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Old 10-05-2011, 05:50 AM   #21
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Re: Stress Major Driver In Cancer Cells

At this point, I'd like to point out that Bernie Siegel, a world-class author and onocologist, shares his views on mind-body connection, and how he has seen patients cure themselves, in SOME instances, by releasing anger, destressing and living a positive-minded life. Will it happen for me? Not sure, but it is more comfortable and serene to live life this way. I tend to believe that the scientists who display their findings above are accurate to a degree, after all, what are they saying? A neurotransmitter has been identified which stimulates breast cancer cells. Glad they found it. Most health-care professionals believe our mental outlook has much to do with our overall health. Our systems are so different. If I have one glass of wine, I'm tipsy. I'm sure that doesn't apply to all.

We don't usually beckon stress, it usually finds us.

As I look back, and re-evaluate the trip called My Life, I see so much emotional violence: the deaths of my dogs (train, steamroller, cars), the death of my horse when she slipped on ice and broke her leg, the deaths of my two nephews under the age of three, the death of my grandmother who was like my mother, the death of my lover of 13 years in just six weeks, of course, the World Trade Center catastrophe, plus all else I can't possibly write in a thread, and I wonder how much natural healing was I born with? How much will require extra effort on my part now? I have a theory that our immune system is our own ozone layer. Poke too many holes in that, look what happens...a complete meltdown. So the idea of detoxing, massage, self-love, de-stressing, a positive frame of mind and my faith will get me through.

Cancer may win in the end, but not today. I've already talked to it and we've agreed on that.
World Trade Center Survivor (56th Floor/North Tower): 14 years and still just like yesterday.
Graves Disease, became Euthyroid via Radioactive Iodine, June 2001.
Thyroid Eye Disease. 2003. Decompression surgery in 2009; eyelid lowering surgery in 2010.
Diagnosed: June 2010, liver mets. ER-/PR+10%; HER2+++.
July 2010: Begin Taxol/Herceptin. Eliminate sugar from diet. No surgery or radiation.
January 2011: NED
April 2011: Progression in liver only. Other previous affected areas eradicated. Stop Taxol/Herceptin after 32 infusions.
May 2011: Brain MRI: clear.
May 2011: Begin Tykerb daily, Xeloda twice per day for one week on, one week off, and Herceptin.
November 2011: Progression in liver. All other tumors remain eradicated.
December 2011: BEGIN TRIAL #09-093 Taxol, MCC-DM1 (T-DM1), Perjeta.
Trial requires scans every six weeks, bloodwork and infusions weekly.
Brain MRI: clear.
January 2012: NED. Liver mets, good riddance!
March 2012: NED. Developed SMA (rare blood clot) in intestinal artery and loss of sight in right eye due to optical nerve neuropathy. Resolved when Taxol removed this month.
Continue Protocol of T-DM1 weekly and Perjeta every 3 weeks.
May 2012: NED.
June 2012: Brain MRI: clear.
June-December 2012: NED.
December 2012: TRIAL CONCLUDED; ENTER TRIAL EXTENSION #09-037. CT, Brain MRI, bone scan: clear. NED.
January-March 2013: NED.
June 2013: Brain MRI: clear. CEA upticking; CT shows new met on liver.
July 3, 2013: DISASTER STRIKES during liver ablation: sloppy surgeon cuts intercostal artery and I bleed out, lose 3.5 liters of blood, have major hemothorax, and collapsed lung requiring emergency resuscitative thoracotomy, lung surgery, rib rearrangement and cutting deep connective tissue, transfusion. Ablation incomplete. This life-saving procedure would end up causing me unforgiving pain with every movement I make, permanently, otherwise known as forever.
July 26, 2013: Try Navelbine/Herceptin. Body too weak after surgery and transfusion. Fever. CEA: Normal.
August 16, 2016: second dose Navelbine/Herceptin; CEA: Normal. Will skip doses. Watching and waiting.
September 2013: NED, Herceptin only. CEA: Normal. Started Arimidex.
October-November 2013: NED. Herceptin and Arimidex. CEA, CA125, 15-3: Normal.
December 2013: Something brewing. PET lights up on little spot on liver; CEA upward trend, just outside normal. PET and triphasic liver scan confirm Little Met. Restart Perjeta with Herceptin, stay on Arimidex. Genomic sequencing completed for future treatments, if necessary.
January 2014: Ablate Little Met on the 6th. Happy New Year.
March 2014: Brain MRI: clear. PET/CT reveal liver mets return; new lung mets. This is not funny.
March 2014: BEGIN TRIAL #10-005 A(11)-Temsirolimus plus Neratinib.
April 2014: Genomic testing indicated they could work, they did not. Very strange drug combo for me, felt weird.
April 2014: Started Navelbine and Herceptin. Needed something tried and true, but had significant progression.
June 2014: Doxil and Herceptin.
July 2014: Progression. Got nothing out of it. Brain: NED.
July 2014: Add integrative medical hematologist-oncologist to my team. Begin supplements. These are tumor-busting, immune system boosters. Add glutathione, lysine and taurine IV infusions every three weeks.
July 2014: Begin Gemzar, Herceptin & Perjeta. Happy.
August 2014: ECHO perfect.
January 2015: Begin weekly Vitamin D Analog infusions. 25 mcg. via port.
February 2015: CT: stable.
April 2015: Gem working, but not 100%. Looking into immunotherapy. Finally, treatments for the 21st century!
April 2015: Penn Medicine. Dendritic cell immunotherapy.
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Old 10-05-2011, 08:42 AM   #22
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Re: Stress Major Driver In Cancer Cells

