06-03-2013, 02:28 PM
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Location: Sunny San Diego
Posts: 2,214
Christine's funeral
Adriana and I attended the service this morning. It was a beautiful service. Most touching was the memories that Debra and Danielle shared.
Although many of you could not attend, your spirit came through when the daughters shared the kind thoughts many of you posted of Christine.
Christine and Joe have raised two lovely young ladies. They can be very proud of the legacy they left.
Diagnosed 2007
Stage IIb Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Pagets, 3 of 15 positive nodes
Traditional Treatment: Mastectomy and Axillary Node Dissection followed by Taxotere, 6 treatments and 1 year of Herceptin, no radiation
Former Chemo Ninja "Takizi Zukuchiri"
Additional treatments:
GP2 vaccine, San Antonio Med Ctr
Prescriptive Exercise for Cancer Patients
ENERGY Study, UCSD La Jolla
Reconstruction: TRAM flap, partial loss, Revision
The content of my posts are meant for informational purposes only. The medical information is intended for general information only and should not be used in any way to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease
06-03-2013, 09:18 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 1,477
Re: Christine's funeral
Thank you so much for your post. Christine and Joe did raise two fine gals and I know their daughters are proud of their mom and dad for all of the good works and deeds they did for others.
06-03-2013, 09:41 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Misty woods of WA State
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Re: Christine's funeral
Thanks, 'lizbeth -
I am sure your presence meant a lot to Debra and Danielle.
Give us more details when you can.
"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest." H.D. Thoreau
Live in the moment.
Found suspicious lump 9/2000
Lumpectomy, then node dissection and port placement
Stage IIB, 8 pos nodes of 18, Grade 3, ER & PR -
Adriamycin 12 weekly, taxotere 4 rounds
36 rads - very little burning
3 mos after rads liver full of tumors, Stage IV Jan 2002, one spot on sternum
Weekly Taxol, Navelbine, Herceptin for 27 rounds to NED!
2003 & 2004 no active disease - 3 weekly Herceptin + Zometa
Jan 2005 two mets to brain - Gamma Knife on Jan 18
All clear until treated cerebellum spot showing activity on Jan 2006 brain MRI & brain PET
Brain surgery on Feb 9, 2006 - no cancer, 100% radiation necrosis - tumor was still dying
Continue as NED while on Herceptin & quarterly Zometa
Fall-2006 - off Zometa - watching one small brain spot (scar?)
2007 - spot/scar in brain stable - finished anticoagulation therapy for clot along my port-a-catheter - 3 angioplasties to unblock vena cava
2008 - Brain and body still NED! Port removed and scans in Dec.
Dec 2008 - stop Herceptin - Vaccine Trial at U of W begun in Oct. of 2011
STILL NED everywhere in Feb 2014 - on wing & prayer
7/14 - Started twice yearly Zometa for my bones
Jan. 2015 checkup still shows NED
2015 Neuropathy in feet - otherwise all OK - still NED.
Same news for 2016 and all of 2017.
Nov of 2017 - had small skin cancer removed from my face. Will have Zometa end of Jan. 2018.
06-03-2013, 10:14 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Irvine, CA (Southern CA)
Posts: 414
Re: Christine's funeral
I had the pleasure to meet Adriana on Sunday at the viewing as well as Debra and Danielle. I think those two young women know just about all there is to know about HER2+ BC. They had a lovely slide show of Christine's life, from pictures of her 2nd birthday as a toddler, pregnancies, the life she shared with Joe (the kind of marriage that makes you really believe in 'til death do you part) and her daughters and their lives together. There were also many, many pictures of her HER2 work; she seemed to be quite the celebrity! Photos of her name and story in lights on Time Square in NYC, a Genentech billboard in San Francisco and in a brochure by another medical provider. Seeing someone's life like that makes me believe in humanity and real love of others and paying it forward.
And 'lizabeth is right, they raised two very exceptional young women who are and have been very involved in this website and our fight. I wish them healing over their loss, and for their lives to continue to grow and prosper.
It's sad to lose such a strong advocator but I think there are several women on this site that seem to be carrying the torch, and I do thank you for your service. Christine would be proud!
With gratitude,
Live in Orange County, CA
Diagnosed with DCIS Oct. 2012
Bilateral Dec. 19, 2012
IDC, ER/PR-, Her2+++, Grade 3
Stage IIIa
15.6 cm
4/14 nodes + macrometastases
First thing each morning, I try on my bathing suit. Then, nothing worse can happen the rest of the day.
