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Old 08-25-2007, 06:31 AM   #21
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Joe brought up a really good subject. My husband's company was very understanding about Emergency Family Leave and working around my short notice appointments in the early days of diagnosis and planning. Now we are able to schedule things more in advance. And it turns out that the worker in the administration office was a breast cancer survivor herself so she was really empathetic....
ETA: Joe, thank you for being the Webmaster for this life saving site!!!

Post menopause
May 2007 Core biopsy, Rt breast
ER+, Pr-, HER2 +++, Grade 3
Ki-67: 90%
"suspicious area" left breast
Bilateral mastectomy, (NED on left) May 2007
Sentinel Node Neg
Stage 1, DCIS with microinvasion, 3 mm, mostly removed during the biopsy....
Femara (discontinued 7/07) Resumed 10/07
OncoType score 36 (July 07)
Began THC 7/26/07 (d/c taxol and carboplatin 10/07)
Began Herceptin alone 10/07
Finished Herceptin July /08
D/C Femara 4/10 (joint pain/trigger thumb!)
5/10 mistakenly dx with lung cancer. Middle rt lobe removed!
Aromasin started 5/10
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Old 08-25-2007, 12:24 PM   #22
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Dear Sheila,

Hi Sweetie. I am so sorry to hear about the rough emotional time that you are having.

Often times I do think that this dreadful disease can be more difficult on the Caregiver than on the one living with the disease. The Caregivers pain, fears, worries, frustrations, sense of loss are often kept silent out of fear of adding to what you are already feeling yourself and are going through. My husband has been amazing through my entire journey with this disease. He has only missed one doc. app. since Dec. 23, 2004 and he has taken on so much as far as all of the financial burden, keeping me straight on doc. app., meds, driving me everywhere I need to go, missing over a month of work as of right now to be at home with me and he does practically all of the cooking and housework around here, not to mention how much support, encouragement, attentiveness and love he shows me everyday. I know this is kind of personal and I hope that I don't offend anyone, but the poor man does all of this and more and I feel terrible a lot of times because we have had basically no sex life at all since I have become stage IV. We have talked about it and he says that it doesn't bother him at all but I know that it must at times be very frustrating and such a loss for him because we had such a wonderfully active sex life before this. I truly believe that he has lost just as much as I have with this disease and possibly even a bit more because he has had to take on a role that he has never played before, housewife, lol, now he knows what it is like for the working Mom too, lol. To make it worse he is a very linear person, he doesn't do well at all at muti-tasking and I can be bad for throwing several things at him at once that I need him to do for me and this can cause us to butt heads at times. I am trying to be better about not doing that to him and waiting until one thing is finished before I give him something else to do. I forget sometimes though and still do it ocassionally. He truly spoils me rotten. I am a very blessed woman and I am sure to tell him everyday how much I love him and appreciate all that he does for me. He is the type though that always shares his feelings and thoughts with me unless they are about the worse case scenario's of this disease, his inner most fears and worries, etc., He even hates for me to bring it up or for me to talk about any end of life plans that I want to have taken care of in advance. He knows these things are important to talk about but he can't bring himself to go there, it is too hard for him emotionally. I know it is because he doesn't like to even think about those things and he doesn't want me to have to worry about him. Recently with everything that we have been through (emotional rollercoaster from hell) and all of the daily burdens that he has on him, he has been understandably more stressed which causes him to be more grumpy and to lash out at the simplest and stupidest of things, his blood pressure has even been too high lately. I try my best not to react in a negative way when he does this. Instead I try to calm him and offer to try to help in any way that I can to ease his burden. I know that when he lashes out or says things that hurt me out of no where it is just his way of releasing some of the stress and concerns that he has that he is too afraid to say out loud. He doesn't lash out at just me, sometimes it is at our cats, he will holler at them for things that they normally do everyday, and that he wouldn't normally give a second thought to. This isn't typical behavior for my husband, like I said it has just been recently since we have gone through so much over the past month or so. Heck, if you take into account how long we all have been battling this disease, it is a very long time to be dealing with so many emotional ups and downs, worries, fears, frustrations, etc. It is bound to take it's toll on a person and come out every once in a while and rear it's ugly head by means of bad behavior. I know that I don't know your husband but it sounds to me like maybe he is just going through a rough patch and this is his way of releasing some of that pent up frustration, which although is healthy and normal for him to do, it can be very hurtful for you because we all say really stupid things that we don't actually mean at times like this. It is just a way of masking our true fears and frustration. Men by nature are problem solvers and when they can't fix something it drives them nuts and can make them very frustrated and angry. By the sounds of what your husband said to you it sounds to me like he is /was just him pineing for the life you had before cancer and the life that he yearns for, for both of you now. I can understand that as I am sure we all can. I look at photographs of myself and of my life before cancer and wonder where did that woman and life go, I don't even recognize that person in the photo or that life any more. I hate those times that I feel or think that way. Luckily they don't happen often and they pass very quickly. I would try my best to not take it to heart what he has said recently and to cut him a little slack unless this is typical behavior on his part and an on going thing. In that case then I would definitely seek out counseling for both of you on an individual basis and together as a couple. I also know that at times depending on what meds I am on, how I am feeling myself emotionally or physically, has a lot to do with how sensitive I am and how much I can take something to heart that I normally wouldn't. Weeks ago while on the highest dosage of my steroid I was extremely emotional and irrational and would cry at the drop of a hat, my poor husband couldn't hardly say a word without me crying. I would either cry because what he said I thought was hurtful or because it was just so sweet that it made me cry. The poor guy was afraid to say anything out of fear of making me cry, he was probably walking on egg shells around me which I know is very stressful on a person to have to do.