re: At this point, I'd like to point out that Bernie Siegel, a world-class author and onocologist, shares his views on mind-body connection, and how he has seen patients cure themselves, in SOME instances, by releasing anger, destressing and living a positive-minded life. Will it happen for me? Not sure, but it is more comfortable and serene to live life this way. I tend to believe that the scientists who display their findings above are accurate to a degree, after all, what are they saying? A neurotransmitter has been identified which stimulates breast cancer cells. Glad they found it. Most health-care professionals believe our mental outlook has much to do with our overall health. Our systems are so different. If I have one glass of wine, I'm tipsy. I'm sure that doesn't apply to all.

We don't usually beckon stress, it usually finds us.

As I look back, and re-evaluate the trip called My Life, I see so much emotional violence: the deaths of my dogs (train, steamroller, cars), the death of my horse when she slipped on ice and broke her leg, the deaths of my two nephews under the age of three, the death of my grandmother who was like my mother, the death of my lover of 13 years in just six weeks, of course, the World Trade Center catastrophe, plus all else I can't possibly write in a thread, and I wonder how much natural healing was I born with? How much will require extra effort on my part now? I have a theory that our immune system is our own ozone layer. Poke too many holes in that, look what happens...a complete meltdown. So the idea of detoxing, massage, self-love, de-stressing, a positive frame of mind and my faith will get me through.

Cancer may win in the end, but not today. I've already talked to it and we've agreed on that.

wow. thanx soooo much for this. Makes soooo much emotional sense. May I borrow the view of immune system as private ozone layer? you have nailed the whole issue well. I picture the relationship between stress and cancer in the context of the following: pls forgive incorrect science where it occurs. you get the drift.

1. Adrenal glands respond to stress. Produce adrenaline. Excess adrenaline mixes with aromatase-making proteins, etc. Converts adrenaline into estrogen hormone. Estrogen has X effect on all cells of body.

2. Progesterone is produced in response to stress. In pregnant women, for example, this excess progesterone causes havoc as it imbalances testosterone available for secondary male characteristics in developing male embryo...and has unknown effects on developing female embryo...

3. chain effect on all processes and cells used by all cells affected.

4. all living things, when stressed, choose either fight (they change internally to attempt some kind of survival, be it mutation or self defense of some sort like that) or flight (a baby in utero..... when u stress it with alcohol or other chemicals like thalidomide or other things doctors have claimed at one time or another were safe for the baby...cannot "fly" so must change somehow) or flight...so I tend to see mutation as some kind of flight or fight response...to a stress an ancestor was under..or that I have been under....

