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Old 12-01-2014, 10:46 AM   #21
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Location: Somerset, NJ
Posts: 487
Re: No Travel Required - KRAS-Variant Mutation and Breast Cancer

I have not promoted 23 and me as a place for patients to get medical information. I specifically refer you to your comment in post #6:

Oh . . . maybe the genome study would be perfect for Linn65?

Can you post under clinical trials more information for others please.
To which I replied in post #8:

I don't think either 23andMe or the Personal Genome Project is appropriate for the purpose, Lizbeth. 23andMe is genotyping, not genome sequencing, so all you get are SNPs. For cancer, that's not especially helpful. Choosing treatments requires sequencing the tumor. I know there has been research using genotyping, but it's limited. Information has been posted before about 23andMe, and I think several people here may be enrolled in the collaboration between 23andMe and Genentech.

The Personal Genome Project...yes, eventually, you'll get a genome sequence, but it will take a long time. I finally had the blood draw last spring, and I don't expect results until...I have no idea when. Depends on funding. I had to drive from New Jersey to Boston to have two vials of blood taken. To put that into perspective, I initially started enrollment prior to being diagnosed with cancer, and I picked it back up after treatment was done. It took almost two years before there was an open blood draw, and I drove 600 miles round trip to have it done. The draws are generally done in Boston or in Mountain View, CA, although they are looking at additional locales. This is something to be done for its own sake, not for urgent medical reasons.
I have tried to answer your questions, and even though much of the discussion has felt quite hostile to me, I've put that aside in favor of information. I have one final comment on your last post in the other thread, and then I will do my best not to comment on any of your posts in the future for the sake of overall harmony.

2/6/09 Core needle biopsy: negative; Mammos through 2010: no change
3/30/11 Pea-sized lump in left breast at site of prior biopsy; mammo negative, sonogram not so much
4/14/11 Core needle biopsy: negative for cancer
5/18/11 Excisional biopsy 1.2 cm tumor, LVI, positive margin; ER+60%,PR+20%,HER2/CEP17 5
6/15/11 BMX: Left DCIS & LH; Right ADH; SNB: 2/3 nodes: 1.4 cm and 1 mm; ALND L1&2: 0/10; Stage IIa, Grade 3
7/14/11 CT/Bone scans NED; MUGA 66%
7/19/11 Biweekly dd AC w/Neulasta; done 8/30/11
9/13/11 Transfusion (Hemoglobin 8.6); MUGA 64%
9/20/11 Start Taxol + Herceptin; Taxol done 12/6/2011; continue Herceptin until 9/4/2012
12/27/11 Radiation - 6 weeks; 2/27/2012 - DONE! Yayyyy!
2/29/12 Start Tamoxifen 20 mg/day; continue until 2/28/17
5/16/12 Start five-years Metformin trial
6/19/12 MUGA 61%
8/21/12 Brain MRI NED (head still hurts, brain still fogged)
9/4/12 Herceptin done!
9/6/12 Port out!
7/11/13 Aricept 5mg for cognitive impairment; increased to 10mg as of 8/23/13; back to 5mg 12/2013
5/2014 Add Namenda 7mg
9/2014 Stop Aricept and Namenda; Neuropsychological evaluation
10/24/14 Start cognitive rehabilitation therapy
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