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Old 01-21-2012, 06:38 PM   #1
Lorraine's Avatar
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I Miss mY Eyelashes

I miss my eyelashes the most

The way they held my tears
let them fall, intermittently,
on the same path of pain. They followed one another til I wiped them away.
Without eyelashes it's just over active tear glands......there's no timing, no meaning and no reason, just tears smeared.
My eyelashes could tell me when there was a symphony on the way....I would know when they would begin......and end.
I felt I'd had a good cry.
I want to get through this.......
Where are my conductors?
I miss my eyelashes the most
Release the tears with the feeling of having had a good cry.....

By Lorraine M. Newton
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Old 01-21-2012, 07:59 PM   #2
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

Very nice poem indeed and I agree - I missed my eyelashes (and brows) the most
Kind regards


Found lump via BSE
Diagnosed 8/04 at age 45
1.9cm tumor, ER+PR-, Her2 3+(rt side)
2 micromets to sentinel node
Stage 2A
left 3mm DCIS - low grade ER+PR+Her2 neg
lumpectomies 9/7/04
4DD AC followed by 4 DD taxol
Used Leukine instead of Neulasta
35 rads on right side only
4/05 started Tamoxifen
Started Herceptin 4 months after last Taxol due to
trial results and 2005 ASCO meeting & recommendations
Oophorectomy 8/05
Started Arimidex 9/05
Finished Herceptin (16 months) 9/06
Arimidex Only
Prolia every 6 months for osteopenia

NED 18 years!

Said Christopher Robin to Pooh: "You must remember this: You're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think"
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Old 01-21-2012, 08:45 PM   #3
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

My eyelashes fell out three times after I stopped chemo and went on Herceptin only every three weeks. When I stopped Herceptin, it never has happened since. Another one of those "not" side effects. But well worth it.
Joni -64 yrs old -
3/01/10: found lump in rt.breast
3/12/10: mammogram/ultrasnd/biopsy-invasive bc & DCIS; 2 tumors (2cm er-/pr-/HER2-& 1.8 cm er-/pr-/HER2+); grade 3;poorly differentiated
3/24/10:sent.node biopsy clear
3/31/10:bi-lateral mx.;atypical ductal hyperplasia-lft side
4/21/10:wound revision-infection/scarring 4/28/10:seromas both sides
5/21/10:port installed,TCH chemo (6 x 3 wks); Herc,-1yr; 33 rad tx after chemo
07/2010: port not working-2nd port didnt'work;3rd port opposite side.
07/2010: 2 weeks after 3rd port surgery, threw 3 pulm. emboli-IVC filter installed; warfarin
08/2010: hospitalizations w/3 of chemos; decision to stop after 4th-on to radiation in Oct 2010;Herc cont.
12/03/2010 - finished 33 rads Hooray!! cont. Herc. every 3 wks
4/2011 - pneumonia ??? Nope-radiation pneumonitis. No more Herc.
5/2011 - NED!!! port out.
8/2011 - clean PET & CT scans.Still NED
7/2012 - Still NED/very blessed.
2/2013 - 6 mos checkup-all clear. CA2729 down frm 13 to 11.
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Old 01-22-2012, 05:29 AM   #4
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

Excellent poem!

But don't worry - they will grow back.

I'd had chemo both in 2003 and 2007. I still have mY Hair and Eyelashes...

Erythema Nodosum 85
Life-long Central Neurocytoma 4x5x6.5 cm 23 hrs 62090 semi-coma 10 d PT OT ST 30 d
3 Infertility tmts 99 > 3 u. fibroids > Pills
CN 3 GKRS 52301
IDC 1.2 cm Her2 +++ ER 5% R. Lmptmy SLNB+1 71703 6 FEC 33 R Tamoxifen
Recc IIB 2.5 cm Bi-L Mast 61407 2/9 nds PET
6 TCH Cellulitis - Lymphedema - compression sleeve & glove
H w x 4 MUGA 51 D, J 49 M
Diastasis recti
Tamoxifen B. scan
Irrtbl bowel 1'09
Colonoscopy 313
BRCA1 V1247I
hptc hemangioma
GI - > yogurt
hysterectomy/oophorectomy 011410
Exemestane 25 mg tab 102912 ~ 101016 stopped due to r. hip/l.thigh pain after long walk
DEXA 1/13
1-2016 lesions in liver largest 9mm & 1.3 cm onco. says not cancer.
3-11 Appendectomy - visually O.K., a lot of puss. Final path result - not cancer.
Start Vitamin D3 and Calcium supplement (600mg x2)
10-10 Stopped Exemestane due to r. hip/l.thigh pain OKed by Onco 11-08-2016
7-23-2018 9 mm groundglass nodule within the right lower lobe with indolent behavior. Due to possible adenocarcinoma, Recommend annual surveilence.
7-10-2019 CT to check lung nodule.
1-10-2020 8mm stable nodule on R Lung, two 6mm new ones on L Lung, a possible lymph node involvement in inter fissule.

