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Old 06-08-2013, 03:01 AM   #81
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Susan, got any gems from the "Hope is contagious" book you can share? I haven't read that book (sounds good!) and I'd love to hear some quotes that were meaningful to you if you have time to pass some along.

How are you feeling this weekend?
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Old 06-08-2013, 03:02 AM   #82
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

"Life comes at us with flying fists: job dismissals, pink slips, divorce court and disease. We are prone to wonder, Will I get through this?”
The repeated and resounding promise of the Bible is this: “Yes!” It may not be quick or easy, but with God’s help, you will get through this. God has resources to help you.
Years ago, my wife Denalyn battled a dark cloud of depression. Every day was gray.
Her life was loud and busy–two kids in elementary school, a third in kindergarten, and a husband who didn’t know how to get off the airplane and stay home.
The days took their toll. Depression can buckle the knees of the best of us, but it can be especially difficult for the wife of a pastor. Congregants expect her to radiate joy and bite bullets. But Denalyn, to her credit, was never one to play games.
On a given Sunday, when the depression was suffocating, she armed herself with honesty and went to church. If people ask me how I am doing, I’m going to tell them.
She answered each, “How are you?” with a candid, “Not well. I'm depressed Will you pray for me?
Casual chats became long conversations.
Brief hellos became heartfelt moments of ministry.
By the time she left the worship service, she had enlisted dozens of people to hold up her arms in the battle of prayer.
She traces the healing of her depression to that Sunday morning service. She found God’s presence amidst God’s people.
Do you need to do likewise? Tough times stir the hermit within us. We want to hide out, run away and avoid human contact. In reality, we need community. Lean on God’s people. Cancel your escape to the Himalayas. Forget the deserted island. Be a barnacle on the boat of God’s church.
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Mt. 18:20 nkjv)

Would the sick avoid the hospital?
The hungry avoid the food pantry?
Would the discouraged abandon God’s Hope Distribution Center? Only at great risk. His people purvey His presence.
Moses and the Israelites once battled the Amelekites. The military strategy of Moses was a strange one. He commissioned Joshua to lead the fight in the valley below. Moses ascended the mountain to pray. But he did not go alone. He took his two lieutenants, Aaron and Hur.
While Joshua led physical combat, Moses engaged in a spiritual one. Aaron and Hur stood on either side of their leader to hold up his arms in the battle of prayer. The Israelites prevailed because Moses prayed.
Moses prevailed because he had a community to pray with him.
You need the same. You’ll get through this dark season.
And you’ll get through it much quicker with the help of God’s church.
Perhaps it’s a difficult promise for you to believe. After all, who can understand your struggle? Who’s been in your shoes and seen the depth of your pit? You fear the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten? Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras: bold, brassy, and everywhere. Take Hope: You will get through this."
You’ll Get Through This 2013 by Max Lucado, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Releasing September 2013, pre-orders available at Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com and CBD.com.
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Old 06-09-2013, 03:14 AM   #83
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

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Old 06-12-2013, 04:02 AM   #84
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Below are direct quotes by Stacy from http://hiswaynotmine.blogspot.com/ :

“Today, will I surrender my fears, my future, my what ifs, my life to the God of the heavens? The sovereign one with whom there are no accidents. With whom truth gives way, shining its light on the very core of my fears. With whom His very Word, that which we can hold in our fingertips, and take into the inner places of our beings…..brings hope, love, truth, comfort, encouragement, courage, forgiveness, healing, strength and endurance…and the ability to surrender to Him.”

“My mind settled on the morning and the beauty of women gathering together to study God’s Word desiring to grow closer to their Savior. Of the wisdom that was shared as we looked at God’s order in the home. And as my mind bounced from one thought to the next, it was quickly interrupted as I heard these words coming from the back seat…

“The Lord will fight for you.” Exodus 14:14

“Is that right, mom?”

Am I saying this right?

And as I quickly peered around the seat, there was Jeddy holding up this bookmark from Children’s Ministry. In his “just learning to read curiosity” and adorable little voice, with determination at getting the words right and pure pleasure in accomplishment….He needed some validation that he was in fact reading the words correctly.

What he didn’t know was in that moment, God was using my little boy to speak directly to my heart.

That those words, were words that have flooded my mind for the last 6 months, turning over what it means in my “fight against breast cancer.”

Trying to fully understand God at His word and wrap my mind around this battle that I’m in knowing that I really and truly can’t “fight” it. This cancer. It’s too big and I’m too little.

At least not fight the way I’m told to by the world.

This battle is not mine. I’ve said it before.

This cancer has too many tentacles and unknowns. It was my deepest fear for 38 years. CANCER. The 6 letter no one ever wants put together in a sentence where your name is involved.

The disease that as doctors say, “isn’t considered curable for 5 years from diagnosis, because it is a disease that can strike later with a vengeance.”

And all around are the words, “Fight breast cancer.” My goodness, there are even pink boxing gloves made for women fighting this disease. As much as I love pink (and I do, it is my favorite color)….I don’t want boxing gloves, nor do I know what to do with them and the 6 letter word.

And so as Jeddy’s sweet voice came from the backseat, asking the most childlike question….

“Mom is this right? The Lord will fight for you?” holding up his bookmark….God was answering the question that I have held at the forefront of my prayers.

