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Old 04-27-2009, 02:56 PM   #1
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Wink Looking for IBC doctor?

Dr. Lupe Salazar from the University of Washington Tumor Vaccine Group has been invited to sit on the IBC Foundation's medical advisory team.
She serves as the "go to" doctor on the West Coast when the patient needs a local doctor familiar with IBC. She attended the first International IBC Conference and presented findings from the Tumor Vaccine Group (in Seattle).

Anyone may contact Dr. Salazar through the Tumor Group's web site:
"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest." H.D. Thoreau
Live in the moment.

Found suspicious lump 9/2000
Lumpectomy, then node dissection and port placement
Stage IIB, 8 pos nodes of 18, Grade 3, ER & PR -
Adriamycin 12 weekly, taxotere 4 rounds
36 rads - very little burning
3 mos after rads liver full of tumors, Stage IV Jan 2002, one spot on sternum
Weekly Taxol, Navelbine, Herceptin for 27 rounds to NED!
2003 & 2004 no active disease - 3 weekly Herceptin + Zometa
Jan 2005 two mets to brain - Gamma Knife on Jan 18
All clear until treated cerebellum spot showing activity on Jan 2006 brain MRI & brain PET
Brain surgery on Feb 9, 2006 - no cancer, 100% radiation necrosis - tumor was still dying
Continue as NED while on Herceptin & quarterly Zometa
Fall-2006 - off Zometa - watching one small brain spot (scar?)
2007 - spot/scar in brain stable - finished anticoagulation therapy for clot along my port-a-catheter - 3 angioplasties to unblock vena cava
2008 - Brain and body still NED! Port removed and scans in Dec.
Dec 2008 - stop Herceptin - Vaccine Trial at U of W begun in Oct. of 2011
STILL NED everywhere in Feb 2014 - on wing & prayer
7/14 - Started twice yearly Zometa for my bones
Jan. 2015 checkup still shows NED
2015 Neuropathy in feet - otherwise all OK - still NED.
Same news for 2016 and all of 2017.
Nov of 2017 - had small skin cancer removed from my face. Will have Zometa end of Jan. 2018.

Last edited by StephN; 04-27-2009 at 09:03 PM..
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Old 04-27-2009, 03:47 PM   #2
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Thank you Steph for passing this on to us IBCer's. When this treatment is finished I am hoping that Ed is well enough to travel. Looks like we may be making a west coast visit or a Texas showdown. We trust our doctor but the big guy is getting harder and harder to maintain and the cancer is getting mad now.>>Believe51
9/7/06Husband 50yrs=StageIV IBC/HER2+,BoneMets10/06TaxotereX10,'H'1X wk,Zometa,Tamoxifen4/12/07Last Tax5/18/07Pet=Rapid Cell Activity,No Organ Mets,Lytic Lesions,Degeneration,Some Bone Repair5/07ChemoFail6/01/07Pleural Thoracentisis=Effusions,NoMalignantCells6/19/07+7/2/07DFCI
NoProgression,Stable4/7/08BrainPerfect5/16/08Last A/C8/26/08BrainMets=10(<9mm)9/10/08Gamma10/30/08Met=5mm12/19/08Gamma5mets5
Ixempra/Faslodex/Zometa~TM now lower7/17/09Stop Ixempra By Choice9/21/09HOSPICE10/16/09Earned His Deserved Wings And Halo=37 Month Fight w/Stage 4 IBC, Her2+++,My Hero!!
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Old 04-27-2009, 08:18 PM   #3
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Wink Looking for IBC doctor?

Thanks Steph.
12 years and counting
Lucky 13 !! I hope so !!!!!!
14 Year Survivor
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." author unknown
Shared by a multiple myeloma survivor.
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:53 AM   #4
Ellie F
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Hi I understand that Dr Cristofanelli (hope I spelt this right) at M D Anderson is reputed to be one of the worlds leading experts for IBC.
I think Midwest Alice goes there to see him.I have considered going there myself from England once I have saved up for the fees!
Hope this is helpful
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:23 PM   #5
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Thanks Ellie

Anyone, please feel free to use this thread to post on doctors who specialize in inflammatory breast cancer, whether they are recommended or maybe should be avoided.

Dr. Salazar, I am sure, could get someone in touch with a good specialist no matter where you live.

I lost an acquaintance who was misdiagnosed as having "mastitis" when she had IBC. Far advanced when they did figure it out. Very sad.
"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest." H.D. Thoreau
Live in the moment.

