05-31-2018, 02:45 PM
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Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
My Thirteen years of survival can be attributed to those before me who participated in research. Please consider participating--many of you have experience with Bisphosphonates!
Many of you that know me know that I suffered a broken leg on the eve of my son Preston Bowen and daughter in law Victoria Bowen's wedding. Subsequently I had rods placed in both of my femurs. What you may not know is that I did not break my leg----my leg broke. I had AFF's (Atypical Femur Fractures) in both femurs for about two years prior to the actual break as a result of the use of bisphophonates (in my case Zometa) during the treatment of cancer. Bisphosphonates are used not only in the treatment of cancer, but also in the treatment of osteopenia and osteoporosis---something many women face as they grow older.
Not everyone who takes these drugs experience the difficulty that I did, but research is needed to help determine who is at risk and how better to utilize these medications while diminishing the risks.
Dr. Jennifer Schneider and Dr. Jane Corrarino, who have both been very helpful to me personally in my seeking of treatment for this condition, and who head up a support group of people who have experienced AFF's, actively promote research into the study of the condition.
Below is a link to a survey seeking input from users of Bisphosphonates who HAVE NOT experienced AFF's, and/or who have been successfully treated for Osteopenia or osteoporosis with the drugs.
Please consider taking this survey to help gather information for research that will help everyone who may need the benefits of these medications.
Since my cancer diagnosis 13 years ago I have participated in every survey, study, etc. possible that might help others, because it was research that people before me participated in that ultimately saved my life.
If you have taken or are taking any drug classified as a Bisphophonate (a drug to build up or prevent bone loss) please consider taking this survey. If you are not sure, feel free to ask me if the drug you take may be one. I personally thank you for your participation.
Rhonda Hall Bowen

<A href="https://www.facebook.com/OurBodiesOurselves/?hc_ref=ARQzF_gxzeQqS-ylBZDxoj4s76F6KUQnoy3RKlrLzK2jwC_hemUtuHwACuNIx4ZI K-c&fref=nf" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=85882130942&extragetparams=%7B%22hc_re f%22%3A%22ARQzF_gxzeQqS-ylBZDxoj4s76F6KUQnoy3RKlrLzK2jwC_hemUtuHwACuNIx4ZI K-c%22%2C%22fref%22%3A%22nf%22%7D" data-hovercard-prefer-more-content-show="1" data-hovercard-referer="ARQzF_gxzeQqS-ylBZDxoj4s76F6KUQnoy3RKlrLzK2jwC_hemUtuHwACuNIx4ZI K-c">Our Bodies OurselvesLike Page May 21 at 4:53pm ·
Do you take medication for osteopenia or osteoporosis? If so, please consider taking this survey.
Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs (including Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel (risedronate), Boniva (ibandronate), and Reclast /Zometa (zoledronic acid) that are widely used to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
A small proportion of patients who take these drugs for 3-5 years fracture one or both femurs after minimal or no trauma, often with delayed healing. It is not yet known why certain patients are at risk for this serious side effect. Some researchers are looking at possible genetic predispositions.
Jennifer Schneider M.D., Ph.D, is spearheading a study to try to find out what other factors might impact a person’s risk. She and her colleagues have created an online survey and are currently looking for a comparison group of women who took in the past and/or are currently taking any of these drugs but did NOT experience what is called an Atypical Femur Fracture.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is entirely anonymous. It can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8MC3BRZ
Rhonda (Sassy)
dx age 45
DX 2/15/05 Stage IIb (at surgery)restaged IIIa
Left mast .9cm tumor 5 of 14 nodes
Triple Positive
4 DD A/C
12 Taxol/Herceptin
Strange infect mast site one year aft surg, hosp 1 wk
Herceptin for total of 18 months
Lupron Monthly 4 yrs
Neurontin for aches, pains and hot flashes(It works!)
