View Full Version : Knee Mets? Question for a friend

10-12-2007, 02:28 PM
A friend (Stage IIIc, HER2 negative, ER/PR positive) is having great anxiety as she just had the results of an MRI to the knee, where she has been having great pain. The radiologist found something suspect and has suggested she get a bone scan. She is very worried that it's cancer. I've searched this site and can't find any references to knee mets. Any information would be appreciated.

10-12-2007, 09:35 PM
Hi Grace. Never heard of knee mets either, hopefully someone will have some info. I just wanted to say hi! Have you been busy, stranger?

10-13-2007, 12:03 AM
Hi Brenda,

I hope you're right. She's in a bit of a panic right now and I was hoping to find information to reassure her. I checked the internet as well and found nothing.

I've been dealing with change of season cold and still fixing up our house in Maine--it needs lots and lots of work. But on November 1 I plan to go back to writing. Right now trying to come up with an interesting plot, but not having much luck.

How are you? And how are the cats? You sound well from your posts. I still visit the board every day, just not posting as much. Stay well and thanks for thinking of me.

10-13-2007, 08:10 AM
Hey Grace

It must be prime leaf watching right about now! Most bone mets are in the torso (shoulders to hips and everything in between - like the ribs or spine) so a knee met would be weird. But alot of junk can be found on the knees and ankles as they take alot of abuse from running, sports etc so old injuries can really light up. My ankles look like Christmas trees and God only knows what a wreck my knees are from running and jogging!

I am sure she will find osteoarthritis or some other malady (bone on bone or cartilage defect) as these are more common than a knee met.

10-13-2007, 08:17 AM
Hi Grace
I guess anything can happen with this disease, but knee mets sounds a big strange. I agree with Becky about all the wear and tear our joints get. I
was once waiting for results of a bone scan, nervous as ever, and all they
saw was my messed up feet and ankles - they lit up and showed major inflammation. Hope this is just a plain old knee problem - they are very common. Good luck to you and your friend.

10-13-2007, 08:51 AM
Thanks all. I copied your posts and sent them to Patty as she is really in a panic. I hope we're all right--I think we are.

Becky--about leaf season. I was surprised at how interesting the changes are in Maine. We had a place in the Catskills once and it was beautiful there, but here the mixture of the green pines in between the golds and reds is spectacular. Makes me almost welcome all the work involved in being here--almost.

10-13-2007, 02:08 PM
I hope it is not a knee met, but I have a met in my femur which extends almost to my knee. They are very concerned about it because I would not be a candidate for a rod in my leg to strengthen the bone due to the proximity to the knee. Please keep us posted...I hope it is wrong.