Found suspicious lump 9/2000
Lumpectomy, then node dissection and port placement
Stage IIB, 8 pos nodes of 18, Grade 3, ER & PR -
Adriamycin 12 weekly, taxotere 4 rounds
36 rads - very little burning
3 mos after rads liver full of tumors, Stage IV Jan 2002, one spot on sternum
Weekly Taxol, Navelbine, Herceptin for 27 rounds to NED!
2003 & 2004 no active disease - 3 weekly Herceptin + Zometa
Jan 2005 two mets to brain - Gamma Knife on Jan 18
All clear until treated cerebellum spot showing activity on Jan 2006 brain MRI & brain PET
Brain surgery on Feb 9, 2006 - no cancer, 100% radiation necrosis - tumor was still dying
Continue as NED while on Herceptin & quarterly Zometa
Fall-2006 - off Zometa - watching one small brain spot (scar?)
2007 - spot/scar in brain stable - finished anticoagulation therapy for clot along my port-a-catheter - 3 angioplasties to unblock vena cava
2008 - Brain and body still NED! Port removed and scans in Dec.
Dec 2008 - stop Herceptin - Vaccine Trial at U of W begun in Oct. of 2011
STILL NED everywhere in Feb 2014 - on wing & prayer
7/14 - Started twice yearly Zometa for my bones
Jan. 2015 checkup still shows NED
2015 Neuropathy in feet - otherwise all OK - still NED.
Same news for 2016 and all of 2017.
Nov of 2017 - had small skin cancer removed from my face. Will have Zometa end of Jan. 2018.
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Old 04-28-2009, 06:18 PM   #6
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That is a terrific idea, Steph and as a caregiver to someone with IBC you know how seriously I take the plight of advocating IBC (and male breast cancer). This would be a great thread to have for this very aggressive type of breast cancer. Since we come from all areas of the world this could help so many, even those live outside the USA. Thank you My Dear Steph.>>Believe51
9/7/06Husband 50yrs=StageIV IBC/HER2+,BoneMets10/06TaxotereX10,'H'1X wk,Zometa,Tamoxifen4/12/07Last Tax5/18/07Pet=Rapid Cell Activity,No Organ Mets,Lytic Lesions,Degeneration,Some Bone Repair5/07ChemoFail6/01/07Pleural Thoracentisis=Effusions,NoMalignantCells6/19/07+7/2/07DFCI
NoProgression,Stable4/7/08BrainPerfect5/16/08Last A/C8/26/08BrainMets=10(<9mm)9/10/08Gamma10/30/08Met=5mm12/19/08Gamma5mets5
Ixempra/Faslodex/Zometa~TM now lower7/17/09Stop Ixempra By Choice9/21/09HOSPICE10/16/09Earned His Deserved Wings And Halo=37 Month Fight w/Stage 4 IBC, Her2+++,My Hero!!
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Old 05-06-2009, 04:34 PM   #7
Midwest Alice
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Dr. Cristofanilli is the head of the IBC clinic at M D Anderson in Texas. He has patients from all over the world. He is my Dr. and I go see him every 3 months. I would highly recommend him. I also have a local Dr. who is every good. I see a benefit from having them working together. Feel free to ask me any questions you feel I may help you with.
04/08 age 50 III IBC Her2+++ ER/PR-8cm 14/14 Double M, Body and Brain CT/PET clear, ? on spine,Muga 53
06/08, 4 A/C, Neulasta
08/08, Herceptin/tax 12 every week
10/08, CT/PET clear, ? on pelvis, hips, MUGA 43, started Enalaprial for heart, Herceptin every 3 weeks
11/08 33Rads; 12/08 MUGA 48
2/09 MRI spine and bone scan, old mets to spine, Chest x-ray, blood work, IV NED,regular CPAP use,Zometa x6, first -flue like symptoms 2 days;Herceptin x3; stage 2 lymphoedema..sleeve and glove
4/09 Brain MRI - CLEAR; MUGA 54
7/09 chest ultrasound,
10/09 PET, brain and spin MRI NED Herceptin only. MUGA 59!!!
1/11 Hip replacement 7/11 Hip 2 replacement
4/12 4 years!! Herceptin
6/12 start reconstruction finish in 12/12
2/14 Herception - 6 years!!!

1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it."