Ovaries removed 11/09 stop Lupron and Neurontin
Arimidex 6 yrs (tried Femara, no SE improvement)
Tried Exemestane-hips got so bad could hardly walk
Back to Arimidex for year seven
Zometa 2X Annual for 7years, Lasix
Stop Arimidex 5/13
Stop Zometa 7/13-Bi-lateral Stress Fractures in Femurs from Zometa
5/14 Start Tamoxifen
3/15 Stem cell transplant to stimulate femur bone growth/healing
5/15 Complete fracture of right femur/Titanium rods both femurs
9/16 Start Evista stopTamoxifen
3/17 Stop Evista--unwelcome side effects!
NED and no meds.......
06-01-2018, 10:11 AM
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Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Curious to know what you and your medical team are doing to strengthen your bones other than the rods. This is a very interesting thread as the worry of my bones becoming actually weaker stopped my use of Clondronate, a bisphosphonate. I think you will get responses to your survey as there are many here who have been on one form of bisphosphonate or another for many years of continual use.
Smile On!
Dx'd w/multifocal DCIS/IDS 3/08
7mm invasive component
Partial mast. 5/08
Stage 1b, ER 80%, PR 90%, HER-2 6.9 on FISH
0/5 nodes
4 AC, 4 TH finished 9/08
Herceptin every 3 weeks. Finished 7/09
Tamoxifen 10/08. Switched to Femara 8/09
Bilat SPM w/reconstruction 10/08
Clinical Trial w/Clondronate 12/08
Stopped Clondronate--too hard on my gizzard!
Switched back to Tamoxifen due to tendon pain from Femara
15 Years NED
I think I just might hang around awhile....
06-01-2018, 10:34 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,045
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
I just took the survey. I have been on Fosamax for 4 years now. I just had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago and my results were better than they were 2 years ago. I still have osteopenia but a bit less. Given I am on an estrogen blocker, Arimidex, I'll take that result!!
I walk and also do a workout called TTapp which has been clinically proven to improve bone density without weights. It has definitely worked for me and I will continue to do it! If anyone wants more info, please pm me.
Carol Ann
July 24, 2013: "Infected" Right Nipple and benign cyst removed, pathology report revealed Paget's, DCIS, and ILC 1.25 cm, ER+/Pro+/HER2 equivocal, Grade 2 under benign cyst, previous diagnostic mammo/ultrasound said I was perfectly healthy in both breasts.
Aug 18, 2013: MRI report says Left breast is perfectly healthy "consistent with previous studies".
Sept 2013: I insist on a bilateral mastectomy anyway. Too nervewracking to let left breast remain with higher risk after 3 cancers in right, nipple in right is already gone anyhow.
Sept 18, 2013: Bilateral mastectomy, 11 right nodes removed, ALL negative BUT -- ER+/PRO+/HER2+ tumor, 1.0 cm, Grade 2 found in a piece of "grossly unremarkable" breast tissue from prophylactic mastectomy of left breast, no nodes removed.
Oct 25, 2013: 13 left side nodes removed, ALL negative, Stage 1 across the board, NO RADS needed, YAAAAY! Port also installed.
Nov 25, 2013 Begin 6 rounds TCH.
March 10, 2014 Just finished 6th and LAST Chemo today, YAAAAAY!
March 24, 2014 Echocardiogram to make sure I'm still good for Herceptin every 3 weeks.
March 31, 2014 Echo results NORMAL, first Herceptin all by itself. Now if only my eyes would stop streaming from the Taxotere ... :)
April 21, 2014 Started Arimidex and therapy for "mild" lymphedema in left hand and arm
May 2014 Therapy completed, I have sleeves and gloves for both arms, a Flexi touch lymph pump to hook up to for an hour every day, and I've become an arm bandaging expert. :)
June 2014 Begin Fosamax to prevent osteoporosis; bone scan revealed osteopenia
Nov 17, 2014 FINAL Herceptin!
Dec 4, 2014 My right thigh muscle has been extra achy for days ... I discover a blister rash cluster on the side of my right thigh while taking a shower. Port appointment cancelled until Dec 17, my doc is working me in tomorrow afternoon to see me and the rash. My muscle at least feels less achy.
