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Old 05-06-2014, 11:12 AM   #1
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Final chemo!

Along with Lacie I sit here and am officially receiving my very last dosage of taxol/herceptin . It's been a long haul especially fighting off the fatigue and the onset of neuropathy . I feel so blessed to have made it to all 12 txs. But now chemo will be in my rear view mirror.
]11/13 Dx IDC left breast
11/19/2013 Inflammatory Breast Cancer stage 3c grade 2 Er- Pr- her2+++
Node involvement suspected based on CT
12/13 port placed
12/13 neoadjuvant DD AC xs 4 rounds started
02/14 taxol/herceptin started every week xs 12 rounds
Herceptin for 1 year
BRCA1&2 negative
5/06/14 last round taxol/herceptin. Chemo done!!!
5/07/14 clear CT scan
6/11/14 Bilateral Mastectomy Done
6/15/14 8mm tumor post chemo. Removed by bmx
6/15/14 lymph nodes 0/9
6/15/14 officially Cancer Free
7/11/14 emergency surgery to left breast . Wound refused to heal and broke open. New TE placed
7/28/14 emergency medical procedure now to right breast( post op 6 weeks mastectomy ) wound opens.
8/25/14 - 10/07/14 Radiation
11/24/14 CT of Brain clear
01/23/15 One year Herceptin Complete
02/04/15 Diep done
5/01/15 1 year Ct scan- mass in thymus
6/23/15 repeat CT mass in thymus still present
6/30/15 biopsy thymus 7/03/15 mass Benign! Diagnoses Thymic hyperplasia rebound ( chemo at fault, no long term health effects)
7/08/15 phase 2 diep
11/23/15 phase 2b ( reconstructive surgery with lipo)
03/05/18 Vinnie Myer 3 D nipple tattoos complete.
11/19/2018 5 years since Dx of IBC stage 3c remain NED.
11/19/21- 8 years today I officially remain NED and in 12 days I will be having a lymphnode transfer to help decrease some mild lymphedema! Still working, living life and soon to see a day I thought never would happen and that’s becoming a grandparent June 22nd.
11/19/2023 - 10 years since diagnosis and I remain NED
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Old 05-06-2014, 11:16 AM   #2
Carol Ann
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Re: Final chemo!

YAAAAAAY!!!! This calls for CHOCOLATE! (As soon as it tastes good again and not like stale celery ... )

July 24, 2013: "Infected" Right Nipple and benign cyst removed, pathology report revealed Paget's, DCIS, and ILC 1.25 cm, ER+/Pro+/HER2 equivocal, Grade 2 under benign cyst, previous diagnostic mammo/ultrasound said I was perfectly healthy in both breasts.

Aug 18, 2013: MRI report says Left breast is perfectly healthy "consistent with previous studies".

Sept 2013: I insist on a bilateral mastectomy anyway. Too nervewracking to let left breast remain with higher risk after 3 cancers in right, nipple in right is already gone anyhow.

Sept 18, 2013: Bilateral mastectomy, 11 right nodes removed, ALL negative BUT -- ER+/PRO+/HER2+ tumor, 1.0 cm, Grade 2 found in a piece of "grossly unremarkable" breast tissue from prophylactic mastectomy of left breast, no nodes removed.

Oct 25, 2013: 13 left side nodes removed, ALL negative, Stage 1 across the board, NO RADS needed, YAAAAY! Port also installed.

Nov 25, 2013 Begin 6 rounds TCH.

March 10, 2014 Just finished 6th and LAST Chemo today, YAAAAAY!

March 24, 2014 Echocardiogram to make sure I'm still good for Herceptin every 3 weeks.

March 31, 2014 Echo results NORMAL, first Herceptin all by itself. Now if only my eyes would stop streaming from the Taxotere ... :)

April 21, 2014 Started Arimidex and therapy for "mild" lymphedema in left hand and arm

May 2014 Therapy completed, I have sleeves and gloves for both arms, a Flexi touch lymph pump to hook up to for an hour every day, and I've become an arm bandaging expert. :)

June 2014 Begin Fosamax to prevent osteoporosis; bone scan revealed osteopenia

Nov 17, 2014 FINAL Herceptin!

Dec 4, 2014 My right thigh muscle has been extra achy for days ... I discover a blister rash cluster on the side of my right thigh while taking a shower. Port appointment cancelled until Dec 17, my doc is working me in tomorrow afternoon to see me and the rash. My muscle at least feels less achy.

