND I really don't. I just kind of felt that way for a bit but came to my senses and realized that although my body isn't perfect I AM HEALTHY - I AM CANCER FREE - AND I TAKE CARE OF THE SELF I HAVE RIGHT NOW. It can only benefit me - my heart - blood pressure - cholesterol - and overall well being. What will be will be............that is true...................God knows our tomorrow's.................that is true...............but for the now I need to be healthy, which in turn makes me happy, vibrant, energetic and better able to take care of me.

Thanks everyone for you concern and prayers. I appreciate the quick responses, love and support we give to each other when we need it.

Love & God's Peace to all,

Mary Jo

10-23-2007, 04:51 PM
I am sorry you didn't get the all clear. But I am pretty sure the treatment for pre-cancerous polyps is removal- so all done there! I am proud of you for being proactive and having the colonoscopy in the first place! I have a dear friend that had rectal bleeding for a year before his doctor sent him in for one and by then he had stage 3 colon cancer. He just finished chemo and radiation and is doing well.

I know it is frusturating. I was diagnosed with a thyroid malignancy after bc and felt like a two-time loser!! I mean what the heck???? Anyway, I snapped out of it and realized my bc experience probably prompted me to be very proactive in the thyroid department (my surgeon wanted to watch it). As they say, God works in mysterious ways!!

10-23-2007, 05:58 PM
and no, look at it THIS way, if you DIDN'T do the things you do, things could be a lot worse. Big huggs hon and relax and have a lovely evening.


Faith in Him
10-23-2007, 06:12 PM
Mary Jo, good for you for being proactive. I believe it was God's protection over you.

10-23-2007, 06:59 PM
Mary Jo,

Soirry you didn't get the exact report you were wishing for but you did get an overall good report. Just make sure you follow-up as directed by the doctor.

10-23-2007, 07:38 PM
Dear Mary Jo

Who knows why stuff happens? Did you get bc so you would be proactive to prevent colon cancer? If you didn't take care of yourself, would you have had 10 nodes affected versus barely one? And colon cancer at the same time too? Or a heart attack instead - only one being knows the answers to that and he is giving you all the tools to keep yourself safe. And safe you will be. So far so good. Things could always be better but they aren't worse!

Love, Becky

10-23-2007, 07:51 PM
Mary Jo -

The polyp was pre-cancerous - and now it's out - so you will probably have a colonoscopy more often than most people. So you will be watched over more closely, and you will be fine.

I know how you feel - I am not a smoker or a drinker, eat pretty well, exercised, have no family history of BC - I had my mammogram and breast ultrasound in June 2006 - get the all clear (lol) and have the breast reduction in Oct. 2006 and my PS finds the 1.7 cm. tumour. All the docs say this reduction surgery saved my life - they all think that tumour would not have been found in my big dense prenopausal breast for a few years, and then who knows what stage I would have been - probably not stage 1. It was a major pity party here for a few weeks and then once all my scans were coming in clear, and my onc. and breast surgeon gave me the plan of attack, I started to feel better and prepare for the fight.

So this is just another battle for you Mary Jo, but you are winning the battles and the war!

all the best

Mary Jo
10-23-2007, 07:57 PM
Hi Becky,

You're right!!! As usual!!!!http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif Things happen for a reason - I believe that, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I was just caught off guard I guess. When I had the abdominal CT scan a few weeks ago, that I was afraid of. I thought, "oh know...........the liver will be seen - what will they see?" The colonoscopy I didn't give a second thought too - for sure my colon was going to look great. Of course it will. I'm 47 years old - in good health - it will be perfect. So, when this "stuff" was found I was a bit shocked and then got ticked off. Sadly, I vented here and showed my ignorance in my silly thinking.

I feel better now and know that YES, it was a good thing I went in. It's a good thing I will be monitored closely and it is a GOOD THING I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF.

Thanks for your positive spirit when I needed it most AND thank you to the rest of you for your uplifting words as well.

Love, Mary Jo

10-23-2007, 08:13 PM
Because of a family history of colon ca (brother) I had my first 5 years ago...they found 3 polyps, two years later 4 more polyps one of which was precancerous, and last year (post BC treatment) I had NOTHING...NADA, absolutely no polyps! I was thrilled! The worst part is the darn prep and the best part is that when you wake up they have already plucked those "bad boys" out and one can get on with their life. That is of course unless something more serious is found in pathology. I just happen to think that colonoscopies are wonderful lifesaving tools...so please, think of it that way and hopefully the next time you will be clear as a whistle!

Big understanding hugs,marcia

10-23-2007, 08:41 PM
medium news. You're an experienced fighter now, so you'll be able to keep track of those polyps more efficiently than a newbie.

I feel the same way about getting all this at a relatively young age and decent behavior. It makes me want to start smoking cigars and playing poker 20 years from now. Want to join me? I'm too chicken to be bad now, but a lot of environmental influences do seem somewhat random here and now.

Maybe the purpose is for all of us to bump up our colon-cys. Hope all stays NED. Bev

10-23-2007, 10:10 PM
Mary Jo,
Always seeing the glass half full, I would say that you are one smart
cutie patootie! Continue to stay one step ahead and keep on having
your checkups.

Glad that all is going well for you.

10-24-2007, 09:48 AM
Marejo, It really is good news as they got before it turned into something bad. My onc keeps suggest colonoscopy to me and I keep avoiding it. Never had one and I am 53. Don't want to deal with that awful prep. You think they could come up with a better way to look at the colon.

Leslie's sister
10-24-2007, 12:27 PM
Mary Jo
Ditto to what everyone else says. You are smart to stay on top of everything, smart to take care of yourself, smart to leave no stone unturned. It can be rough at times, esp when it seems we do "everything right" and still don't have totally perfect results. The good news is that it is NOT cancer and you are now going to be vigilant about the colon. (As we all should be!) Keep on being agressive and thank you for being the light that you have always been!

10-24-2007, 03:16 PM
I am so thankful that you got the news you did. Yes more follow ups, but hey, no cancer! Yeah You! I agree with everyone here especially Becky. Only He knows why you are following this particular path. And if you didn't do all those things you do, you would probably be kicking yourself now thinking you did this to yourself. Many blessings to you this day, hugs Kriss

Mary Jo
10-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Once again............thanks everyone. As always, your words encouraged, inspired and kicked me in the butt where needed.http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

Love you,

Mary Jo

10-25-2007, 04:39 AM
Hey we all need a little nudge in the butt once in a while but it seems to me Mary Jo that you are doing exactly what is needed to keep yourself strong and healthy.

I always tell everyone that if it wasn't for this damn (excuse me) "BIG C" I would be healthy as a horse. I really think that has been a big factor in helping get through this.

So you keep up the good work Mary Jo and we all need to have a pity party once in a while . It is good to get it all out and this is the best place in town to do just that so keep it coming if you feel another need. We are all here for you.

Congrats on the good news...