Dec 5, 2014 Yep, I have shingles. Boo! I start acyclovir and also have a prescription for a painkiller just in case for over the weekend.
Dec 17, 2014 Port is OUT!
January 2016 Shingles again and this time it started where my left breast (where the hidden HER2+++ tumor was!) used to be. My onc nurse got me a same day appointment to see my doc when I called and told her I had a rash on the site. The antiviral meds are working once again, though, so that is good news. :)
06-01-2018, 03:21 PM
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Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Done, is it okay to share this survey?
Dx July '05 IDC 1.9cm Triple positive 3/9 nodes positive
A/C X 4 ..Taxol/Herceptin x 12 wks then herceptin 1 yr
Rads x 36 ..oophorectomy August '06
Currently taking Arimidex..
June 2011 osteopenia/ zometa x1 yearly- stopped Zometa 2015 as Dexa show normal bone density.
Stopped Arimidex July 2014- Restarted Arimidex 2015 for a further two years on the advice of my Onc.
2014 Normal Dexa scan
2018 Mammo all clear, still NED!
06-01-2018, 08:19 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Mountains of Virginia
Posts: 2,267
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Please do share- more participants provides more data.
Rhonda (Sassy)
dx age 45
DX 2/15/05 Stage IIb (at surgery)restaged IIIa
Left mast .9cm tumor 5 of 14 nodes
Triple Positive
4 DD A/C
12 Taxol/Herceptin
Strange infect mast site one year aft surg, hosp 1 wk
Herceptin for total of 18 months
Lupron Monthly 4 yrs
Neurontin for aches, pains and hot flashes(It works!)
Ovaries removed 11/09 stop Lupron and Neurontin
Arimidex 6 yrs (tried Femara, no SE improvement)
Tried Exemestane-hips got so bad could hardly walk
Back to Arimidex for year seven
Zometa 2X Annual for 7years, Lasix
Stop Arimidex 5/13
Stop Zometa 7/13-Bi-lateral Stress Fractures in Femurs from Zometa
5/14 Start Tamoxifen
3/15 Stem cell transplant to stimulate femur bone growth/healing
5/15 Complete fracture of right femur/Titanium rods both femurs
9/16 Start Evista stopTamoxifen
3/17 Stop Evista--unwelcome side effects!
NED and no meds.......
06-01-2018, 11:07 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: LA LA Land
Posts: 1,607
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
I just took the survey 
1996 cancer WTF?! 1.3 cm lumpectomy Er/Pr neg. Her2+ (20nodes NEGATIVE) did CMF + rads. NED.
2002 recurrence. Bilateral mastectomy w/TFL autologous recon. Then ACx2. Skin lymphatic rash. Taxotere w/Herceptin x4. Herceptin/Xeloda. Finally stops spreading.
2003 - Back to surgery, remove skin mets, and will have surgery one week later when pathology can confirm margins.
‘03 latisimus dorsi flap to remove skin mets. CLEAN MARGINS. Continue single agent Herceptin thru 4/04. NED.
‘04 '05 & 06 tiny recurrences - scar line. surgery to cut out. NED each time.
1/2006 Rads again, to scar line. NED.
3/07 Heartbreaking news - mets! lungs.sternum. Try Tykerb/Xeloda. Tykerb/Carbo/Gemzar. Switch Oncs.
12/07 Herceptin.Tykerb. Markers go stable.
2/8/08 gamma knife 13mm stupid brain met.
3/08 Herceptin/tykerb/avastin/zometa.
3/09 brain NED. Lungs STABLE.
4/09 attack sternum (10 daysPHOTONS.5 days ELECTRONS)
9/09 MARKERS normal!
3/10 PET/CT=manubrium intensely metabolically active but stable. NEDhead.
Wash out 5/10 for tdm1 but 6/10 CT STABLE, PET improving. Markers normal. Brain NED. Resume just Herceptin plus ZOMETA
Dec 2010 Brain NED, lungs/sternum stable. markers normal.
