07-29-2011, 02:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 954
War Strategies That Can Apply to Fighting Cancer
1. “Wars are fought strategically. one battle at a time.
2 . Wars are fought on more than one front.
3. We must expect setbacks and defeats along the way.
4. When we lose a battle, we must get back on track immediately, so we don’t lose the war.
5. We will not win if we refuse to fight.”
——Carole Lewis
Whatdayathink of the quote? The context was not cancer but I thought it was a good one and can apply to our fight.
Re: #2: "Wars are fought on more than one front":
A few days ago I began an exercise which is proving to be very helpful to me, writing down the blessings God gives me each day. I blogged about "One Thousand Gifts" here if anyone is interested:
This is my list from yesterday and today. Perhaps the idea will be helpful to others here.
1. Thank you Lord for a RIGHT arm that does not have an ”invisible tourniquet/inflated BP cuff” sensation on it OH, the joy and blessing of having one arm that does not constantly hurt! Two painful arms would be much harder for me than one. Thank you Father for BOTH my left and right arm. Some people don’t have any arms. The two are blessings and gifts from You to me.
2. Clean sheets on my bed
3. My husband’s loving arms to hold me close
4. Fresh starts available to me from God 24/7/365
5. Beautiful sunsets and rises
6. Picnic in the park yesterday with my Hannah Banana, Theresa, and Nicole
7. A pokadotted umbrella to sheild me from sun or rain
8. Cooling breezes from the lake with gators peering up from other side of sea wall
9. The anticipation and fun of a lunch date with my wonderful husband today at Olive Garden
10. Oh, the happy warmth in my heart when I see my children cheerfully pitching in without being asked and without complaint
11.Precious relatives and friends reaching out to me
12. A sparkling clean bathtub
13. Bites of lucsious sweet fruit to savor : cantaloupe, watermelon, red and green grapes, blackberries, blueberries, nectarine, peach–my kind of feast!
14. The release of tears
15. Nicholas passing his AP Exam and getting an A in his dual enrollment summer school class at Seminole State College–hooray!
16. Nicholas’ 3 weeks in Arizona: new adventures for him and watching him grow and mature and confidently navigate a busy airport alone
17. Denise emailing me the “Under His Wings” photo
18. The pleasure of going through Ryan and Sarah’s wedding pictures
19. Kisses
20 Hugs
21. Snuggles
22. Massages
25. Entertaining antics of gerbils
26. Nibbling a fresh, crisp pickling cuke right off the vine in my garden-yummers!
27. Stamina to walk a mile and a half at a moderate pace today
28. The Lord arranging for Sharon to be exercising on the River Walk the same time as me so we could walk and pray together: The Lord must have had an angel wake her up later than usual 
29. An encouraging call from my dear mother in law last night