I love a thread that makes me grow in some way. all the comments here are wow level interesting and growthful.
fall 2008: mammo of rt breast worrisome so am asked to redo mammo and have ultrasound of rt breast.I delay it til january 2009 and the results are "no cancer in rt breast. phew."
found plum sized lump in right breast the day before my dad died: April 17th 2011. saw it in mirror, while i was wearing a top, examining my figure after losing 10 lbs on dr. bernstein diet.
diagnosed may 10 2011

mast/lymphectomy: june 7 2011, 5/20 cancerous nodes. stage 3a before radiation oncologist during our first mtg on july 15th says he found cancer on the lymph node of my breast bone. Now stage 3b.
her2+++, EN-, PN-. Rt brst tumors:3 at onset, 4.5 cm was the big one
chemos: 3fec's followed by 3 taxotere, total of 18 wks chemo. sept: halfway thru chemo the mastectomy scar decides to open and ooze pus. (not healed before chemo) eventually with canasten powder sent by friend in ny (illegal in canada) it heals.
radiations:although scheduled to begin 25 january 2012, I am so terrified by it (rads cause other cancers) I don't start til february, miss a bunch, reschedule them all and finally finish 35 rads mid april. reason for 7 extra atop the 28 scheduled is that when i first met my rads oncologist he said he saw a tumor on the lymph node of my breastbone. extra 7 are special kind of beam used for that lymphnode. rads onc tells me nobody ever took so long to do rads so he cannot speak for effectiveness. trials had been done only on consecutive days so......we'll see.....
10 mos of herceptin started 6 wks into chemo. canadian onc says 10 mos is just as effective as the full yr recommended by dr. slamon......so we'll see..completed july 2012.
Sept 18 2012: reconstruction and 3 drains. fails. i wear antibiotic pouch on my job for two months and have 60 consecutive days visiting a nursing centre where they apply burn victims' silver paper and clean the oozing infection daily. silicone leaks out daily. plastic surgeon in caribbean. emergency dept wont remove "his" work. He finally appears and orders me in into an emergency removal of implant. I make him promise no drains and I get my way. No infection as a result. Chest looks like a map of Brazil. Had a perfectly good left breast on Sept 17th but surgeon wanted to "save another woman an operation" ? so he had crashed two operations together on my left breast, foregoing the intermediary operation where you install an expander. the first surgeon a year earlier had flat out refused to waste five hours on his feet taking both boobs. flat out refusal. between the canadian health system saving money and both these asses, I got screwed. who knows when i can next get enough time off work (i work for myself and have no substitute when my husband is on contract) to get boobs again. arrrgh.

I have a blog where I document this trip and vent.
www.nora'scancerblog.blogspot.com . I stopped the blog before radiation. I think the steroids made me more angry and depressed and i just hated reading it anymore
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Old 10-05-2011, 06:36 PM   #23
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Re: Stress Major Driver In Cancer Cells