MAR 2011 stop Herceptin/allergy! Go back on Tykerb and switch to Xgeva.
May-Aug 2011 Tykerb Herceptin Xgeva.
Sept 2011 Tykerb, Herceptin, Zometa, Avastin.
April 2012 sketchy drug trial in NYC. 6 weeks later I’m NED!
OCT 2012 PET/CT shows a bunch of freakin’ progression. Back to LA and Herceptin.avastin.zometa.
12/20/12 add in PERJETA!
March 2013 – 5 YEARS POST continue HAPZ
APRIL 2013 - 6 yrs stage 4. "FAILED" PETscan on 4/2/13
May 2013: rePetted - improvement in lungs, left adrenal stable, right 6th rib inactive, (must be PERJETA avastin) sternum and L1 fruckin'worsen. Drop zometa. ADD Xgeva. Doc says get rads consultant for L1 and possible biopsy of L1. I say, no thanks, doc. Lets see what xgeva brings to the table first. It's summer.
June-August 2013HAPX Herceptin Avastin Perjeta xgeva.
Sept - now - on chemo hold for calming tummy we hope. Markers stable for 2 months.
Nov 2013 - Herceptin-Perjeta-Avastin-Xgeva (collageneous colitis, which explains tummy probs, added Entocort)
December '13 BRAIN MRI ned in da head.
FEB 2014 PetCT clinical “impression”: 1. newbie nodule - SUV 1.5 right apical nodule, mildly hypermetabolic “suggestive” of worsening neoplastic lesion. 2. moderate worsening of the sternum – SUV 5.6 from 3.8
3. increasing sclerosis & decreasing activity of L1 met “suggests” mild healing. (SUV 9.4 v 12.1 in May ‘13)
4. scattered lung nodules, up to 5mm in size = stable, no increased activity
5. other small scattered sclerotic lesions, one in right iliac and one in thoracic vertebral body similar in appearance to L1 without PET activity and not clearly pathologic
October 2014: hold avastin, continue HPX
Feb 2015 Cancer you lost. NEDHEAD 7 years post gamma zap miracle, 8 years ST4, +19 yrs original diagnosis.
Continue HPX. Adding back Avastin
Nov 2015 pet/ct is mixed result. L1 SUV is worse. Continue Herceptin/avastin/xgeva. Might revisit Perjeta for L1. Meantime going for rads consult for L1
December 2015 - brain stable. Continue Herceptin, Perjeta, Avastin and xgeva.
Jan 2016: 5 days, 20 grays, Rads to L1 and continue on HAPX. I’m trying to "save" TDM1 for next line. Hope the rads work to quiet L1. Sciatic pain extraordinaire :((
Markers drop post rads.
2/24/16 HAP plus X - markers are down
3/23/16 Laminectomy w/coflex implant L4/5. NO MORE SCIATIC PAIN!!! Healing.
APRIL 2016 - 9 YRS MBC
July 2016 - continue HAP plus Xgeva.
DEC 2016 - PETCT: mets to sternum, lungs, L1 still about the same in size and PET activity. Markers not bad. Not making changes if I don't need to. Herceptin/Perjeta/Avastin/Xgeva
December 2017 - Progression - gonna switch it up
FEB 2018 - Kadcyla 3 cycles ---->progression :(
MAY30th - bronchoscopy, w/foundation1 - her2 enriched
Aug 27, 2018 - start clinical trial ZW25
JAN 2019 - ZW25 seems to be keeping me stable
MAY 2019 - progression back on herceptin add xeloda
JUNE 2019 - "6 mos average survival" LMD & CNS new single brain met - one zap during 5 days true beam SBRT to cord met
10/30/19 - stable brain and cord. progression lungs and bones. washing out. applying for ds8201a w nivolumab. hope they take me.
12/27/19 - begin ds8401a w nivolumab. after 2nd cycle nodes melt away. after 3rd cycle chest scan shows Improvement, brain MRI shows improvement, resolved areas & nothing new. switch to plain ENHERTU. after 4th cycle, PETscan shows mostly resolved or improved results. Markers near normal. I'm stunned but grateful.