Advocacy is a passion .. not a pastime - Joe
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Old 01-22-2012, 11:03 AM   #5
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

i missed my eyeleashes the most too. not only are they blond and i always wore black mascara, i hated the tears all the time. it was like seeing hte world thru tears all the time. so glad my "new eyelashes" took over and now the teary eyes are over!
Mammogram Sep 21, 2009 everything good and clear
DX jan 19,2010 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 2 Age 56
modified radical masectomy on LEFT side 29 Jan 2010
2.7 cm 18/31 nodes
mets to just above collar bone ( 2 nodes showed in PET)
ER- PR - / Her2 +++ (IHC) Stage 111 C
ki-67 60% nottingham score 7
A/C chemo mar 22,2010 DD
herceptin & taxotere DD june 1,2010
finished taxotere july 12, 2010
finished herceptin 16 May 2011
PET Scan 9 Aug 10, cancer in neck is gone! NED
33 Rads completed 1 Oct 2010
PET/CT Scan 6 Jan 2011 NED
PET/CT Scan 3 Aug 2011
MUGA 59% 3/22/10 -63% 9/23/10 - 51% 1/4/11 - 55% 2/17/11 - 50% 8/3/11
26 Aug 2011 NED
20 Feb 2012 NED
5 Mar 2012 PORT OUT
12 July 2012 DIEP breast reconstruction
23 Aug 2012 NED
15 Nov 2012 new breast tweeked and natural breast uplifted and implant added
17 Feb 2013 NED
27 mar 2013 lipo suction to add fat cells to new breast in hopes for needed adjustment.

"Don't spend your time worrying about when or how you are going to die, spend your time figuring out how you are going to live today". ~Elizabeth Edwards.
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Old 01-22-2012, 05:42 PM   #6
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes


Loved the poem and so true! I think I missed my eyebrows even more than the lashes. I remember looking into the mirror one morning, hairless, expressionless without my brows to frame my face. I recall saying out loud, "Man, I look like a St. Jude's kid." It was the moment I realized I was sick....really sick. I had cancer. Shit.

Smile On!

Dx'd w/multifocal DCIS/IDS 3/08
7mm invasive component
Partial mast. 5/08
Stage 1b, ER 80%, PR 90%, HER-2 6.9 on FISH
0/5 nodes
4 AC, 4 TH finished 9/08
Herceptin every 3 weeks. Finished 7/09
Tamoxifen 10/08. Switched to Femara 8/09
Bilat SPM w/reconstruction 10/08
Clinical Trial w/Clondronate 12/08
Stopped Clondronate--too hard on my gizzard!
Switched back to Tamoxifen due to tendon pain from Femara

15 Years NED
I think I just might hang around awhile....

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Old 01-22-2012, 05:50 PM   #7
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

Thanks to all of you. It is a great comfort to share, knowing there are those whom understand.
Yes, the runny nose had me regress to my childhood of wiping my nose on my sleeve! Lovely.
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:18 PM   #8
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

Hi Lorraine,

I missed my eyelashes the most also!

My eyelashes only fell out in my right eye, the left ones thinned. Talk about looking goofy! I had little fallen eyelashes on my cheeks quite often. I used Latisse to hurry along the process, and I wore big hoop earrings to make myself feel better.

My license renewal came up because we moved and I had to have a new photo taken, I had my wig on, no right eyelashes and you can see my neck was burned from radiation since the picture was taken at the end of my radiation. So I probably have the worst license picture on the planet....got to just laugh!!!