I grabbed for my Bible on the passenger seat next to me and asked Jeddy to tell me again where that was. I needed to read the context. I needed in that moment to see the words on the pages of the one book that is alive and sharper than any two edged sword because right then and there is was cutting through my joint and marrow, my soul and spirit, just as Hebrews tells us the Bible does. (Hebrews 4:12)

So with my legs steadying the steering wheel and one eye on the road and the other on my Bible, I went to Exodus 14:14 (note to others….do not recommend doing this while driving, but I was not to be contained in that moment.)

And here’s the story of Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea. I’ve read the story a thousand times. My eyes have gazed over these verses and these words. But today they held a deeper meaning. Today they came alive to this woman whose body is tired and chemo has just worn out the physical me. To a woman that really doesn’t want to fight the way I have the better half of my life. In my strength, my way, pushing to get to the other side. I’m not engaging in this battle this way. I can’t. It is too exhausting.

And as Moses has just lead the Israelites out of Egypt, a land of oppression, from a Pharaoh they were enslaved to, to a future that offered no hope in their human eyes…..before them lay the massive Red Sea. Under them the ground was probably shaking as the hooves from the horses and the wheels of the chariots came fiercely across the ground in the distance, quickly approaching. To say they were pressed on every side would be an understatement. Can you imagine the fear that was rising within them. A battle was ensuing, a battle for their lives, their future, their livelihood..

A battle that resounds within me.

But God knew as He could see into their hearts.

And guess what Moses told them to do……Stand Still! The Lord will fight for you!

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:13-14

And what did God do, He parted the Red Sea. He delivered them. He brought them to the other side. He fought the battle and He won..His way. Those Israelites, they were ready to go back to Egypt. The battle was too much. The journey too long. The end, not seen. And I imagine, they were tired.

But God says, this battle is mine. Watch me deliver you. Believe I will deliver you. All I ask is that you stand still. Stand firm. Not in human understanding, but in ME.

This same message is throughout God’s Word. It is there when the Israelites came up against the Amorites crying out that they were ‘greater and taller, the cities were great and fortified.’
They saw their enemy with their eyes and they were scared. And Moses tells them

“Do not be terrified, or afraid of them. The Lord your God, who goes before you,
He will fight for you.”Deuteronomy 1:30

And then he gives the most beautiful picture of God as a Father carrying His son, never letting him down or letting him go.

That’s what God’s battlefield looks like.

That is what God does for each of us. He fights the battle. He takes down the enemy and He is victorious and in the process He desires to show Himself strong & faithful for us…for you and for me.

The battle, the fight needs to be put into the proper perspective.

It isn’t about us winning. It is about the glory of God being seen. His character. His faithfulness. His salvation. His deliverance. His love. His grace. His mercy. His magnificence.

And when we put down the weapons of this world and pick up faith in Christ Jesus, there is victory.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God….” 2 Corinthians 10:4,5

And I look at David…as he was going to fight Goliath, Saul tried to adorn him with armor….worldly armor…a coat of mail, a heavy helmet, a sword….and as David tried to walk, he couldn’t. It was heavy, cumbersome and ill fitting. David, taking off that armor, told Saul that it hadn’t been tested. It hadn’t been tried.

David was a boy that sought after the Lord. He knew that the battle was the Lord’s. He knew a God that didn’t disappoint and that came through strong. God had more to show than a boy defeating a giant. God was to show His strength in the weakness of that boy.

David drew 5 small, smooth stones and placed them in his pouch. And He stood before Goliath. He didn’t charge at him. He stood and used the weapons that God had given him….God’s almighty power and strength.

We know how the story ends. Goliath went down.

But we see in the end, David’s heart on the matter. David’s heart toward God.

“That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all the assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:46,47

That the glory of God may be seen. That all the earth would know there is a God and He delivers.

And God goes on in Ephesians to give us the armor that we need as the battles ensue around us. As war is waged against us and we pass through the valley of the shadow of death.

These are spiritual weapons, because whereas our battles might appear to be physical, they are spiritual. As Satan wants to take us down and in the process take God down.

But God has won. And He tells us to grab hold of the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the belt of truth, shield of faith and the shoes of the Gospel of peace. Pray in the Spirit, be watchful with perseverance….and STAND in the Lord and the power of His might.

How hard, right? Just to stand still and let God fight for us. We are a world of doing. Of bringing about action and results. But God says to stand still and let the power of the Lord rest upon us. To see what He is going to do. That doesn’t mean that you do nothing. It means that you humbly follow hard after Him and let Him direct your steps. Seek His wisdom and understanding, as David did as he drew those stones from the brook.

The battle is the Lord’s and we are to Stand firmly in Him. Who we know Him to be and He will show His power through us, strengthening us and fighting the battles for us.

And the victory….the victory is that in this battle I have the peace of God that passes understanding, I have joy, I have love, I have strength and I have power….all of which are God’s and are in me as I am in Christ Jesus.

He is my hope. Not the chemo, not the surgery, not the radiation, the doctors, the supplements, the nutrition, the drugs…..my hope is in Christ alone. As I sought Him, He showed me these treatments are part of His plan for me, but ultimately, He will do the healing. All I can do is take care of this body as a servant of the Lord. Care for this temple. He will bring me, as He did with the Israelites, to the other side. I pray for healing, but either way I know that I am alive, whether here on this earth or in the presence of the Lord for all eternity.

Back to those words spoken from the mouth of my 6 year old boy…..