06-04-2013, 06:52 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Philly Suburbs
Posts: 1,709
Re: Christine's funeral
Thank you ladies!
Both for representing our community, and for posting these details of what sounds like a beautiful and worthy celebration of Christine's life.
1/11-needle biopsy
2/11-Lumpectomy/axillary node dissection - Stage 3c, ER/PR-14/17 nodes
3/11 - Post-op staph infection,cellulitis, lymphedema,seroma,ARRRGH!
4/12/11-A/C x 4, then T/H x 4, H only,Q3 weeks
8/26/11 finished Taxol!!!
10/7/11 mastectomy/DIEP recon
11/11 radiation x28
1/12/12 1st CANCER-VERSARY!
1/12 Low EF/Herceptin "Holiday" :(
2/12 EF up - Back on Herceptin, heart meds
4/2/1212 surgery to repair separated incision from DIEP recon
6/8/12 Return to work :)
6/17/12 Fall, shatter wrist,surgery to repair/insert plate :(
7/10/12 last Herceptin
7/23/12 Brain Mets %$&#! 3cm and 1cm
8/10/12 Gamma knife surgery, LOTS of steroids;start H/Tykerb
8/23/12 Back to work
12/20/12 Injure back-3 weeks in wheel chair
1/12/13 2nd CANCER-VERSARY!
1/14/13 herniate disk in back - surgery to repair
1/27/13 Radiation necrosis - edema in brain - back on steroids - but not back to work - off balance, poor cordination in right arm
5/3/13 Start Avastin to shrink necrosis
5/10/13 begin weaning steroids
6/18/13 Brain MRI - Avastin seems to be working!
6/20/13 quarterly CT - chest, abdomen, pelvis - All Clear!
7/5/13 finally off steroids!!
7/7/13 joined the ranks of the CHEMO NINJAS I am now Tekuto Ki Ariku cancer assassin!
7/13/13 Symptoms return - back on steroids
7/26/13 Back on Avastin - try again!
8/26/13 Not ready to return to classroom yet :( But I CAN walk without holding onto things! :)
9/9/13 Brain MRI - fingers crossed
“ Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds you down or polishes you up is for you, and you alone, to decide. ” – Cavett Robert
06-04-2013, 09:14 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Lincoln, NE
Posts: 265
Re: Christine's funeral
Thanking God for the life of Christine...that she took a journey to educate, promote awareness, celebrate sooo many of you and others...and now I am hunbled as I read stories, memories and pictures rememering her gift of life...a legacy!!
And, even more, because of this, I stumbled upon a WONDERFUL site made for me to find the knowledge, encourgament, joy and laughter in soooo many of you carrying her "torch!!"
Praying God continues to give her family strength, peace and love.
10/18/12 Found pea size lump right breast
11/7/12 Biopsy
12/14/12 Lumpectomy
1/4/13 Rexcision, NO CLEAR MARGINS!! :(
2/11/13 Mastectomy with Expander Placed
2/15/13 INFECTION at Mastectomy site...emergency Surgery!!! Expander removed :(
DX: DCIS, IDC, Stage 2a, 2.7cm, 1/5 nodes positive
ER/PR-, HER2+++
3/28/13 Port placed
4/1/13 Begin 6 Cycles TCH Therapy
4/1/14 Finished Herceptin!!
06-04-2013, 11:42 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Sunny San Diego
Posts: 2,214
Re: Christine's funeral
I am not the greatest at details, but I can tell you more.
On her funeral program:
In loving Memory of Christine Handal Druther, August 4 1948 - May 25, 2013.
"Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them" Revelation 14:13
The funeral mass was held by Rev. Father Donald Coleman at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic church. (great name) It is a beautiful newer church in the La Costa/Carlsbad area.
Some of the songs included "Be Not Afraid", "Psalm 25", "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia", "You are Mine", Ave Maria and "There Is A Place"
Father Don spoke of Christine's 20 year history as a brain met survivor. How we often have to let go and give someone permission to die.
I was most impressed with the daughters and their strength to share special memories about their mother, even in this time of grief. Personally I don't think I could have been able to do the same without breaking down into sobbing.
Forgive me if I can't remember which remarks are from Danielle and which from Debra. One shared what it was like growing up in the Druther household, the special values, her fond experiences. Christine was quite the bargin hunter and they found her prom dress for $40. "She would like you to know that." Christine shared with everyone that she was a breast cancer survivor. She could blend the conversation in at the grocery store with the best way to pick a mango.