Dec 5, 2014 Yep, I have shingles. Boo! I start acyclovir and also have a prescription for a painkiller just in case for over the weekend.

Dec 17, 2014 Port is OUT!

January 2016 Shingles again and this time it started where my left breast (where the hidden HER2+++ tumor was!) used to be. My onc nurse got me a same day appointment to see my doc when I called and told her I had a rash on the site. The antiviral meds are working once again, though, so that is good news. :)
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Old 05-06-2014, 02:01 PM   #3
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Re: Final chemo!

Congratulations! One day I'll be saying the same thing : )
World Trade Center Survivor (56th Floor/North Tower): 14 years and still just like yesterday.
Graves Disease, became Euthyroid via Radioactive Iodine, June 2001.
Thyroid Eye Disease. 2003. Decompression surgery in 2009; eyelid lowering surgery in 2010.
Diagnosed: June 2010, liver mets. ER-/PR+10%; HER2+++.
July 2010: Begin Taxol/Herceptin. Eliminate sugar from diet. No surgery or radiation.
January 2011: NED
April 2011: Progression in liver only. Other previous affected areas eradicated. Stop Taxol/Herceptin after 32 infusions.
May 2011: Brain MRI: clear.
May 2011: Begin Tykerb daily, Xeloda twice per day for one week on, one week off, and Herceptin.
November 2011: Progression in liver. All other tumors remain eradicated.
December 2011: BEGIN TRIAL #09-093 Taxol, MCC-DM1 (T-DM1), Perjeta.
Trial requires scans every six weeks, bloodwork and infusions weekly.
Brain MRI: clear.
January 2012: NED. Liver mets, good riddance!
March 2012: NED. Developed SMA (rare blood clot) in intestinal artery and loss of sight in right eye due to optical nerve neuropathy. Resolved when Taxol removed this month.
Continue Protocol of T-DM1 weekly and Perjeta every 3 weeks.
May 2012: NED.
June 2012: Brain MRI: clear.
June-December 2012: NED.
December 2012: TRIAL CONCLUDED; ENTER TRIAL EXTENSION #09-037. CT, Brain MRI, bone scan: clear. NED.
January-March 2013: NED.
June 2013: Brain MRI: clear. CEA upticking; CT shows new met on liver.
July 3, 2013: DISASTER STRIKES during liver ablation: sloppy surgeon cuts intercostal artery and I bleed out, lose 3.5 liters of blood, have major hemothorax, and collapsed lung requiring emergency resuscitative thoracotomy, lung surgery, rib rearrangement and cutting deep connective tissue, transfusion. Ablation incomplete. This life-saving procedure would end up causing me unforgiving pain with every movement I make, permanently, otherwise known as forever.
July 26, 2013: Try Navelbine/Herceptin. Body too weak after surgery and transfusion. Fever. CEA: Normal.
August 16, 2016: second dose Navelbine/Herceptin; CEA: Normal. Will skip doses. Watching and waiting.
September 2013: NED, Herceptin only. CEA: Normal. Started Arimidex.
October-November 2013: NED. Herceptin and Arimidex. CEA, CA125, 15-3: Normal.
December 2013: Something brewing. PET lights up on little spot on liver; CEA upward trend, just outside normal. PET and triphasic liver scan confirm Little Met. Restart Perjeta with Herceptin, stay on Arimidex. Genomic sequencing completed for future treatments, if necessary.
January 2014: Ablate Little Met on the 6th. Happy New Year.
March 2014: Brain MRI: clear. PET/CT reveal liver mets return; new lung mets. This is not funny.
March 2014: BEGIN TRIAL #10-005 A(11)-Temsirolimus plus Neratinib.
April 2014: Genomic testing indicated they could work, they did not. Very strange drug combo for me, felt weird.
April 2014: Started Navelbine and Herceptin. Needed something tried and true, but had significant progression.
June 2014: Doxil and Herceptin.
July 2014: Progression. Got nothing out of it. Brain: NED.
July 2014: Add integrative medical hematologist-oncologist to my team. Begin supplements. These are tumor-busting, immune system boosters. Add glutathione, lysine and taurine IV infusions every three weeks.
July 2014: Begin Gemzar, Herceptin & Perjeta. Happy.
August 2014: ECHO perfect.
January 2015: Begin weekly Vitamin D Analog infusions. 25 mcg. via port.
February 2015: CT: stable.
April 2015: Gem working, but not 100%. Looking into immunotherapy. Finally, treatments for the 21st century!
April 2015: Penn Medicine. Dendritic cell immunotherapy.
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Old 05-06-2014, 02:10 PM   #4
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Re: Final chemo!