“The Lord will fight for you.”

“Mom, is this right?”

You bet, my sweet boy….He will!! “
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:04 AM   #85
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Song: “If You Want Me To” with lyrics
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Old 06-13-2013, 04:01 AM   #86
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

The below thoughts are quoted by Stacy http://hiswaynotmine.blogspot.com/

"...And that is why God said, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:6,7
“When the thoughts want to battle emotions and the emotions want to take control of our thoughts….we have to leave them at the foot of the cross, allowing God’s truth to permeate and stand guard. He takes the coin as it is tossed in the air, catches it and says ‘It is finished. In Me there is peace. Apart from me there isn’t. Remain in Me.’Emotions aren’t bad in and of themselves, nor our thoughts and understanding….but when left alone, outside of Christ’s Truth, havoc ensues.My heart and mind need to be guarded right now, especially as my body is weak and my thoughts play tricks on me.
And so God, once again, in His gentle, perfect and loving way, swooped in and met me right where I was reminding me of His love and sovereignty. Reminding me to come to Him and rest my head. Reminding me that in Him is peace like a river ready to flow over my soul.
This morning, the new light is dawning as He is once again relieving the pain, renewing and restoring.
I don’t need to understand….just trust…in trusting Him there is peace. ”

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

“And the pendulum continued swinging as my mind went to the getting on with life, while laying down the fears that the “getting on with” encompassed. Wanting in some strange way to just stay in this place a little longer because the “getting on with” it means waiting. The “getting on with it” means questions remain unanswered. “The getting on with it” means trusting God at the deepest level I have ever experienced. Will I live to see my children get older? Will I suffer at the hand of this disease? Will my husband grow old without me by his side?Will I trust God with it all?My head knows all the Bible verses. This isn’t my first testing. It is one of many. And what I have found is that God uses each one to carve out fear deeper and deeper so that the word of God may be implanted in its place. A heart surgery of sorts….not laparoscopy, not catheterization, but true open heart surgery.
But head knowledge isn’t enough. Hence the surgery. Hence the walking it out. The testing.
You know faith isn’t stagnant. You are either walking forward, standing still, or falling backward.
I want to move forward. And so my heart needs to align with my head. The Truths that I know, as I live them out."
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Old 06-13-2013, 12:40 PM   #87
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Hello Beautiful Paula!! AMEN...what TRUTH AND VICTORY HERE!!!!

I'm sorry I have not gotten back to you...things have been a bit busy., but, the good news is, I am doing well...GOD IS FAITHFUL!! 4th treatment done as of this last Monday!! YAY!!!

I shared on fb, the wonderful quote you shared from Walt Wangerin about "Joy, by the grace of God, is the transfiguration of suffering into endurance, and of endurance into character..."
I went on into the rest of it...
I LOVE to share on "FAITHBOOK!!" I was soooo surprised when my cousin, who is a Lutheran Pastor commented that Walt Wangerin is one of his favorite authors!!
What I've been going through, has brought a lot of my family much closer, God will do what He has to do...!!

Then, JUST today, I was thinking about how when there is NOTHING else to do...in the word, it says, JUST STAND...PRAY...and you had the scripture RIGHT here!!!

Also LOVED again, one of my favorites...how Moses was in the battle grounds, there was Aaron & Hur who held up his Arms in the battle of prayer!!


I'll share some from "Hope is Contagious" soon...

What I've really loved is doing Beth Moore's studies throughout the years!!!

Blessings to you!!
10/18/12 Found pea size lump right breast
11/7/12 Biopsy
12/14/12 Lumpectomy
1/4/13 Rexcision, NO CLEAR MARGINS!! :(
2/11/13 Mastectomy with Expander Placed
2/15/13 INFECTION at Mastectomy site...emergency Surgery!!! Expander removed :(
DX: DCIS, IDC, Stage 2a, 2.7cm, 1/5 nodes positive
ER/PR-, HER2+++
3/28/13 Port placed
4/1/13 Begin 6 Cycles TCH Therapy
4/1/14 Finished Herceptin!!
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:13 AM   #88
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

You are more than halfway done with chemo now Susan--just two to go, yipppeee! I'm glad you are doing well.

I like Beth Moore too and have found her books very encouraging.

Here's another blog enntry/direct quote from Stacy
http://hiswaynotmine.blogspot.com/ :

“I will do better for you than at your beginnings. Then you shall know that I am the LORD…..I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places, and planted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken it and I will do it.” Ezekiel 36:11, 36

“While at church Sunday morning, a lady came up to me to see how I was doing. We began talking and she asked me a pointed question. A question that was unexpected. A fully loaded question, at that. One that gave me a moments pause as a smile crept across my face.
“Stacy,” she asked, “I am always intrigued when someone goes through a trial such as yours. Tell me, what did God teach you?”
I laughed inside thinking this lady probably didn’t want to pull up a chair and hear the long version. So I thought for a moment on my big take home message of this faith journey. There was so much He taught me and continues to. What was God hammering into this vessel of His? How was I being shaped and transformed? What was being rooted out only to be replaced with more of Him? What beauty was He bringing from the pieces?
I gently responded from where my faith had been exercised…..”Live in the today. Trust God today. Gaze into His eyes today. Respond to Him today. Worrying about tomorrow wastes what God has to offer us today. Savor today, as you savor Him. He will take care of each of your tomorrows. Believe Him today and walk from that believing.”
A simple message. But a truth He needed to plant more deeply in the soil of my heart, thus this season of testing…..this breast cancer journey. It had purpose and continues to.”
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Old 12-02-2013, 05:46 AM   #89
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Advent Devotionals: Week 01. Hope (Video for Dec 1, 2013)
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Old 12-08-2013, 03:23 PM   #90
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Hi Paula!!