10/26/20 - June 2021 Tucatinib/xeloda/herceptin - stable ish.
06-03-2018, 01:53 PM
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Location: Ireland
Posts: 3,463
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Thanks Sassy!
Dx July '05 IDC 1.9cm Triple positive 3/9 nodes positive
A/C X 4 ..Taxol/Herceptin x 12 wks then herceptin 1 yr
Rads x 36 ..oophorectomy August '06
Currently taking Arimidex..
June 2011 osteopenia/ zometa x1 yearly- stopped Zometa 2015 as Dexa show normal bone density.
Stopped Arimidex July 2014- Restarted Arimidex 2015 for a further two years on the advice of my Onc.
2014 Normal Dexa scan
2018 Mammo all clear, still NED!
06-03-2018, 08:10 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Virginia
Posts: 116
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
done - thanks!
04/06, (42), 2cm tumor, 7/13 nodes, one positive node under clavicle
grade 3, stage lllb, er-65+, pr-90+, her2+++(80%)
4/AC, 12wks TH then 6wks rads
40 wks herceptin, and tamoxifen.
onc test tamoxifen resistance = poor metabilizer
04/07 ooph & on arimidex
08/07 completed herceptin
04/2022 - 16 year survivor!
06-06-2018, 01:48 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 437
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
be happy too!.
Dxed Stage IIIC May 05, 12 pos nodes
er/pr -neg,Her -pos
Right partial mast & partial axillary dissection-June14,2005
Right modified mast-no clear margins- June 30, 2005
DD AC x4
Taxotere X4 with Herceptin
Rads x 35( 5 fields )
Left prophylactive mast( atypia & hyperplasia found ),
put on Tamoxifen x 1 yr; D/ced due to endometrial thickening
bilateral recon (saline implants)May 06
Nipple recon July 06
metformin 2010
removal of implants due to severe encapsulation, insertion of gummies 2013
Reclast Q yr
06-11-2018, 06:25 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Misty woods of WA State
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Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
My 2 cents worth is now in the survey. Thanks for posting this.
"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest." H.D. Thoreau
Live in the moment.
Found suspicious lump 9/2000
Lumpectomy, then node dissection and port placement
Stage IIB, 8 pos nodes of 18, Grade 3, ER & PR -
Adriamycin 12 weekly, taxotere 4 rounds
36 rads - very little burning
3 mos after rads liver full of tumors, Stage IV Jan 2002, one spot on sternum
Weekly Taxol, Navelbine, Herceptin for 27 rounds to NED!
2003 & 2004 no active disease - 3 weekly Herceptin + Zometa
Jan 2005 two mets to brain - Gamma Knife on Jan 18
All clear until treated cerebellum spot showing activity on Jan 2006 brain MRI & brain PET
Brain surgery on Feb 9, 2006 - no cancer, 100% radiation necrosis - tumor was still dying
Continue as NED while on Herceptin & quarterly Zometa
Fall-2006 - off Zometa - watching one small brain spot (scar?)
2007 - spot/scar in brain stable - finished anticoagulation therapy for clot along my port-a-catheter - 3 angioplasties to unblock vena cava
2008 - Brain and body still NED! Port removed and scans in Dec.
Dec 2008 - stop Herceptin - Vaccine Trial at U of W begun in Oct. of 2011
STILL NED everywhere in Feb 2014 - on wing & prayer
7/14 - Started twice yearly Zometa for my bones
Jan. 2015 checkup still shows NED
2015 Neuropathy in feet - otherwise all OK - still NED.
Same news for 2016 and all of 2017.
Nov of 2017 - had small skin cancer removed from my face. Will have Zometa end of Jan. 2018.
06-14-2018, 06:00 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Oregon
Posts: 715
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Very interesting. Thanks for posting the survey.