So happy for you!
1/17/14 Day after 44th b-day, Got dx of 2 malignancies Rt breast; ER/PgR- HER2+
1/21/14 Biopsy of spot on left; normal
1/28/14 PET scan - CLEAR!
1/29/14 BRCA normal!
1/31/14 Sentinel node biopsy
2/5/14 Nodes are CLEAR! Stage I/IIa, N0, M0
2/13/14 Start Chemo, 6 rounds for 18 weeks prior to surgery
2/28/14 Port placed
3/6/14 Chemo Round 2
3/27/14 Chemo Round 3 (halfway done!)
4/11/14 u/s shows 2cm tumor about 2x5mm now!
4/17/14 Chemo Round 4
5/8/14 Chemo Round 5 and Daughter's Birthday :)
5/27/14 Last Chemo Party - Round 6
6/17 14 Herceptin only until next Feb.
6/20/14 BMX/Immediate reconstruction DONE
6/30/14 Path report back...NED!
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Old 05-06-2014, 07:20 PM   #5
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Re: Final chemo!

Yeah! congratulations. I am looking forward to that day myself.
HX: left breast IDC T1a node negative 1999. Lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy, radiation therapy, 5 years of Tamoxifen, 1 year of Femara discontinued due to intolerance.
3/21/14 almost 15 years later abnormal mammogram 2 cm right breast mass deep in the breast by the chest wall, mammogram last year was normal. Ultra sound confirmed highly suspicious for malignancy.
3/26/14 needle biopsy proven IDC grade 3, ER+ PR+ Ki67 75%, Her 2 in process.
3/31/14 Consult with Breast Surgeon. Bilateral mastectomy discussed along with referral to plastic surgeon for planned surgery with reconstruction.
4/4/14 Her 2 +. My Oncologist explained that this is a new primary and unlike before in 1999 very aggressive. Surgery put on hold.
BRCA testing done. Results were negative for gene mutation.
4/7/14 PET CT for staging for possible neoadjuvant treatment. Results indicate 1.3 cm tumor and a positive lymph node.
4/9/14 lymph node biopsy. Pathology documented metastasis.
4/14/14 cardiac echo result Ejection Fraction 60%
4/16/14 Port placement
4/17/14 1st chemotherapy treatment
with Herceptin, Perjeta, taxotere and carboplatin.
4/18/14 1st treatment done yesterday with no events whatsoever!
4/23-4/25 Dreaded D hit really hard.
Daily visits to the Oncologists office for hydration and neupogen injections.
4/24/14 Started on Cipro for seriously low WBC count.
4/25/14 Results of blood count at MD office so low (ANC 0.08) I am hospitalized in isolation for neutropenic precautions. One treatment wiped out my immune system!
4/28/14 home recovering. 4/30/14 MD's new plan of treatment: reduced dose weekly taxotere, carboplatin, Herceptin with Perjeta every third week.
5/7/14 Cardiac echo > than 60% and the breast ultra sound showed 2 cm lymph node now only .5 cm. mass in breast is unable to be palpated!! treatment is a go.
5/9/14 Partial 2nd treatment, full dose Herceptin and Perjeta 1/3 dose taxotere and carboplatin.
5/13/14 lab check and fluid infusion.
5/14/14 Appointment with my Oncologist. The lab results are great and the dreaded "D" not as severe as 1st round. Then I mention that my left calf and foot are swollen and painful to the point of limping, could be the drugs but to be safe I had a venous doppler study. I have a clot in my left leg. It wasn't totally occluding the vessel and she really didn't want me in the hospital. Now I will be on Arixtra shots in my tummy till the chemo is complete sometime in August, 2014
5/16/14 continuation of 2nd treatment taxotere carboplatin only.
5/23/14 continuation of 2nd
treatment taxotere, carboplatin only
Amazingly no horrid "D" or nausea!!
5/28/14 visit with the oncologist, great news she can no longer feel a breast mass or the malignant lymph node Yippee!!
5/30/14 started 3rd chemotherapy cycle had full dose Heceptin, Perjeta ans 1/3 dose taxotere and carboplatin.
6/6/14 next dose of taxotere carboplatin for 3rd cycle
6/13/14 last dose taxotere carboplatin 3rd cycle
6/16/14 I am scheduled again for another breast ultrasound to see extent of response to chemotherapy. results will direct continued chemotherapy of directly to surgery!
6/20/14 tentative 4th chemotherapy cycle

"Zumokato Toku" is my Chemo Ninja Cancer Assassin name!
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Old 05-06-2014, 07:23 PM   #6
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Re: Final chemo!