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Old 08-21-2009, 11:28 AM   #8
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

There is a new IBC Clinic in Boston, which Dr. Cristofanilli introduced me to, and the lead doctor is Dr. Beth Overmoyer. The East Coast seemed to have a void for a long time, so this will hopefully be helpful to women in that area.
When I was asked to join the Global IBC Symposium last year, and after we all met in Houston in December last year, I was so happy (over the top happy) to see all the doctors from around the world that are finally getting on board with what Dr. Cristofanilli and his team are doing, I signed up for next years meeting.
Also, Dr. Salazar's team are working on a vaccine trial for IBC now, and it might behoove women to look into the Tumor Vaccine Group's study for a trial. Steph has given you a link (above) to their website, so all you need to do is call and ask.

Patti Bradfield, President
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation
The IBC Foundation Radio Show live and podcasts from previous shows
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Old 07-18-2010, 07:41 AM   #9
Midwest Alice
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

Oct. 2010 France
List of US Doctors on the board of the
Second International Inflammatory Breast Cancer Conference

Melissa Bondy
Massimo Cristofanilli
Fredika Robertson
Kenneth van Golen
04/08 age 50 III IBC Her2+++ ER/PR-8cm 14/14 Double M, Body and Brain CT/PET clear, ? on spine,Muga 53
06/08, 4 A/C, Neulasta
08/08, Herceptin/tax 12 every week
10/08, CT/PET clear, ? on pelvis, hips, MUGA 43, started Enalaprial for heart, Herceptin every 3 weeks
11/08 33Rads; 12/08 MUGA 48
2/09 MRI spine and bone scan, old mets to spine, Chest x-ray, blood work, IV NED,regular CPAP use,Zometa x6, first -flue like symptoms 2 days;Herceptin x3; stage 2 lymphoedema..sleeve and glove
4/09 Brain MRI - CLEAR; MUGA 54
7/09 chest ultrasound,
10/09 PET, brain and spin MRI NED Herceptin only. MUGA 59!!!
1/11 Hip replacement 7/11 Hip 2 replacement
4/12 4 years!! Herceptin
6/12 start reconstruction finish in 12/12
2/14 Herception - 6 years!!!

1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it."

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Old 07-18-2010, 10:24 AM   #10
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

And, with Fox Chase in PA (Philly to be exact), now having Dr. Cristofanilli's second IBC clinic, there is one more place to go.

Our Foundation was invited to the opening in May and I was (as we all were) very taken with the dedication his new team has. We also toured their facilities, including their bio-repository which was fascinating.

Also, they have a beautiful facility for patients to stay **free of charge** while they are getting treatment. We toured that also, and for myself if I had to stay somewhere, that would be the place.

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Old 07-18-2010, 01:09 PM   #11
Midwest Alice
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

Here is a current list of IBC clinics from another thread, thought I would move it over here.
Boston/Dana Farber: Dr. Beth Overmoyer oversees the IBC clinic
Houston/MD Anderson: Dr. Tom Buchholz heads the clinic
PA/Fox Chase: Dr. Cristofanilli now in charge of his second clinic
04/08 age 50 III IBC Her2+++ ER/PR-8cm 14/14 Double M, Body and Brain CT/PET clear, ? on spine,Muga 53
06/08, 4 A/C, Neulasta
08/08, Herceptin/tax 12 every week
10/08, CT/PET clear, ? on pelvis, hips, MUGA 43, started Enalaprial for heart, Herceptin every 3 weeks
11/08 33Rads; 12/08 MUGA 48
2/09 MRI spine and bone scan, old mets to spine, Chest x-ray, blood work, IV NED,regular CPAP use,Zometa x6, first -flue like symptoms 2 days;Herceptin x3; stage 2 lymphoedema..sleeve and glove
4/09 Brain MRI - CLEAR; MUGA 54
7/09 chest ultrasound,
10/09 PET, brain and spin MRI NED Herceptin only. MUGA 59!!!
1/11 Hip replacement 7/11 Hip 2 replacement
4/12 4 years!! Herceptin
6/12 start reconstruction finish in 12/12
2/14 Herception - 6 years!!!

1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it."

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Old 07-18-2010, 01:16 PM   #12
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

Thanks Alice...

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Old 01-16-2012, 07:29 PM   #13
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Re: Looking for IBC doctor?

One more clinic is added in Arizona. Watch or listen to IBC Fact & Fallacies Wednesday night at 6 p.m. Pacific Time, to hear about the new clinic.
Patti Bradfield
Chief Education Officer
The Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation
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