I see in your signature that you had a disastrous two-day period in April. I sympathize with you--you have had so much to deal with in such a short time.
I am happy to add my thoughts to this thread as I believe there is merit in the findings. Indeed, you may "borrow" the idea of the ozone layer. Funny, thyroid issues (even though the propensity is there), seem to surface on the advent of a major blow in life: death, moving, birth of a child, etc. Stress seems to push disease to the forefront.
Hoping studies conducted yield us answers soon.
World Trade Center Survivor (56th Floor/North Tower): 14 years and still just like yesterday.
Graves Disease, became Euthyroid via Radioactive Iodine, June 2001.
Thyroid Eye Disease. 2003. Decompression surgery in 2009; eyelid lowering surgery in 2010.
Diagnosed: June 2010, liver mets. ER-/PR+10%; HER2+++.
July 2010: Begin Taxol/Herceptin. Eliminate sugar from diet. No surgery or radiation.
January 2011: NED
April 2011: Progression in liver only. Other previous affected areas eradicated. Stop Taxol/Herceptin after 32 infusions.
May 2011: Brain MRI: clear.
May 2011: Begin Tykerb daily, Xeloda twice per day for one week on, one week off, and Herceptin.
November 2011: Progression in liver. All other tumors remain eradicated.
December 2011: BEGIN TRIAL #09-093 Taxol, MCC-DM1 (T-DM1), Perjeta.
Trial requires scans every six weeks, bloodwork and infusions weekly.
Brain MRI: clear.
January 2012: NED. Liver mets, good riddance!
March 2012: NED. Developed SMA (rare blood clot) in intestinal artery and loss of sight in right eye due to optical nerve neuropathy. Resolved when Taxol removed this month.
Continue Protocol of T-DM1 weekly and Perjeta every 3 weeks.
May 2012: NED.
June 2012: Brain MRI: clear.
June-December 2012: NED.
December 2012: TRIAL CONCLUDED; ENTER TRIAL EXTENSION #09-037. CT, Brain MRI, bone scan: clear. NED.
January-March 2013: NED.
June 2013: Brain MRI: clear. CEA upticking; CT shows new met on liver.
July 3, 2013: DISASTER STRIKES during liver ablation: sloppy surgeon cuts intercostal artery and I bleed out, lose 3.5 liters of blood, have major hemothorax, and collapsed lung requiring emergency resuscitative thoracotomy, lung surgery, rib rearrangement and cutting deep connective tissue, transfusion. Ablation incomplete. This life-saving procedure would end up causing me unforgiving pain with every movement I make, permanently, otherwise known as forever.
July 26, 2013: Try Navelbine/Herceptin. Body too weak after surgery and transfusion. Fever. CEA: Normal.
August 16, 2016: second dose Navelbine/Herceptin; CEA: Normal. Will skip doses. Watching and waiting.
September 2013: NED, Herceptin only. CEA: Normal. Started Arimidex.
October-November 2013: NED. Herceptin and Arimidex. CEA, CA125, 15-3: Normal.
December 2013: Something brewing. PET lights up on little spot on liver; CEA upward trend, just outside normal. PET and triphasic liver scan confirm Little Met. Restart Perjeta with Herceptin, stay on Arimidex. Genomic sequencing completed for future treatments, if necessary.
January 2014: Ablate Little Met on the 6th. Happy New Year.
March 2014: Brain MRI: clear. PET/CT reveal liver mets return; new lung mets. This is not funny.
March 2014: BEGIN TRIAL #10-005 A(11)-Temsirolimus plus Neratinib.
April 2014: Genomic testing indicated they could work, they did not. Very strange drug combo for me, felt weird.
April 2014: Started Navelbine and Herceptin. Needed something tried and true, but had significant progression.
June 2014: Doxil and Herceptin.
July 2014: Progression. Got nothing out of it. Brain: NED.
July 2014: Add integrative medical hematologist-oncologist to my team. Begin supplements. These are tumor-busting, immune system boosters. Add glutathione, lysine and taurine IV infusions every three weeks.
July 2014: Begin Gemzar, Herceptin & Perjeta. Happy.
August 2014: ECHO perfect.
January 2015: Begin weekly Vitamin D Analog infusions. 25 mcg. via port.
February 2015: CT: stable.
April 2015: Gem working, but not 100%. Looking into immunotherapy. Finally, treatments for the 21st century!
April 2015: Penn Medicine. Dendritic cell immunotherapy.
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Old 10-05-2011, 07:08 PM   #24
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Re: Stress Major Driver In Cancer Cells

