Genetect is looking for spit from people with metistatic breast cancer taking Avastin...
Not a clinical trial but was not sure where I should post this.
Here is a link to an article
3/11/13- normal mammo and US
4/30/13 Found pea sized lump while showering
5/10/13 core bx
5/15/13 dx IDC 1CM,
5/20/13 BRAC 1&2 neg
5/28/13 lumpectomy and SNB, ER/PR/Her-2+, Nodes neg,positive margins
6/13/13 revision of margins . Now clear
6/26/13 first TCH
Chemo Ninja~kutaki Zika Zukuchiri
10/18/13-Bx of calcification-neg whew
11/7/13 Started Radiation.
01/2014- Started Tamoxifen
06/09/14-Steriotactic BX left breast calcification-Benign
06/18/2014-completed one year of Herceptin!