DX November 2010
Brain MRI, CT of lung, liver, bone, all clear
Double Mastectomy w/expanders December 1, 2010
ER- PR- Her2+++, grade 3, 12 positive nodes out of 15
Stage IIIc
Started TCH/Chemo December 31, 2010
6 rounds TCH
Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year
33 rounds of TomoTube radiation, to chest wall, neck, skin and lymph area
September, 2011, MRI to lower spine, hips, DX bulging disk, L4 & L5, pain not from cancer
Expanders removed, implants in Dec 1, 2011
Finished Herceptin, December 21, 2011
August 2012, CT of chest and abdomen, all ok
Enrolled in MC1136 Phase I Peptide Vaccine Trial at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
March 2013, First Vaccine
April 2013, 2nd Vaccine
May 2013, 3rd Vaccine
June 2013, 4th Vaccine
July 2013, 5th Vaccine
August 2013, 6th Vaccine Done!
September 2013, Mayo visit, Echo results 68, vaccine did not effect my heart! Blood work normal.
January 31, 2013, Mayo visit, Echo normal
February 23, 2014, Numb lips on right side, Brain MRI, normal!
June, 2015, Finished the trial at Mayo Clinic. Feels good!
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:54 AM   #9
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Re: I Miss mY Eyelashes

I lost all my eyelashes, and I hated every minute of it. Around the time they started growing back in (badly), I received one of those annoying advertising emails from Real Age. This time, though, I gave in to temptation and followed the link to the DermStore. I bought the advertised product--SmartLash--because it was the only time I've ever seen it on sale for a reasonable price. It's usually $100/tube, and I got mine for $29.95. There was also an option to sign up for 30 or 60 day automatic deliveries at the same price. To sweeten the deal, they sent me a free bronzer (that I didn't need) and a one-year subscription to Shape magazine (that I also have no use for).

Really, I'm not sure what's up with all that--if they'd just offer the product at a reasonable price to everyone all the time, they'd have plenty of sales (based on the reviews, it does work for most people, and unlike Latisse, it won't make your blue eyes brown).

With all that said, a couple of days ago, another one of those emails arrived in my box. I can find nothing in it to prohibit my sharing the link, so if anyone here ever wanted to try SmartLash, here's your chance.


Well, that's embarrassing. I have no idea why it pastes that way (I've never seen a copied link do that), but if you hover on it, you can see the unobfuscated link. It will send you straight to the DermStore through Real Age. Maybe they get a commission.

This one time I have to say "thank you, Dr. Oz, for spamming me," because my eyelashes are growing in thicker than they've been since I was in my teens.


2/6/09 Core needle biopsy: negative; Mammos through 2010: no change
3/30/11 Pea-sized lump in left breast at site of prior biopsy; mammo negative, sonogram not so much
4/14/11 Core needle biopsy: negative for cancer
5/18/11 Excisional biopsy 1.2 cm tumor, LVI, positive margin; ER+60%,PR+20%,HER2/CEP17 5
6/15/11 BMX: Left DCIS & LH; Right ADH; SNB: 2/3 nodes: 1.4 cm and 1 mm; ALND L1&2: 0/10; Stage IIa, Grade 3
7/14/11 CT/Bone scans NED; MUGA 66%
7/19/11 Biweekly dd AC w/Neulasta; done 8/30/11
9/13/11 Transfusion (Hemoglobin 8.6); MUGA 64%
9/20/11 Start Taxol + Herceptin; Taxol done 12/6/2011; continue Herceptin until 9/4/2012
12/27/11 Radiation - 6 weeks; 2/27/2012 - DONE! Yayyyy!
2/29/12 Start Tamoxifen 20 mg/day; continue until 2/28/17
5/16/12 Start five-years Metformin trial
6/19/12 MUGA 61%
8/21/12 Brain MRI NED (head still hurts, brain still fogged)
9/4/12 Herceptin done!
9/6/12 Port out!
7/11/13 Aricept 5mg for cognitive impairment; increased to 10mg as of 8/23/13; back to 5mg 12/2013
5/2014 Add Namenda 7mg
9/2014 Stop Aricept and Namenda; Neuropsychological evaluation
10/24/14 Start cognitive rehabilitation therapy
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