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Old 09-27-2012, 04:35 PM   #21
lkc Gumby
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Re: I just found out I have breast cancer

another er/pr neg and her 2 pos girl here. I needed to have a mastectomy after my lumpectomy and 12 pos nodes. After my mastectomy the path report was positive for BC in my ducts, lobes, nipple , with lots of vascular invasion. I wasn't given the option of a bilat, as they started me on Dose Dense chemo very quickly therafter. Once my chemo and rads were done( after 6 mos) I insisted on having the remaining breast removed and at the same time have reconstruction. Turned out the " good " breast was loaded with atypia and hyperplasia. My docs actually told me " you were right to push for the removal of the other breast" . erceptin was very very easy for me. anyway that was over 7 yrs ago and I am extremely happy and feel blessed erveryday.

Dxed Stage IIIC May 05, 12 pos nodes
er/pr -neg,Her -pos
Right partial mast & partial axillary dissection-June14,2005
Right modified mast-no clear margins- June 30, 2005
DD AC x4
Taxotere X4 with Herceptin
Rads x 35( 5 fields )
Left prophylactive mast( atypia & hyperplasia found ),
put on Tamoxifen x 1 yr; D/ced due to endometrial thickening
bilateral recon (saline implants)May 06
Nipple recon July 06
metformin 2010
removal of implants due to severe encapsulation, insertion of gummies 2013
Reclast Q yr
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Old 10-26-2012, 01:15 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 8
Re: I just found out I have breast cancer

Well I had my double done 2 weeks ago. I had 4 drains. 2 were taken out after one week and the last two yesterday. Wow having those out has helped me feel better. I still feel very tight like I have a tight rubber band on. I will be starting chemo soon. I have heard about hair loss but do you also lose finger nails? I think that would hurt a lot. I think I am support to get radiation. I have been reading that you get burned with that. Is this temporary like a sunburn?
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Old 10-26-2012, 06:54 PM   #23
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Re: I just found out I have breast cancer

Below are two links about side effects. You can use the 'Search' button to locate more discussions.


http://her2support.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23696&highlight=real+perceived+He rceptin+side+effect

My fingernails showed dark spot coming from the direction of the nail root. I. never did do anything special and was working full-time and doing everything normally. I'd found that walking (30 minutes everyday) does wonders.

The radiation does burn a little bit after a couple of weeks. I was given a lotion sample and then purchased my own. Everything has a remedy. Just be sure to mention it to the nurse practitioner...

Hang in there. Your strength will gradually come back...

Erythema Nodosum 85
Life-long Central Neurocytoma 4x5x6.5 cm 23 hrs 62090 semi-coma 10 d PT OT ST 30 d
3 Infertility tmts 99 > 3 u. fibroids > Pills
CN 3 GKRS 52301
IDC 1.2 cm Her2 +++ ER 5% R. Lmptmy SLNB+1 71703 6 FEC 33 R Tamoxifen
Recc IIB 2.5 cm Bi-L Mast 61407 2/9 nds PET
6 TCH Cellulitis - Lymphedema - compression sleeve & glove
H w x 4 MUGA 51 D, J 49 M
Diastasis recti
Tamoxifen B. scan
Irrtbl bowel 1'09
Colonoscopy 313
BRCA1 V1247I
hptc hemangioma
GI - > yogurt
hysterectomy/oophorectomy 011410
Exemestane 25 mg tab 102912 ~ 101016 stopped due to r. hip/l.thigh pain after long walk
DEXA 1/13
1-2016 lesions in liver largest 9mm & 1.3 cm onco. says not cancer.
3-11 Appendectomy - visually O.K., a lot of puss. Final path result - not cancer.
Start Vitamin D3 and Calcium supplement (600mg x2)
10-10 Stopped Exemestane due to r. hip/l.thigh pain OKed by Onco 11-08-2016
7-23-2018 9 mm groundglass nodule within the right lower lobe with indolent behavior. Due to possible adenocarcinoma, Recommend annual surveilence.
7-10-2019 CT to check lung nodule.
1-10-2020 8mm stable nodule on R Lung, two 6mm new ones on L Lung, a possible lymph node involvement in inter fissule.