Found my own lump in the shower
April 2006 at the age of 58
Stage IIB, ER- PR- HER2+++ multi focal tumors, largest 2.3cm
Chemo first: AC/Taxol over 16 weeks
Bilateral mastectomy Sep 06
33 rads after the surgery
1 year of Herceptin completed Dec 07
15 years and no recurrence as of April 2021
06-19-2018, 06:04 AM
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Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Took the survey. Did take Clastoban because I had some bone reduction during treatment but so far, broken bones have not been my problem. More problems due to radiation for me.
Health and happiness
06-19-2018, 03:39 PM
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Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Survey done!
09-01-2018, 06:13 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Mountains of Virginia
Posts: 2,267
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Thanks to all who have participated. We need about 50 more folks so please share with anyone you can. I will try to keep everyone posted with news as I have it available!
Rhonda (Sassy)
dx age 45
DX 2/15/05 Stage IIb (at surgery)restaged IIIa
Left mast .9cm tumor 5 of 14 nodes
Triple Positive
4 DD A/C
12 Taxol/Herceptin
Strange infect mast site one year aft surg, hosp 1 wk
Herceptin for total of 18 months
Lupron Monthly 4 yrs
Neurontin for aches, pains and hot flashes(It works!)
Ovaries removed 11/09 stop Lupron and Neurontin
Arimidex 6 yrs (tried Femara, no SE improvement)
Tried Exemestane-hips got so bad could hardly walk
Back to Arimidex for year seven
Zometa 2X Annual for 7years, Lasix
Stop Arimidex 5/13
Stop Zometa 7/13-Bi-lateral Stress Fractures in Femurs from Zometa
5/14 Start Tamoxifen
3/15 Stem cell transplant to stimulate femur bone growth/healing
5/15 Complete fracture of right femur/Titanium rods both femurs
9/16 Start Evista stopTamoxifen
3/17 Stop Evista--unwelcome side effects!
NED and no meds.......
10-25-2018, 03:20 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Port Hedland, Australia
Posts: 382
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Morning Sassy.
I completed the survey back when you posted it however I just found out yesterday i have a stress fracture in my right femur. Not terribly painful just annoying really. I see my onc in 3 weeks and would like to go with suggestions on how to proceed as when I mentioned the pain could be due to biphosphonates he scoffed.
Please, if you have time, could you tell me what you and your onc did to help and how you are going?
Many thanks,
Diagnosed Nov '10 IDC whilst pregnant with 2nd child
Her 2 ++ ER/PR + but weak and patchy 50% + 5%
Left mastectomy Dec '10, 6cm tumour 1 of 2 lymph (micro mets)
Clear margins but lymphovasculer invasion
Stage 3a Grade 3
Fec 100 x 3 Jan '11 Taxotere X 3 and Herceptin X 1yr
Staging scans - CT brain & body and bone - May '11 - NED!!
Start Femara - in chemo induced menapause
25 Rads June '11
Dec '11 Menstruation resumed - zoladex inj monthly and Tamoxifen
Feb '12 Back on Femera and Zoladex
March '12 CT brain & body & bone scan all clear
Zometa x2/yearly
April '12 - Oopherectomy
Praying the Herceptin is as good as its hype!!
11-11-2018, 07:32 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 206
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
Hi, having recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis and advised to go on bisphosphonates, I suddenly started to look at the issue. For those on estrogen/hormone adjusters of various sorts the water is muddied, because estrogen and these chemicals all affect the situation. But for those of us who are not, ie who are Er- and Pr- I was really interested to learn that the body draws a lot of calcium out of the bones when pH levels need to be adjusted in a big way. And this happens when the body has a large amount of protein to break down. And this happens when tissue is destroyed in large quantities. Which is what happens during chemotherapy and radiotherapy isn't it?
So why ISN'T this aspect of chemotherapy/radiotherapy being managed as it happens and as the protein (from tumour damage and also from all the damage to our body cells) is being broken down in the body? And why ISN'T this big loss of calcium from our bones being managed and reversed? This is a whole different ballgame to old-age osteoporosis and needs different research, different treatments and a different understanding.