Thank you for sharing this!! It meant so very much to me!! Praying you are doing well!! Unbelievable, I'm almost near the end of my treatment...I will finish my year of Herceptin the end of March or first of April as I "sat" in the chemo chair April Fool's Day!!

Amazing what God has brought me...and our family through...He is so Faithful...!!!
10/18/12 Found pea size lump right breast
11/7/12 Biopsy
12/14/12 Lumpectomy
1/4/13 Rexcision, NO CLEAR MARGINS!! :(
2/11/13 Mastectomy with Expander Placed
2/15/13 INFECTION at Mastectomy site...emergency Surgery!!! Expander removed :(
DX: DCIS, IDC, Stage 2a, 2.7cm, 1/5 nodes positive
ER/PR-, HER2+++
3/28/13 Port placed
4/1/13 Begin 6 Cycles TCH Therapy
4/1/14 Finished Herceptin!!
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Old 12-10-2013, 05:06 AM   #91
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Hooray for you almost being done with treatment, Susan. You're on the home stretch now, yipeee!

Here's the link to the Advent 02 Peace devotional video: http://www.aholyexperience.com/2013/...+Experience%29

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."
2 The 3:6
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Old 12-10-2013, 07:04 PM   #92
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Ahhhh....God IS about Intimacy...Perfect Peace!!!

Huge Blessings Paula!!
10/18/12 Found pea size lump right breast
11/7/12 Biopsy
12/14/12 Lumpectomy
1/4/13 Rexcision, NO CLEAR MARGINS!! :(
2/11/13 Mastectomy with Expander Placed
2/15/13 INFECTION at Mastectomy site...emergency Surgery!!! Expander removed :(
DX: DCIS, IDC, Stage 2a, 2.7cm, 1/5 nodes positive
ER/PR-, HER2+++
3/28/13 Port placed
4/1/13 Begin 6 Cycles TCH Therapy
4/1/14 Finished Herceptin!!
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Old 12-14-2013, 10:49 PM   #93
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

I find this thread very inappropriate to our site.
1996 cancer WTF?! 1.3 cm lumpectomy Er/Pr neg. Her2+ (20nodes NEGATIVE) did CMF + rads. NED.
2002 recurrence. Bilateral mastectomy w/TFL autologous recon. Then ACx2. Skin lymphatic rash. Taxotere w/Herceptin x4. Herceptin/Xeloda. Finally stops spreading.
2003 - Back to surgery, remove skin mets, and will have surgery one week later when pathology can confirm margins.
‘03 latisimus dorsi flap to remove skin mets. CLEAN MARGINS. Continue single agent Herceptin thru 4/04. NED.
‘04 '05 & 06 tiny recurrences - scar line. surgery to cut out. NED each time.
1/2006 Rads again, to scar line. NED.