Something else that might help is, you and your husband could agree to start writing down every day one little thing that you are grateful for, love about the other or appreciate. Like the posting that is started on here called "Joy," and put it into a box or whatever. Don't show each other what you have written down. Pick a time, like at the end of the week or month or whenever works best for you, where the two of you sit down together and pull out the slips of paper and read them to each other. You could even keep separate boxes so that when you pull them out you can take turns, reading yours to him and then him reading his to you. I think we all should do that with our special someone. It can only bring about joy and further closeness and appreciation for one another.

Just try really hard to asses the entire situation right now and ask yourself is this normal behavior for him or is this just something that he has begun recently. If it something that he has begun recently it is probably just a coping mechanism for him and he may deserve a little slack but if it is on going behavior than he needs counseling or needs to seek out some type of support, either from a support group, a family member that he close with or a friend. Whenever I feel like my husband is really stressed out and needs a break, I call on my step sister who lives in NC to come down for a weekend to stay with me so that my husband can go kayaking/camping for the weekend in order to relax and regroup. I will also call his best friend to come down that same weekend to go with him and if my step sister can't come his best friend usually will come on his own and it gives them a chance to talk and hang out which is always good for my husband. They need someone like that to vent to or just to take their minds off of things for a while. My sisters will also come down once in a while to give my husband a break from cooking and cleaning and things. If I am having a really good day and no one else is here I will demand that he goes out on his own for a while to have some of what I call "Me Time," as we all need that as well. I enjoy that time that he is gone also because I too get my "Me Time."

I don't know if any of this has helped are not Sweetie but I sure hope so. Like everyone here has already said, you are such an inspiration to us all and we love and admire you so very much. We are always here for you, you can feel safe here and vent to us at any time. I wish that I could be there with you right now to give you a hug, a back rub, foot rub, basically just be there to pamper you and to let you relax, vent, whatever. Hang in there Sweetie and hopefully this too shall pass quickly as just another bump in the road of this very long journey.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and well wishes, God Bless,

PS: Feel free to e-mail me direct if you like at VaMoonRise@aol.com. I will even call you if you like and we can talk for however long you want. )

Last edited by VaMoonRise; 08-25-2007 at 12:28 PM.. Reason: misspelling
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Old 08-25-2007, 12:40 PM   #23
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I am sorry you have to deal with this along with everything else. I noticed that all the Canadians suggested you get a volunteer driver from the Cancer Society. There must be something like that in your area.
I hope your husband is going through a phase and will soon realize that those kinds of comments are very insensitive. I would tell him so.
Although my husband has been fantastic, I have only had one "go around" with the cancer adventure. I don't know what he would be like if I had a recurrence. As wonderful as he has been, it is the women in my life who have rallied round me. I understand that this is very scary and difficult for our partners, but saying nothing would be kinder than comments about our
"former selves". I hope you are able to talk to him about how you feel. Good luck.

Dx Aug/05 at age 51
2cm. Stage 2A, Grade 3
Her2 +++

Sept 7/05 Mastectomy
4 FAC, 4 Taxol, no radiation
1 year of Herceptin
Tamoxifen for approx. 4 months,
Arimidex for 5 years
Prophylactic mastectomy June 22/09

" I yam what I yam." - Popeye

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Old 08-25-2007, 12:54 PM   #24
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Thumbs up Sweet Darling Sheila. I Love Your Face.

Sheila honey, You have the strength and courage of a battalion. Your wisdom and caring have carried many of us through hard times. It surely hurts me to hear about your additional problem with your husband. Paul was beyond great at my initial dx and 3 yrs later when I met, we both nearly fell apart at first. I got it together, w/meds and expanding my Spiritual awareness. I told Paul that I planned on living for a long time with my *stage fourness* but that whatever time I had left, my heart told me I needed to be in Fla. I'd spent 6 mnths there and 6 mnths in NY at the time, with Paul as a *snowbird* coming Thursday night and leaving Sun afternoon. The commute was wearing him down, but we did have a daughter living in Boca w/her hubby and our granddaughter as added incentive. I just love Fla. I need sunshine. I could not cope w/NY winters or its pace and much more. Paul agreed to retire -- which he truly did not want to do. I was going to Fla full time, regardless, needing to be true to my heart.