So happy for you!!! Hoping it won't be long till the acuteness of tx is replaced by memory of it only. Wishing you well on this journey.
3/06 DX stage III er-pr-her2+++ breast, 1+node
age 49 and 364 days
3XAC 4X taxol and herceptin continue herceptin one year
bilat mastectomy w/TRAM
32 rads
9/08 recurrance 4 sternal nodes
mediastinoscopy, able to remove 3
taxotere, carboplatin, herceptin, x6
continue herceptin indefinately
5/10 recurrance in same node/area
mediastinoscopy, removed nodes
added tykerb
27 rads
10/18/10 PET shows inflammation no active disease
8/2011 recurrence one right mediastinal node, xeloda and proton radiation to node.
D/C xeloda due to toxicity
12/5 PET scan clear
2/2012 colon blockage, breast cancer
(never thought it could go there! thought I was constipated)
start abraxane, herceptin, continue tykerb
10/2012 Kidney ablation (renal CA!)
3/2013 CT and biopsy R kidney (BC met to R kidney)
4/4/2013 Begin Kadcyla
7/30/13 Craniotomy cerebellar mets, 1.7cm 3cm
Sept 4-6 post op cyberknife
Sept 23 ablation right kidney (blow up pesky breast ca met)
Oct headaches MRI Oct 10 (only surgical changes ! Yay!)
Short of breath. CT, pulmonary function, echo
New crap in right lung heart good. Pooh!
12/13 DC kadcyla. Begin halaven
2/14 MRI brain NED Yay!
4/3/14 CT mostly stable but breast mets r kidney growing
4/16/14 ablation right kidney again
Continue halaven, tykerb
dc halaven gemzar?
2nd opinion May 14
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Old 05-06-2014, 08:55 PM   #7
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Re: Final chemo!

So happy for you and your family!
dx 11/12/09 IDCI
Stage 3a
ER 98% PR 80%
Her2 +3
4/12 nodes
6 rounds TCH
Herceptin 12 months 3weeks
Rad. 30 tx
Tamoxifin 6 months stopped
Arimedex stopped 9/12 (side effects)
Aromasin 10/12
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Old 05-06-2014, 08:56 PM   #8
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Re: Final chemo!

How wonderful for you and your family!
dx 11/12/09 IDCI
Stage 3a
ER 98% PR 80%
Her2 +3
4/12 nodes
6 rounds TCH
Herceptin 12 months 3weeks
Rad. 30 tx
Tamoxifin 6 months stopped
Arimedex stopped 9/12 (side effects)
Aromasin 10/12
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Old 05-06-2014, 10:12 PM   #9
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Re: Final chemo!

Thank you everyone.
Just getting through the chemo I am so happy. I know I still face multiple challenges in the near future but this is one down!
I am so blessed to have family and friends to help me along with great health insurance. A job that is willing to hold not only my position at work with temp workers but will continue to keep my seniority until MD releases me some time in January 2015. Tomorrow I am going in for another Ct scan before surgery in June. Praying that it is good. I am currently stage 3 . I pray for no metastisis . Last ct md saw 3mm nodule on lung but assured me it was bening. Also a cyst (old on ovaries ) ... So a prayer I say. I have gotten this far.
Again thank you all. And as always a prayer out to this board!!!!
]11/13 Dx IDC left breast
11/19/2013 Inflammatory Breast Cancer stage 3c grade 2 Er- Pr- her2+++
Node involvement suspected based on CT
12/13 port placed
12/13 neoadjuvant DD AC xs 4 rounds started
02/14 taxol/herceptin started every week xs 12 rounds
Herceptin for 1 year
BRCA1&2 negative
5/06/14 last round taxol/herceptin. Chemo done!!!
5/07/14 clear CT scan
6/11/14 Bilateral Mastectomy Done
6/15/14 8mm tumor post chemo. Removed by bmx
6/15/14 lymph nodes 0/9
6/15/14 officially Cancer Free
7/11/14 emergency surgery to left breast . Wound refused to heal and broke open. New TE placed
7/28/14 emergency medical procedure now to right breast( post op 6 weeks mastectomy ) wound opens.
8/25/14 - 10/07/14 Radiation
11/24/14 CT of Brain clear
01/23/15 One year Herceptin Complete
02/04/15 Diep done
5/01/15 1 year Ct scan- mass in thymus
6/23/15 repeat CT mass in thymus still present
6/30/15 biopsy thymus 7/03/15 mass Benign! Diagnoses Thymic hyperplasia rebound ( chemo at fault, no long term health effects)
7/08/15 phase 2 diep
11/23/15 phase 2b ( reconstructive surgery with lipo)
03/05/18 Vinnie Myer 3 D nipple tattoos complete.
11/19/2018 5 years since Dx of IBC stage 3c remain NED.
11/19/21- 8 years today I officially remain NED and in 12 days I will be having a lymphnode transfer to help decrease some mild lymphedema! Still working, living life and soon to see a day I thought never would happen and that’s becoming a grandparent June 22nd.
11/19/2023 - 10 years since diagnosis and I remain NED
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Old 05-07-2014, 12:14 AM   #10
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Re: Final chemo!