3/07 Heartbreaking news - mets! lungs.sternum. Try Tykerb/Xeloda. Tykerb/Carbo/Gemzar. Switch Oncs.
12/07 Herceptin.Tykerb. Markers go stable.
2/8/08 gamma knife 13mm stupid brain met.
3/08 Herceptin/tykerb/avastin/zometa.
3/09 brain NED. Lungs STABLE.
4/09 attack sternum (10 daysPHOTONS.5 days ELECTRONS)
9/09 MARKERS normal!
3/10 PET/CT=manubrium intensely metabolically active but stable. NEDhead.
Wash out 5/10 for tdm1 but 6/10 CT STABLE, PET improving. Markers normal. Brain NED. Resume just Herceptin plus ZOMETA
Dec 2010 Brain NED, lungs/sternum stable. markers normal.
MAR 2011 stop Herceptin/allergy! Go back on Tykerb and switch to Xgeva.
May-Aug 2011 Tykerb Herceptin Xgeva.
Sept 2011 Tykerb, Herceptin, Zometa, Avastin.
April 2012 sketchy drug trial in NYC. 6 weeks later I’m NED!
OCT 2012 PET/CT shows a bunch of freakin’ progression. Back to LA and Herceptin.avastin.zometa.
12/20/12 add in PERJETA!
March 2013 – 5 YEARS POST continue HAPZ
APRIL 2013 - 6 yrs stage 4. "FAILED" PETscan on 4/2/13
May 2013: rePetted - improvement in lungs, left adrenal stable, right 6th rib inactive, (must be PERJETA avastin) sternum and L1 fruckin'worsen. Drop zometa. ADD Xgeva. Doc says get rads consultant for L1 and possible biopsy of L1. I say, no thanks, doc. Lets see what xgeva brings to the table first. It's summer.
June-August 2013HAPX Herceptin Avastin Perjeta xgeva.
Sept - now - on chemo hold for calming tummy we hope. Markers stable for 2 months.
Nov 2013 - Herceptin-Perjeta-Avastin-Xgeva (collageneous colitis, which explains tummy probs, added Entocort)
December '13 BRAIN MRI ned in da head.
FEB 2014 PetCT clinical “impression”: 1. newbie nodule - SUV 1.5 right apical nodule, mildly hypermetabolic “suggestive” of worsening neoplastic lesion. 2. moderate worsening of the sternum – SUV 5.6 from 3.8
3. increasing sclerosis & decreasing activity of L1 met “suggests” mild healing. (SUV 9.4 v 12.1 in May ‘13)
4. scattered lung nodules, up to 5mm in size = stable, no increased activity
5. other small scattered sclerotic lesions, one in right iliac and one in thoracic vertebral body similar in appearance to L1 without PET activity and not clearly pathologic
October 2014: hold avastin, continue HPX
Feb 2015 Cancer you lost. NEDHEAD 7 years post gamma zap miracle, 8 years ST4, +19 yrs original diagnosis.
Continue HPX. Adding back Avastin
Nov 2015 pet/ct is mixed result. L1 SUV is worse. Continue Herceptin/avastin/xgeva. Might revisit Perjeta for L1. Meantime going for rads consult for L1
December 2015 - brain stable. Continue Herceptin, Perjeta, Avastin and xgeva.
Jan 2016: 5 days, 20 grays, Rads to L1 and continue on HAPX. I’m trying to "save" TDM1 for next line. Hope the rads work to quiet L1. Sciatic pain extraordinaire :((
Markers drop post rads.
2/24/16 HAP plus X - markers are down
3/23/16 Laminectomy w/coflex implant L4/5. NO MORE SCIATIC PAIN!!! Healing.
APRIL 2016 - 9 YRS MBC
July 2016 - continue HAP plus Xgeva.
DEC 2016 - PETCT: mets to sternum, lungs, L1 still about the same in size and PET activity. Markers not bad. Not making changes if I don't need to. Herceptin/Perjeta/Avastin/Xgeva
December 2017 - Progression - gonna switch it up
FEB 2018 - Kadcyla 3 cycles ---->progression :(
MAY30th - bronchoscopy, w/foundation1 - her2 enriched
Aug 27, 2018 - start clinical trial ZW25
JAN 2019 - ZW25 seems to be keeping me stable
MAY 2019 - progression back on herceptin add xeloda
JUNE 2019 - "6 mos average survival" LMD & CNS new single brain met - one zap during 5 days true beam SBRT to cord met
10/30/19 - stable brain and cord. progression lungs and bones. washing out. applying for ds8201a w nivolumab. hope they take me.
12/27/19 - begin ds8401a w nivolumab. after 2nd cycle nodes melt away. after 3rd cycle chest scan shows Improvement, brain MRI shows improvement, resolved areas & nothing new. switch to plain ENHERTU. after 4th cycle, PETscan shows mostly resolved or improved results. Markers near normal. I'm stunned but grateful.
10/26/20 - June 2021 Tucatinib/xeloda/herceptin - stable ish.
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Old 12-16-2013, 11:47 AM   #94
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

I was glad to read your happy news of "NED in da head" in your updated sig line. Hooray! That's great! If I knew how, I'd post Snoopy doing a Western Swing "happy dance" in celebration.

You said in your last post that you feel this thread is very inapproprite for this site. May I share my heart in the most cordial and respectful of ways that those who find the thread topic, "For those interested: Scripture through the Her 2 Fight" of interest, that they click on the posts but if not, they simply refrain from doing so. I know that this site is intended for the sharing of info and questions, education,and mutual support and encouragement and that not all threads appeal to everybody.

About a year ago you expressed this same opinion here in this thread and I shared back then:
>I'd like to suggest in the friendlinest of ways, that there is plenty of room on this board for a variety of threads, including this one. Surely folks can either choose to read and contribute to a thread if they are interested in the topic but simply not click on it at all if they don't want to read about a particular subject or perhaps simply would prefer not to read what a particular poster is writing.

There is sadness, fear, disappointment, and loss that we may feel in our own journeys as well as heartfelt sorrow when our fellow Her2 Positive sisters face very hard battles with cancer or when one of our members passes away. We cope with stresses in lots of different ways. Many people find a great deal of hope and comfort in God and the Bible. I sure do. I am happy to pass along and contribute to the group what I personlly consider to be encouraging and helpful beit free resources for those with cancer, humor, interesting articles, songs, quotes, or Scripture. My sincere desire is to be a blessing.

Chrisy responded to mine and your replies with:

>I don't know if I would claim to be "overseeing" the board, although I do have the POWER to delete spam or any other thread

I agree with Flori re avoiding political discussions - they quickly get hot and divisive and unhelpful. Over the years we've had very few occasions where Joe had to shut down political discussions and that has always been one of the "house rules" of living in Joe and Christine's home.

I think the same could be true of religious "discussions" or controversies, which we have not really encountered very much, in fact I can't really think of any in the 8 years I've been here. I'd hate to see that too.

I think that is very different tho from sharing inspirational messages or quotes, including this thread which is biblical scriptures. I personally find this thread a super helpful gift and really appreciate the work that has gone into sharing these. I also really like that "scripture" is referenced in the thread subject so that those who want/need this can easily find it (vs. searching through a more generic "inspirational quotes" thread) and those who are not interested or do not find it helpful can equally easily avoid or ignore it.

Although I do see your point about where do we draw the line, Flori. To me the difference is a quote from the dalai lama or other religious sources is likely to be helpful to some members; ads for cialis or links to porn are far less likely but maybe that's just me!

