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Old 02-03-2011, 07:31 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ireland
Posts: 271
Rads to hip - what to wear?

If anyone has had radiation to the hip, can you let me know the procedure? Are you naked or covered? Mostly young male radiographers where I get treated, so am wondering can I keep my modesty (and prevent the poor lads having nightmares!)?. Maybe I'm being prudish but its just one more indignity on a long list.
Delaney, dx 2008 lumpectomy,mastectomy,a/c,paxitaxol, tyverb 1 yr.
dx 2010 mets lymph nodes, skin, lung. start taxotere/herceptin.
Stopped taxtere/herceptin, now on tyverb/xeloda.
Lung mets shrinking.
Back on Herceptin with T/X. Partial response.
Skin mets progressing. Radiation scheduled mid february 2011.
Spot found on hip - radiation to hip beginning mid February 2011.
Now trying Gemzar/Tyverb/Herceptin and Zometa.
CT scan Feb 2011 - lung clear!
Brain mets (specks) - radiation mid Feb.
Brain Scan June'11 - Clear
CT Scan June'11 - Good - skin met active - watch and wait.
Surgery to remove skin met. Surgery to back 2012, four titanium rods inserted. Skin mets reappear. On Navelbine, not working. 4 week washout, start Myocet for skin and lung mets August 2012. Brain scan clear despte intermittent blurry vision (something hiding? Am suspicious but hopeful. )On we go, glad to be here.
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:42 PM   #2
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Re: Rads to hip - what to wear?

Hi Delaney,
It might be more helpful if you posted this up in the Her2 forum because you will get many more replies.

I had rads to femur/hip. All clothes from the waist down come off....including your underwear. The first day was the mapping of the area where they put the little tattos on..and a couple marks with a magic marker. You will have a gown on each day. That gown stays on while your on the rads table. So your covered the majority of the time. The techs are really good about trying to make you feel comfortable...I'm sure they know how difficult that has to be for us ladies. But in order for them to hit the necessary radiation field--your body has to be exposed to line up their rads machine with the tattos & marks on your body. So yes you are completely naked below the waist, but only for a few minutes if that. Not that it helps much...but it does go really fast and they instantly cover you back up.

DX: 12-20-05 - Stage IIIA, Her2/Neu, 3+++,Er & Pr weakly positive, 5 of 16 pos nodes.
Rt. MRM on 1-3-06 -- No Rads due to compromised lungs.
Chemo started 2-7-06 -- TCH - - Finished 6-12-06
Finished yr of wkly herceptin 3-19-07
3-15-07 Lt side prophylactic simple mastectomy. -- Ooph 4-05-07
9-21-09 PET/CT "Recurrence" to Rt. axllia, Rt. femur, ilium. Possible Sacrum & liver? Now stage IV.
9-28-09 Loading dose of Herceptin & started Zometa
9-29-09 Power Port Placement
10-24-09 Mass 6.4 x 4.7 cm on Rt. femur head.
11-19-09 RT. Femur surgery - Rod placed
12-7-09 Navelbine added to Herceptin/Zometa.
3-23-10 Ten days of rads to RT femur. Completed.
4-05-10 Quit Navelbine--Herceptin/Zometa alone.
5-4-10 Appt. with Dr. Slamon to see what is next? Waiting on FISH results from femur biopsy.
Results to FISH was unsuccessful--this happens less then 2% of the time.
7-7-10 Recurrence to RT axilla again. Back to UCLA for options.
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:46 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ireland
Posts: 271
Re: Rads to hip - what to wear?

Thanks Chelee, never saw gowns when I had radiation to the chest but I will ask if they dont offer me one as I remember being freezing each time.
Delaney, dx 2008 lumpectomy,mastectomy,a/c,paxitaxol, tyverb 1 yr.
dx 2010 mets lymph nodes, skin, lung. start taxotere/herceptin.
Stopped taxtere/herceptin, now on tyverb/xeloda.
Lung mets shrinking.
Back on Herceptin with T/X. Partial response.
Skin mets progressing. Radiation scheduled mid february 2011.
Spot found on hip - radiation to hip beginning mid February 2011.
Now trying Gemzar/Tyverb/Herceptin and Zometa.
CT scan Feb 2011 - lung clear!
Brain mets (specks) - radiation mid Feb.
Brain Scan June'11 - Clear
CT Scan June'11 - Good - skin met active - watch and wait.
Surgery to remove skin met. Surgery to back 2012, four titanium rods inserted. Skin mets reappear. On Navelbine, not working. 4 week washout, start Myocet for skin and lung mets August 2012. Brain scan clear despte intermittent blurry vision (something hiding? Am suspicious but hopeful. )On we go, glad to be here.
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