Here I am it is 4 in the morning and of course the anxiety voice starts going off. All the unknown about my upcoming chemo. Well I go on the computer, since I can't sleep anyway and I happen to see your blog. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm a positive person but with all that comes your way with cancer it's not always easy to be the optimistic person. I was diagnosed in December 2012 also and it has been a world wind since then. I had my surgery on Feb 28th, my lymph nodes were clean so no radiation for me

I also have a tissue expander, not the most comfortable thing. Last week I meet with my oncologist for the first time and he said chemo and herceptin. Said my HER2 came back high

I start chemo April 10th. I went to the wig shop the other day to play with some wigs..I also want some kind of control in this so I too will be shaving my head before my hair falls out, as will my husband

Anyway I want to thank you again for sharing your story it has really helped me to keep going this morning and stay positive.