I especially love the respect and grace with which we as the her2support family express ourselves and respect each other-Brenda was a champion at this. This is the only online site on which I have EVER posted because I never felt safe on the sites notable for their "flame wars". You know who they are.

I love you all. You know who you are, too."

Chrisy and I spoke on the phone multiple times in the two years before she passed away. You've known her much longer than I have. I appreciated her friendship and miss her as I imagine you and many others here do too. After your comments in this thread last year she referred me to the many hits on this particular thread (I just checked and as of today there have been 4,385 hits on this thread) and she said something along the lines of , "Paula, it wasn't me alone who clicked all those times on this subject line and found the Scripture and thoughts helpful. I think we should have this thread continuing to be available to whoever wants to read it. and those who don't should simply not read the thread." I agree. She also moved the thread to the "Keeping your mind off breast cancer" section at the suggestion of another member which I thought was a great idea. There are lots of references throughout the thread to others battling breast cancer and dealing with adversity and finding comfort, hope, and encouragement from Scripture during tough times. There are many breast cancer survivors that find this topic highly relevent both in their perspective of life and death.

I am sincerely hoping that both you and I , along with the group as a whole here can allow each other a supportive, gracious, positive, non-judgemental space to allow for both differences and similarities in the way we each journey through our own personal battles with cancer including resources we find helpful.

I'm a peace lovin' gal that cares about the feelings of others and I imagine you are too. Let's please not you or anybody here take offense or make this a negative point of contention in the group. Simply do not click on what you do not find helpful but surely there is room here to allow others to do so if they wish.

P.S. You look great in your updated avitar. That's neat that you are having so much fun dancing! I know you've been through some rough stuff and wish you only the very, very best.
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Old 12-16-2013, 01:15 PM   #95
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

A year ago or a year from now - it's all the same to me – I don’t think that posting a thread about religion is appropriate here.

Any of us could start a thread that attracts a lot of hits – the point that I continue to be concerned with is our level of professionalism in content.

We compete in the online marketplace and having threads about Bible or Torah or the Koran any other religion just makes us look like amateurs.

I believe that we count on being funded, respected and supported by the cancer community at large, so IN MY OPINION your thread is and will always be inappropriate.

The issue is WHAT kind of a support community are we? When one member cut and pastes pages of posts about her God, to me that has the flavor of proselytizing.

As far as *for those interested* that is another weak defense because the same could be said of soft porn – do we want a link to a soft porn hub on our site? Many people could feel better from that, too. Would certainly get a lot of hits. Using the opinion of dead members is another ridiculous and weak defense – perhaps if Chris were asked, she’d now say that you’ve gone too far. YOU cannot speak on another’s behalf, including "god". For the record, I received a surprising number of emails from other members who don’t like the thread. But I am not representing anyone other than myself – hope you are clear on that.

At best I will agree to disagree with you and hope that you will never decide to cut and paste MY WORDS and use them as you see fit. This will serve as your notice that you do not have my permission to do so.

I would also ask that you edit out all reference to my name in your response above.
1996 cancer WTF?! 1.3 cm lumpectomy Er/Pr neg. Her2+ (20nodes NEGATIVE) did CMF + rads. NED.
2002 recurrence. Bilateral mastectomy w/TFL autologous recon. Then ACx2. Skin lymphatic rash. Taxotere w/Herceptin x4. Herceptin/Xeloda. Finally stops spreading.
2003 - Back to surgery, remove skin mets, and will have surgery one week later when pathology can confirm margins.
‘03 latisimus dorsi flap to remove skin mets. CLEAN MARGINS. Continue single agent Herceptin thru 4/04. NED.
‘04 '05 & 06 tiny recurrences - scar line. surgery to cut out. NED each time.
1/2006 Rads again, to scar line. NED.