I just saw your post. Congrats on finishing, though it's a little hard to celebrate while working our way through the side effects drill. I'm going to really celebrate when I get hungry for a steak and salad! But, we made it, one way or another! Good work to you and thanks for your support.

First occurrence: found lump in my left breast in 2002. 1.4 cm Stage I Grade I Node neg ER+ PR+ HER2 neg (didn't even know what HER2 meant). Lumpectomy, radiation, 5 years Arimedex.
Second occurrence: Oct. 2013 I found a lump in my right breast 3 months after a clear mammo.
1.5 IDC Stage I, node neg, Grade III.
Lumpectomy in November.
First path report ER+ 10% PR- HER2 neg. two margins not clear. Sample sent for Oncotype Dx test. After much delay and confusion, it turned out there are two cell lines. The ER+ tissue has an RS score of 37. The second cell type is ER-PR- HER2 +++. This double tissue type has only been found by the Oncotype lab 3 times for the entire US since they started doing the test. I'd like to be unique some other way!
October 2013 double mastectomy without reconstruction.
Treatment plan: 6 infusions of TCH then the rest of the year Herceptin, and Arimidex forever. After all this, my chance of dying from cancer in the next 10 years is probably less than dying from something else!
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Old 05-07-2014, 04:59 PM   #11
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Re: Final chemo!

You did it!!! Congratulations...yes, the hard stuff is in your rear view mirror. Be sure to celebrate.
3/11/13- normal mammo and US
4/30/13 Found pea sized lump while showering
5/10/13 core bx
5/15/13 dx IDC 1CM,
5/20/13 BRAC 1&2 neg
5/28/13 lumpectomy and SNB, ER/PR/Her-2+, Nodes neg,positive margins
6/13/13 revision of margins . Now clear
6/26/13 first TCH
Chemo Ninja~kutaki Zika Zukuchiri
10/18/13-Bx of calcification-neg whew
11/7/13 Started Radiation.
01/2014- Started Tamoxifen
06/09/14-Steriotactic BX left breast calcification-Benign
06/18/2014-completed one year of Herceptin!
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Old 05-07-2014, 08:51 PM   #12
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Re: Final chemo!

Congratulations on completing chemo Lacie and nurse4utoday. I can't wait to be done this summer. Thanks for staying so upbeat and positive. Hang in there. Laurie
Laurie in Idaho
IDC, Her2+++, PR- ER- diagnosed Feb 2014 1 month before 53rd bday
2.6 cm mass right breast with lymph node involvement
THP-FEC neoadjuvant chemo regimen

THP (taxotere, Herceptin, perjcta) every 3 weeks for 4 doses started 3/27/14
BRCA negative
bilateral mastectomy with lymph node dissection done June 2014 15 lymph nodes removed all negative for cancer, breast tumor gone
FEC (5-FU, epriubicin, Cytoxan) every 3 weeks for 4 doses, Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year, then
radiation for 6 weeks
New Years Eve 2014 completed radiation
September 2015 Latissimus Dorsi Flap reconstruction
March 2016 rib fractures under implant
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:03 PM   #13
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Re: Final chemo!

