Hi, I've been away for a while. Wondering about the safety of taking Bisphosphonates and can't get a straight answer from my endocrinologist. She wants me to take Fosamax. Fearful of the side effects since I've have chemo and Herceptin, plus radiation. Could I experience a long bone fracture? I have osteoporosis is both of my wrists and osteopenia in my spine. I had both of my hips replaced so they can't be scanned.
Anyone successfully taking these drugs? any negatives?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Dx: 2005 (pre-men, age 46) IDC Stage 1, no nodes
ER/PR -, Her2 +++
Lumpectomy with sential nodes negative
Chemo ACT, Rads, Herceptin for 10 months
Genetic testing 2008 BRACA 2 positive
Oopthectomy in 2008
Bilateral Mastectomy 2010, Reconstruction with expanders then silicone implants.