3/07 Heartbreaking news - mets! lungs.sternum. Try Tykerb/Xeloda. Tykerb/Carbo/Gemzar. Switch Oncs.
12/07 Herceptin.Tykerb. Markers go stable.
2/8/08 gamma knife 13mm stupid brain met.
3/08 Herceptin/tykerb/avastin/zometa.
3/09 brain NED. Lungs STABLE.
4/09 attack sternum (10 daysPHOTONS.5 days ELECTRONS)
9/09 MARKERS normal!
3/10 PET/CT=manubrium intensely metabolically active but stable. NEDhead.
Wash out 5/10 for tdm1 but 6/10 CT STABLE, PET improving. Markers normal. Brain NED. Resume just Herceptin plus ZOMETA
Dec 2010 Brain NED, lungs/sternum stable. markers normal.
MAR 2011 stop Herceptin/allergy! Go back on Tykerb and switch to Xgeva.
May-Aug 2011 Tykerb Herceptin Xgeva.
Sept 2011 Tykerb, Herceptin, Zometa, Avastin.
April 2012 sketchy drug trial in NYC. 6 weeks later I’m NED!
OCT 2012 PET/CT shows a bunch of freakin’ progression. Back to LA and Herceptin.avastin.zometa.
12/20/12 add in PERJETA!
March 2013 – 5 YEARS POST continue HAPZ
APRIL 2013 - 6 yrs stage 4. "FAILED" PETscan on 4/2/13
May 2013: rePetted - improvement in lungs, left adrenal stable, right 6th rib inactive, (must be PERJETA avastin) sternum and L1 fruckin'worsen. Drop zometa. ADD Xgeva. Doc says get rads consultant for L1 and possible biopsy of L1. I say, no thanks, doc. Lets see what xgeva brings to the table first. It's summer.
June-August 2013HAPX Herceptin Avastin Perjeta xgeva.
Sept - now - on chemo hold for calming tummy we hope. Markers stable for 2 months.
Nov 2013 - Herceptin-Perjeta-Avastin-Xgeva (collageneous colitis, which explains tummy probs, added Entocort)
December '13 BRAIN MRI ned in da head.
FEB 2014 PetCT clinical “impression”: 1. newbie nodule - SUV 1.5 right apical nodule, mildly hypermetabolic “suggestive” of worsening neoplastic lesion. 2. moderate worsening of the sternum – SUV 5.6 from 3.8
3. increasing sclerosis & decreasing activity of L1 met “suggests” mild healing. (SUV 9.4 v 12.1 in May ‘13)
4. scattered lung nodules, up to 5mm in size = stable, no increased activity
5. other small scattered sclerotic lesions, one in right iliac and one in thoracic vertebral body similar in appearance to L1 without PET activity and not clearly pathologic
October 2014: hold avastin, continue HPX
Feb 2015 Cancer you lost. NEDHEAD 7 years post gamma zap miracle, 8 years ST4, +19 yrs original diagnosis.
Continue HPX. Adding back Avastin
Nov 2015 pet/ct is mixed result. L1 SUV is worse. Continue Herceptin/avastin/xgeva. Might revisit Perjeta for L1. Meantime going for rads consult for L1
December 2015 - brain stable. Continue Herceptin, Perjeta, Avastin and xgeva.
Jan 2016: 5 days, 20 grays, Rads to L1 and continue on HAPX. I’m trying to "save" TDM1 for next line. Hope the rads work to quiet L1. Sciatic pain extraordinaire :((
Markers drop post rads.
2/24/16 HAP plus X - markers are down
3/23/16 Laminectomy w/coflex implant L4/5. NO MORE SCIATIC PAIN!!! Healing.
APRIL 2016 - 9 YRS MBC
July 2016 - continue HAP plus Xgeva.
DEC 2016 - PETCT: mets to sternum, lungs, L1 still about the same in size and PET activity. Markers not bad. Not making changes if I don't need to. Herceptin/Perjeta/Avastin/Xgeva
December 2017 - Progression - gonna switch it up
FEB 2018 - Kadcyla 3 cycles ---->progression :(
MAY30th - bronchoscopy, w/foundation1 - her2 enriched
Aug 27, 2018 - start clinical trial ZW25
JAN 2019 - ZW25 seems to be keeping me stable
MAY 2019 - progression back on herceptin add xeloda
JUNE 2019 - "6 mos average survival" LMD & CNS new single brain met - one zap during 5 days true beam SBRT to cord met
10/30/19 - stable brain and cord. progression lungs and bones. washing out. applying for ds8201a w nivolumab. hope they take me.
12/27/19 - begin ds8401a w nivolumab. after 2nd cycle nodes melt away. after 3rd cycle chest scan shows Improvement, brain MRI shows improvement, resolved areas & nothing new. switch to plain ENHERTU. after 4th cycle, PETscan shows mostly resolved or improved results. Markers near normal. I'm stunned but grateful.
10/26/20 - June 2021 Tucatinib/xeloda/herceptin - stable ish.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:10 PM   #96
Mary Jo
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Just my humble opinion, but this thread states 'for those interested.' If you aren't interested, ignore it! To say referencing the Bible, Torah or Koran makes us look like "amateurs," I say...who cares! We aren't here to impress anyone. We are here to share knowledge and support one another. Support comes in many different ways to many different people.

I'm not a regular contributor to her2support anymore but do check in on occasion to see how my friends are doing. I care for each other here and respect everyone's opinion because we all have one. If some think this thread isn't appropriate, than so be it. That is their opinion....AND an opinion is something we all share.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Dx. 6/24/05 age 45 Right Breast IDC
ER/PR. Neg., - Her2+++
RB Mast. - 7/28/05 - 4 cm. tumor
Margins clear - 1 microscopic cell 1 sent. node
No Vasucular Invasion
4 DD A/C - 4 DD Taxol & Herceptin
1 full year of Herceptin received every 3 weeks
28 rads
prophylactic Mast. 3/2/06

17 Years NED

<>< Romans 8:28
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Old 12-17-2013, 06:21 PM   #97
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Hi MaryJo,

Of the 95 posts in this thread, over 75 are by Paula O, cutting and pasting scripture. With all due respect to you, that ratio seems kind of preachy to me.

Anyhow - I'm not going to comment any further than my annual opinion here :-)
1996 cancer WTF?! 1.3 cm lumpectomy Er/Pr neg. Her2+ (20nodes NEGATIVE) did CMF + rads. NED.
2002 recurrence. Bilateral mastectomy w/TFL autologous recon. Then ACx2. Skin lymphatic rash. Taxotere w/Herceptin x4. Herceptin/Xeloda. Finally stops spreading.
2003 - Back to surgery, remove skin mets, and will have surgery one week later when pathology can confirm margins.
‘03 latisimus dorsi flap to remove skin mets. CLEAN MARGINS. Continue single agent Herceptin thru 4/04. NED.
‘04 '05 & 06 tiny recurrences - scar line. surgery to cut out. NED each time.
1/2006 Rads again, to scar line. NED.