Onward and upward!
Paula T. (saygoon means dog, yes I am Native)
DX March 2012
Stage IV w/ 5 bone mets to spine 2 on ribs
Herceptin, Zometa, Taxotere and Anasterole and of course radiation
2/14/2014 2 mets on pelvic bone
Stop Anasterole continue on Herceptin and Zometa start radiation (again)
2/24/2014 start T-DM1 continue Herceptin and Zometa
4/28 more radiation that brings total to 5 (10 days ea) - I think I will soon glow in the dark....
6/01/2014 Great news! Rib mets gone, 4 of 5 spine mets showing new bone growth and pelvic mets shrinking.
8/28/2014 T11 on spine is being stubborn started Perjeta, Herceptin, Zometa and Taxol - goodbye hair!
9/04/2014 Tomo therapy - pain finally gone
1/3/2015 - starting New Year out as still stable. Feeling positive
2/23/2015 - problems with left leg, bone met flaring up - MORE radiation Whew!
2/24/2015 Stress fracture in right side of pelvic - (great just great) back to wheelchair then walker then.....
2/26/2015 Off Taxol!! Still on Perjeta, Herceptin and Hormone Blocker starting to feel a little more human.
4/10/2015 Cancer has spread to spinal fluid - not sure where I go from here
6/29/2015 Omaya Port placed,begin IT Herceptin on 7/7/2015
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Old 05-08-2014, 02:22 PM   #14
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Re: Final chemo!

Congratulations. Not easy, but well worth it. I made it to 8/12 this morning!
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Old 05-08-2014, 05:52 PM   #15
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Re: Final chemo!

Yeah, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had #6 today, half way through!

If you can do it, I can do it.

12/3/13 Suspicious mam left breast, calcification
12/18/13 another mam
1/14/14 sterotatic biopsy
1/17/14 Diagnosed BC
IDC HER2 3+, grade 3/3, 0.5 cm
ER, PR negative.
2/14/14 lumpectomy, SNB, nodes negative, clear margins. Started 3/28/14 Taxol/Herceptin once a week for 12 weeks then Herceptin every three weeks for rest of year.
Radiation starts in July
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Old 05-08-2014, 06:15 PM   #16
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Re: Final chemo!

You CAN do it JDee! Take it on one week at time. You're 1/2 way there. That is a major accomplishment!!!
Hugs from a fellow Taxol/Herceptin survivor,
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Old 05-09-2014, 06:01 AM   #17
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Re: Final chemo!

Jdee when I reached the halfway mark of my chemo I was so excited and now I'm done with it. I could hardly believe that this day would come. Hmmmm... Just knowing it's here I already feel the chemo brain subsiding lol.
Thank you everyone for the congrats and prayers!
]11/13 Dx IDC left breast
11/19/2013 Inflammatory Breast Cancer stage 3c grade 2 Er- Pr- her2+++
Node involvement suspected based on CT
12/13 port placed
12/13 neoadjuvant DD AC xs 4 rounds started
02/14 taxol/herceptin started every week xs 12 rounds
Herceptin for 1 year
BRCA1&2 negative
5/06/14 last round taxol/herceptin. Chemo done!!!
5/07/14 clear CT scan
6/11/14 Bilateral Mastectomy Done
6/15/14 8mm tumor post chemo. Removed by bmx
6/15/14 lymph nodes 0/9
6/15/14 officially Cancer Free
7/11/14 emergency surgery to left breast . Wound refused to heal and broke open. New TE placed
7/28/14 emergency medical procedure now to right breast( post op 6 weeks mastectomy ) wound opens.
8/25/14 - 10/07/14 Radiation
11/24/14 CT of Brain clear
01/23/15 One year Herceptin Complete
02/04/15 Diep done
5/01/15 1 year Ct scan- mass in thymus
6/23/15 repeat CT mass in thymus still present
6/30/15 biopsy thymus 7/03/15 mass Benign! Diagnoses Thymic hyperplasia rebound ( chemo at fault, no long term health effects)
7/08/15 phase 2 diep
11/23/15 phase 2b ( reconstructive surgery with lipo)
03/05/18 Vinnie Myer 3 D nipple tattoos complete.
11/19/2018 5 years since Dx of IBC stage 3c remain NED.
11/19/21- 8 years today I officially remain NED and in 12 days I will be having a lymphnode transfer to help decrease some mild lymphedema! Still working, living life and soon to see a day I thought never would happen and that’s becoming a grandparent June 22nd.
11/19/2023 - 10 years since diagnosis and I remain NED
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