View Full Version : Maybe you should read this study about G-CSF's

01-14-2007, 09:50 PM
I don't know if the same problems might apply to red cell colony stimulating factors, but I will try to find out.


01-16-2007, 02:41 PM

I chose not to use G-CSF's when I had chemo. It prolonged my chemo by 1 1/2 months (every 4 weeks instead of 3, and dose dense was neither common nor proven at the time). So although being in treatment longer was not a pleasure I decided against using G-CSF's. So far I'm NED at 5 years out from treatment, Stage 1.

At the time there was controversy about use of some of the rbc hemopoietic stimulators.


Christine MH-UK
01-16-2007, 03:51 PM
I had major problems with neutropenia even with three weekly chemo, so I had alot of GCSF just to make it through (still I have made it to 2007, which was better than I think people thought I would probably do). I will definitely pester the oncologist about bone issues next time I see him.

01-16-2007, 10:05 PM
They didn't say if the mice were doing AC, etc so perhaps in combo with a cytoxin you wouldn't have the tumor growth.

I did not like the way Nuelasta made me feel. I wouldn't do it if WBC's are over 1.3.

Thanks for the info Tom. BB

01-23-2007, 03:17 AM
I understand your concern, and thank you for the info especially relevant for bone mets to considere. I had dose dense chemo and became neutropenic, spent four days at hospital on drip when I had temperature, so G-CSF/neul for me was a welcome trade off for the rest of my treatment, so I would not be scared around people and my "lick everything that looks dirty" dog!! Luckily I did not get bone pain from it, and no apparent side effect except a huge WBC count, once up to 35 on neul. In a twisted way I told my self that these extra WBC may come useful at killing my herceptin marked cancer cell (antibodies), not sure it works that way but hey that was a reassuring thought..

Unfortunatly for what we have trade off and bashing at one thing to save another is the name of the game.