3/07 Heartbreaking news - mets! lungs.sternum. Try Tykerb/Xeloda. Tykerb/Carbo/Gemzar. Switch Oncs.
12/07 Herceptin.Tykerb. Markers go stable.
2/8/08 gamma knife 13mm stupid brain met.
3/08 Herceptin/tykerb/avastin/zometa.
3/09 brain NED. Lungs STABLE.
4/09 attack sternum (10 daysPHOTONS.5 days ELECTRONS)
9/09 MARKERS normal!
3/10 PET/CT=manubrium intensely metabolically active but stable. NEDhead.
Wash out 5/10 for tdm1 but 6/10 CT STABLE, PET improving. Markers normal. Brain NED. Resume just Herceptin plus ZOMETA
Dec 2010 Brain NED, lungs/sternum stable. markers normal.
MAR 2011 stop Herceptin/allergy! Go back on Tykerb and switch to Xgeva.
May-Aug 2011 Tykerb Herceptin Xgeva.
Sept 2011 Tykerb, Herceptin, Zometa, Avastin.
April 2012 sketchy drug trial in NYC. 6 weeks later I’m NED!
OCT 2012 PET/CT shows a bunch of freakin’ progression. Back to LA and Herceptin.avastin.zometa.
12/20/12 add in PERJETA!
March 2013 – 5 YEARS POST continue HAPZ
APRIL 2013 - 6 yrs stage 4. "FAILED" PETscan on 4/2/13
May 2013: rePetted - improvement in lungs, left adrenal stable, right 6th rib inactive, (must be PERJETA avastin) sternum and L1 fruckin'worsen. Drop zometa. ADD Xgeva. Doc says get rads consultant for L1 and possible biopsy of L1. I say, no thanks, doc. Lets see what xgeva brings to the table first. It's summer.
June-August 2013HAPX Herceptin Avastin Perjeta xgeva.
Sept - now - on chemo hold for calming tummy we hope. Markers stable for 2 months.
Nov 2013 - Herceptin-Perjeta-Avastin-Xgeva (collageneous colitis, which explains tummy probs, added Entocort)
December '13 BRAIN MRI ned in da head.
FEB 2014 PetCT clinical “impression”: 1. newbie nodule - SUV 1.5 right apical nodule, mildly hypermetabolic “suggestive” of worsening neoplastic lesion. 2. moderate worsening of the sternum – SUV 5.6 from 3.8
3. increasing sclerosis & decreasing activity of L1 met “suggests” mild healing. (SUV 9.4 v 12.1 in May ‘13)
4. scattered lung nodules, up to 5mm in size = stable, no increased activity
5. other small scattered sclerotic lesions, one in right iliac and one in thoracic vertebral body similar in appearance to L1 without PET activity and not clearly pathologic
October 2014: hold avastin, continue HPX
Feb 2015 Cancer you lost. NEDHEAD 7 years post gamma zap miracle, 8 years ST4, +19 yrs original diagnosis.
Continue HPX. Adding back Avastin
Nov 2015 pet/ct is mixed result. L1 SUV is worse. Continue Herceptin/avastin/xgeva. Might revisit Perjeta for L1. Meantime going for rads consult for L1
December 2015 - brain stable. Continue Herceptin, Perjeta, Avastin and xgeva.
Jan 2016: 5 days, 20 grays, Rads to L1 and continue on HAPX. I’m trying to "save" TDM1 for next line. Hope the rads work to quiet L1. Sciatic pain extraordinaire :((
Markers drop post rads.
2/24/16 HAP plus X - markers are down
3/23/16 Laminectomy w/coflex implant L4/5. NO MORE SCIATIC PAIN!!! Healing.
APRIL 2016 - 9 YRS MBC
July 2016 - continue HAP plus Xgeva.
DEC 2016 - PETCT: mets to sternum, lungs, L1 still about the same in size and PET activity. Markers not bad. Not making changes if I don't need to. Herceptin/Perjeta/Avastin/Xgeva
December 2017 - Progression - gonna switch it up
FEB 2018 - Kadcyla 3 cycles ---->progression :(
MAY30th - bronchoscopy, w/foundation1 - her2 enriched
Aug 27, 2018 - start clinical trial ZW25
JAN 2019 - ZW25 seems to be keeping me stable
MAY 2019 - progression back on herceptin add xeloda
JUNE 2019 - "6 mos average survival" LMD & CNS new single brain met - one zap during 5 days true beam SBRT to cord met
10/30/19 - stable brain and cord. progression lungs and bones. washing out. applying for ds8201a w nivolumab. hope they take me.
12/27/19 - begin ds8401a w nivolumab. after 2nd cycle nodes melt away. after 3rd cycle chest scan shows Improvement, brain MRI shows improvement, resolved areas & nothing new. switch to plain ENHERTU. after 4th cycle, PETscan shows mostly resolved or improved results. Markers near normal. I'm stunned but grateful.
10/26/20 - June 2021 Tucatinib/xeloda/herceptin - stable ish.
SoCalGal is offline  
Old 12-18-2013, 05:01 AM   #98
Paula O
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Re: For those interested: Scripture Through the Her2 Fight

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

A Time for Everything

3 For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
2 A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
5 A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
6 A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.

...and a time to fly again:
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