Advocacy is a passion .. not a pastime - Joe

Last edited by Jackie07; 10-27-2012 at 06:39 AM..
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Old 10-30-2012, 05:41 AM   #24
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Re: I just found out I have breast cancer

Cricket...you are strong and brave! Wtg!!! You did it! What a wonderful example of strength you are to your grandkids!
fall 2008: mammo of rt breast worrisome so am asked to redo mammo and have ultrasound of rt breast.I delay it til january 2009 and the results are "no cancer in rt breast. phew."
found plum sized lump in right breast the day before my dad died: April 17th 2011. saw it in mirror, while i was wearing a top, examining my figure after losing 10 lbs on dr. bernstein diet.
diagnosed may 10 2011

mast/lymphectomy: june 7 2011, 5/20 cancerous nodes. stage 3a before radiation oncologist during our first mtg on july 15th says he found cancer on the lymph node of my breast bone. Now stage 3b.
her2+++, EN-, PN-. Rt brst tumors:3 at onset, 4.5 cm was the big one
chemos: 3fec's followed by 3 taxotere, total of 18 wks chemo. sept: halfway thru chemo the mastectomy scar decides to open and ooze pus. (not healed before chemo) eventually with canasten powder sent by friend in ny (illegal in canada) it heals.
radiations:although scheduled to begin 25 january 2012, I am so terrified by it (rads cause other cancers) I don't start til february, miss a bunch, reschedule them all and finally finish 35 rads mid april. reason for 7 extra atop the 28 scheduled is that when i first met my rads oncologist he said he saw a tumor on the lymph node of my breastbone. extra 7 are special kind of beam used for that lymphnode. rads onc tells me nobody ever took so long to do rads so he cannot speak for effectiveness. trials had been done only on consecutive days so......we'll see.....
10 mos of herceptin started 6 wks into chemo. canadian onc says 10 mos is just as effective as the full yr recommended by dr. slamon......so we'll see..completed july 2012.
Sept 18 2012: reconstruction and 3 drains. fails. i wear antibiotic pouch on my job for two months and have 60 consecutive days visiting a nursing centre where they apply burn victims' silver paper and clean the oozing infection daily. silicone leaks out daily. plastic surgeon in caribbean. emergency dept wont remove "his" work. He finally appears and orders me in into an emergency removal of implant. I make him promise no drains and I get my way. No infection as a result. Chest looks like a map of Brazil. Had a perfectly good left breast on Sept 17th but surgeon wanted to "save another woman an operation" ? so he had crashed two operations together on my left breast, foregoing the intermediary operation where you install an expander. the first surgeon a year earlier had flat out refused to waste five hours on his feet taking both boobs. flat out refusal. between the canadian health system saving money and both these asses, I got screwed. who knows when i can next get enough time off work (i work for myself and have no substitute when my husband is on contract) to get boobs again. arrrgh.

I have a blog where I document this trip and vent.
www.nora'scancerblog.blogspot.com . I stopped the blog before radiation. I think the steroids made me more angry and depressed and i just hated reading it anymore
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Old 10-31-2012, 10:30 PM   #25
Joanne S
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Re: I just found out I have breast cancer

Cricket, I too had a double mastectomy (with reconstruction) and the tightness was obvious to me right after I came out of anesthesia. For the longest time, whenever I would get in the shower, I'd always think I forgot to take my tight bra off. Then I'd look and realize I don't even have one on and haven't worn a bra in a long long time. It's been over 5 years and still down't wear a bar and the tightness is really not as bad as it was originally. Stretching exercises are helpful, but make sure to check with your doctor before starting any on your own right now. Physical Therapy was very helpful to me. Sending healing and recovery wishes your way.
Aug06...Dx Age 50, IDC Left Breast, 6+/16 lymph nodes, Stg 3, ER+/PR+/HER2+
Sep06-Jan07...Mediport. Chemo: AC x 4, T x 4
Feb12,2007...Surg MRM Left & SM Right, reconstruct w/expanders
Mar07-Jun07...Saline Exp
Jun07...Start Tamoxifen
Jun07-Aug07...Rad x 25
Jun07-Oct07...Persistent fevers-unknown origin
Jun07-Nov07...PT for Severe PMPS & Capsular Contracture
Nov07...Surg Capsulectomy, Gel Implants, PMPS pain gone instantly.
Feb08...NED 1st CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb08...2 months post surgery Caps Cont again :(
Mar08...Stop Tamoxifen. Start Arimidex.
Apr08...Sudden high fever, Hosp ICU 10 days, staph infect, emerg surg, implants removed. Outpt IVantibiotics Daily x 6 weeks
Feb11...NED 5th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb12...NED 6th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Aug12...Spotting. Surg=D&C
Sep12...STAGE IV = RARE BC METS TO UTERUS ILC ER+/PR+/HER2-Negative) (Different BC than originally diagnosed = IDC ER+/PR+/HER2+).
Sep12...Stop Arimidex. Start Afinitor & Aromasin.
Jan13...MRI = no progression no reduction
Apr13...Progression. Stop Afinitor & Aromasin.
Apr13...Start Chemo: Taxol & Carboplatin.
Nov13...Scans & Pelvic 95+% Reduction. Nueropathy>Stop chemo start Fareston.
Jan14...PET scan = no progression stable.
May14...Pelvic > Bleeding & cramps. TMs up.
May14...PET scan = uterine progression :(
May14...Stop Fareston. Start Chemo: Xeloda.

Last edited by Joanne S; 10-31-2012 at 10:33 PM..
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