1997-2004 many cysts, many MG & U/S: polycystic breasts.
Sept 2013 found lump,Cyst?? forgot lump.
Dec 2013 GP check, Referred for U/S, MG,FNA.
7 Jan 2014 Radiology: Radiologist turned screen away from me. When asked she said "Not a cyst, very suspicious.See your GP asa results avail."
Cancelled my psych clients for the week.
8 Jan 14 GP: 2.2cm IDC in 6cm DCIS field. FNA=malignant cells. Referred to Surgeon.
Cancelled my psych clients for the month.
13 Jan 14 Surgeon said L mastectomy not lumpectomy, offered neoadjunctive trial, agreed adjunctive chemo after surgery a good choice for me. Booked Body scan and bone scan for staging (both fine) Surgery for16 Jan,
16 Jan 14 Surgeon also agreed in preop meeting to also remove 6cm fatty cyst in job lot. Good job done.
19 Jan 14 discharged home with 1 drain.
22 Jan 14 drain partly pulled out overnight, serious seroma (600 ml reducing removed every 2 days for a month) Serious staph infection because nurse said wait 3 days for yr surgeon appointment.
26Jan 14 pathology: 2.2cm Grade 3(3,3,2)ER-, PgR-, HER2+2 so to be confirmed by Sish test. Node negative. No vascular or lymphatic involvement. No metastases in scans.
30 Jan 14 HER2+ high amplification, 13 gene copies per cell.
21st Feb 14 Began 3wkly TCH adjuvant treatment at The Mount Hospital Perth, with 3monthly MUGA heart tests +Oncologist or Surgeon full physical check-up.
Cancelled my psych clients for 6 months.
Feb 14 First MUGA test: 71%,
First C15.3 test: 20
7th March 14 began Neulasta self-applied injections 24hrs after each TCH treatment. Bonepain helped by spa, heatpacks and Claritin, reflux/indigestion helped by Somac.
July 14 completed docetaxol and carboplatin, ongoing herceptin to 12 months. Severe cognitive deficit/fatigue after 1pm daily.
Sept 14 Second MUGA test: 69%
Cancelled my psych clients for 2014
Dec 14 Third MUGA test: 70%
Second C15.3 test : 20
Cognitive fatigue delays return to work.
March 2015 Tachycardia pulse 168, night in hospital. Cardiologist says no heart disease, ALIVE ECG attachment for my mobile phone now regular monitoring.
July 2015 Worktrial, up to 8hrs per wk. Fatigue ongoing
Aug 2015 Heart good, no evidence of cancer, just Fatigue.
May 2019 Melanoma 1.5cm Stage 1 by right collarbone(was present as large freckle in 2014 and cut through by breast surgeon to remove fatty cyst at same time as mastectomy.) Melanoma removed leaving scar from shoulder to breastbone. In hospital twice for IV antibiotics. Told catagorically this could not be BC mets.
Dec 2019 Still NED, still fatigue in late afternoon, but have my brain back in the early mornings. So most days I watch the sunrise and hear the birds morning chorus in my bush backyard and am glad to be alive and to be me still.
07-30-2020, 11:33 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 25
Re: Survey on bisphosphonates-please participate
I'm not sure if this thread is still open, but I finished my chemo and rads for ER- PR- Her2+++ 14 years ago. I had A/C, Taxol and Herception but no bone strengtheners. Now I have low bone density and Endocronologist wants me on bisphophonates. Should I? She is concerned about mini spinal fractures when I'm in my 70s and 80s. I'm 61 now. Any thoughts, recommendations?
Dx: 2005 (pre-men, age 46) IDC Stage 1, no nodes
ER/PR -, Her2 +++
Lumpectomy with sential nodes negative
Chemo ACT, Rads, Herceptin for 10 months
Genetic testing 2008 BRACA 2 positive
Oopthectomy in 2008
Bilateral Mastectomy 2010, Reconstruction with expanders then silicone implants.
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