From my research background we know that many many many more people have cancer.... but its kept in check by their immune system. The immune system can detect, kill and/or suppress growth of cancer by many mechanisms. It is also a fact that stress releases corticosteriods which just like prednisone and other steriods suppresses the immune system. So even though stress doesn't cause cancer (per se), it can (in some individuals) weaken the body just enough to enable cells to escape immune detection. I am a firm believer that the only thing that causes cancer.... is bad luck and that those little DNA mutations are totally random and can happen to anyone and everyone.
Aug 2010: diagnosed stage 3b, 4 mo. after birth of son. 29 yrs old and breastfeeding, ER/PR-, Her-2+ started Neoadjuvant therapy: 4x FEC, 10x abraxane & Herceptin
Feb 2011: L mx with recon. Path. showed only DCIS but 4/10+ nodes.
March 2011: 6 wks rads.
Mother passed, lower back pain.
Late May 2011: Bone mets but organs clear; Tykerb, Xeloda, Xgeva. Stopped Herceptin. Implant infected: removed implant.
October 2011: Bone progression; Gemzar and Carboplatin & restarted Herceptin.
Jan 2012: Progression, re-classified as ER+; Tykerb, Herceptin, Zoladex & Femara. Anti-E is working!
May 2012: ovaries out, markers stable but elevated. Cont. Herceptin, Tykerb, Xgeva & Femara.
Dec 2012: aromasin
Jan 2013: faslodex, herceptin, tykerb
Jun: Kadcyla
Aug: Rads to hip, then Perjeta, Herceptin & Taxotere
Nov 2013: Perjeta, Herceptin, Halaven
Early 2014: Affinitor, Aromasin, Perjeta, Herceptin.
June 2014: Estradiol, Perjeta, Herceptin
Aug 14: Tamoxofin, H & P
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Old 10-05-2011, 07:13 PM   #25
suzan w
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Re: Stress Major Driver In Cancer Cells

I will toss in my 2 cents worth on this topic! I, too had none of the factors that put me at risk for cancer, in fact to this day I am still (knock on wood) the ONLY person in my family, going back many generations to have ever gotten cancer!! In 2004, the summer before my diagnosis, while on a cross country RV trip from FL to CA and WA), the RV caught FIRE!!! Phew. Survived that (heart...kathump kathump). Fixed up RV...2 weeks after arriving in WA our house (indeed more than that!) was hit by a HURRICANE!! oh no...flew back to FL next day, leaving all pets in the RV with a strange "petsitter". Community demolished, house half demolished. Packed all belongings and had them shipped to my son in WA. By the time we got back to our RV, 2 weeks later, it had sprung a major roof leak and all was flooded...enough detail...things went from bad to worse, until my mammo in Apr. showed a suspicious "spot". Now, I do not think that stress "caused" my cancer, I think it may have speeded up a process that was probably already underway. Stress is highly underrated in our society! Interestingly enough, when I finally convinced my GP to order the BRCA test ( my oncologist wouldnt do it) it came back positive!!! Go figure!!! I love the dialogue on this thread, it shows what a bunch of spunky kids we are!!!!
Suzan W.
age 54 at diagnosis
5/05 suspicious mammogram-left breast
5/05 biopsy-invasive lobular carcinoma with LCIS,8mm tumor,stage 1 grade 2, ER+ PR+ Her2+++
6/14/05 bilateral mastectomy, node neg. all scans neg.
Oncotype DX-high risk
8/05-10/05 4 rounds A/C
10/05 -10/06 1 yr. herceptin
arimidex-5 years
2/14/08 started daily self administered injections..FORTEO for severe osteoporosis
7/28/09 BRCA 1 negative BRCA2 POSITIVE
8/17/09 prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy
10/15/10 last FORTEOinjection
RECLAST infusion(ostoeporosis)
6/14/10 5 year cancerversary!
8/2010-18%increase in bone density!
no further treatments
Oncologist says, "Go do the Happy Dance"
I say,"What a long strange trip its been"
'One day at a time'
7-16 to 9-16. Extensive (and expensive) dental work done to save teeth. Damage from osteoporosis and chemo and long term bisphosphonate use
7-20-16 Prolia injection for severe osteoporosis
2 days later, massive hive outbreak. This led to an eventual dx of Chronic Ideopathic Urticaria, an auto-immune disease from HELL.
still suffering from CIU. 4 hospitilizations in the past year

as of today, 10-31-17 in remission from CIU and still, CANCER FREE!!!
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