Her other daughter shared about Christine's experience with breast cancer. She researched and studied and came up with her own plan for her treatment. If her doctor did not agree she fired them and found a new one. She was amazing at networking and reaching out to others. She called up the Doctor (Slamon?) who was responsible for Herceptin and thanked him.
As you know, both Joe and Christine passed within a short amount of time. Her doctor invited one of her daughters in to talk about losing both parents. This doctor pointed out that you are their living legacy. I found that kind and touching.
The Her2support ladies where represented as well in the Remarks of Remembrance. Postings from Jessica, Bonnie, Alaska and others were read. Many of you are well spoken and your sincere gratitude of having this site to come to during your journey with cancer showed. Your words were received with great appreciation.
After the funeral mass Christine was interred at Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia on Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA.
I did not attend the burial, but Adriana was able to go.
I did give a ride home to Christine's friend. She was telling me how she would go shopping with Christine who was a nutritionist. She learned all about how to read labels.
The mass was a lovely fitting tribute to Christine. Even if you could not be there in person, please post to Debra and Danielle. They are very appreciative of hearing from us.
Diagnosed 2007
Stage IIb Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Pagets, 3 of 15 positive nodes
Traditional Treatment: Mastectomy and Axillary Node Dissection followed by Taxotere, 6 treatments and 1 year of Herceptin, no radiation
Former Chemo Ninja "Takizi Zukuchiri"
Additional treatments:
GP2 vaccine, San Antonio Med Ctr
Prescriptive Exercise for Cancer Patients
ENERGY Study, UCSD La Jolla
Reconstruction: TRAM flap, partial loss, Revision
The content of my posts are meant for informational purposes only. The medical information is intended for general information only and should not be used in any way to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease
06-04-2013, 11:48 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Sunny San Diego
Posts: 2,214
Re: Christine's funeral
On Christine's memory card:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
In Loving Memory of Christine Handal Druther August 4, 1948 - May 25, 2013
Don't think of her as gone away - her journey's just begun.
Life holds so many facets - this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our sadness can really pass away.
And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched - for nothing loved is ever lost and she was loved so much.
Diagnosed 2007
Stage IIb Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Pagets, 3 of 15 positive nodes
Traditional Treatment: Mastectomy and Axillary Node Dissection followed by Taxotere, 6 treatments and 1 year of Herceptin, no radiation
Former Chemo Ninja "Takizi Zukuchiri"
Additional treatments:
GP2 vaccine, San Antonio Med Ctr
Prescriptive Exercise for Cancer Patients
ENERGY Study, UCSD La Jolla
Reconstruction: TRAM flap, partial loss, Revision
The content of my posts are meant for informational purposes only. The medical information is intended for general information only and should not be used in any way to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease
10-21-2013, 02:34 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: New Roads, LA
Posts: 35
Re: Christine's funeral
Oh my! I have been away too long, and did not know about Christine. I do hope that all of you continue to share your knowledge and experience with us. I am a 3 1/2 year survivor, and must admit that I didn't have much hope or info about Her2, until I found this group. Christine, and the rest of you "old timers" have given me so much hope and inspiration, which is why I am here today. I hope this group continues. She will be greatly missed.
Found lump...Oh, crap!
Dx 4/29/10
Invasive Poorly Differentiated Ductal Carcinoma. BRCA 1&2 no mutations(although 2 cousins also are HER2+)HMMM....
Stage IIB, G3
ER/PR -, HER2+++
5/11/10 Lumpectomy/Axillary node dissection/Mediport placement
Tumor 3.5cm, 1/15 nodes + Both Sentinel nodes negative!
6/24/10 - Started TCH.
10/14/10 - Finished chemo...yea!!!!!
12/27/10 - PET scan and MRI-NED!!!!!
03/09/11 - Bilateral Mastectomy and reconstruction (DIEP Flap)
03/16/11 - NED! Path report negative!
6/9/11 - Revision of both breasts, and port removed. Two lumps removed...both benign!
6/23/09 - LAST HERCEPTIN!!! Wohooooo!
My son Tim and his wife Nicole just had their first born...a son, Brayden...my first Grandchild! My daughter Hanna is working her way through college, and I am so proud! God has blessed me.
Update...as of 10/2013...still NED, and my son and daughter-in-law just had identical twin girls!!! They have blessed me with 3 beautiful grandchildren in 27 months!! Haha!
My beautiful daughter, Hanna, is still working toward her degree and working full-time.
God is so good:)
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