Paul's whole identity was in his job. He was lost. He had no reason to get up in the morning. Our easy living would be sharply curtailed. I was willing to make sacrifices for sanity and serenity. He went along reluctantly, scared of losing me, worried sick over finances and crazed by his inability to really fix what was broken. You know how men feel that is there job?! We sold. We bought. We moved from NY. We moved from southern Boca to northern Boca, again selling and moving, all through chemo.

Once we settled in, Paul went into DEEP depression. He resented being FORCED to retire, regretted doing it and BLAMED me with a vengeance. It was all my fault. Obviously, I had little control as is true of each of us. He withdrew, was morose, sat in darkness in the den at night and moped through the days. He is not one for therapy, I learned decades earlier. In a now 41 year marriage there are bound to be hard times. He is not one for talking his problems out. He keeps them semi buried and won't investigate his feelings, words or actions. He just won't. And can't. Unlike me. I talk things out, I self-scrutinize like crazy, analyze and push through.

I could see that Paul needed to be on anti-depressants. I believe your husband, Sheila, probably needs the same. If he would agree to therapy that would be great, but I wouldn't hold my breath, if you know what I mean. Of course, I suggested the meds to Paul, who was just full of anger and resentment and blame, with no room for my crazy ideas. When this kind of thing arises, a flagrant need for change that my urging has no effect on -- I call in the troops. I called my two daughters and explained the situation. They were sorely aware of the change in their beloved dad and each kept calling and prodding. When the three of us gang up on him, he eventually gives in. He read about an anti-depressant that a wealthy man had developed to help his son who was suffering mightily. For whatever reason, this was THE drug Paul would agree to. The change was almost immediate! He stopped hating me and remembered how much he loved me. He began to get involved in the community and made really great friendships with some outstanding men. They chat on the phone, have lunch together, play golf and cards. Paul is now extremely happy. I have never seen him so happy. We have been living in Fla since '99. He still worries about $$$, but those emotions that were dragging him done have evaporated.

Paul has always gone w/me for treatments, docs, etc. As an attorney in his own practice, he was able to take time off from work. He has a very strong work ethic and NEVER took time off before. For anything. He couldn't. He didn't even like going on vacation as he felt NEEDED at work. W/bc he felt needed elsewhere, w/me. I felt very blessed. One of the great benefits of this was that Paul would talk to other chemo patients, women and men, and the spouses of those bc patients who were able to accompany them. One husband in particular Paul bonded with, as I bonded with his wife. Myrna was my CHEMOMATE. I sat in the first chair on the left, she sat in the second. We each arrived at 9:45 and talked and laughed and compared notes (side effects felt, remedies that worked, feelings, etc.). We even went to dinner a number of times as couples. Paul got to ventilate his feelings comparing notes w/Norman who hovered over his childhood sweetheart. So without going for therapy, each got some therapeutic advantage from the relationship.

Sheila, I'm thinking you're husband is crumbling a bit inside. Scared of losing you, saddened that he lost the old you, deeply concerned about finances and his job -- all of which is understandable. I am so sorry he verbalized the things he did to you. I know how deeply it must have hurt, but I see where he is coming from.

8 months ago, in searching for an answer to my 22 yrs of hot flashing, it was suggested I see an endocrinologist. High blood sugar could cause that. Sitting in Paul's endocrinologist's office, now as the patient (Paul is a Type 2 diabetic) and reviewing my history somehow something came up re Paul. Whatever it was I HAD A LIGHTBULB MOMENT. Paul became a diabetic at the same time he became depressed, just after I metastasized in '98. Suddenly, I saw the connection between his pain and suffering and the illnesses that resulted -- out of my recurrence. My stage fourness had become unbearable for him. So, Sheila, I am cutting your husband some slack here, with all this in mind. I am sorry to go on about ME, when my intention is to talk to and maybe help YOU. But it is our experience that so clearly exemplifies our point of view and possibly impacts others. May you learn from what I have gone through. There are Lessons in there to reap.

Know that you are deeply appreciated by the women on this board, Sheila. Your intelligence, your attitude, your support and caring are extraordinary, as are YOU. We cherish your input. We love you for the wonderful, brave, strong, positive person you are. Please keep us posted on your situation and remember that we are each pulling for you in every single way possible. I wish you NED, happiness, much love and joy in the near future. Andi

Andi BB
'95 post-meno dx Invasive LOBULAR w/9cm tumor! YIKES + 2/21 nodes. Clear mammo 10 mnths earlier. Mastec/tram flap reconst/PORT/8 mnths chemo (4Adria/8CMF). Borderline ER/PR. Tamoxifen 2 yrs. Felt BLESSED. I could walk and talk, feed and bathe myself! I KNEW I would survive...

'98 -- multiple mets to liver. HER2+ 80%. ER/PR- Raging, highly aggressive tumors spreading fast. New PORT. 9 mnths Taxotere Fought fire w/fire! Pronounced in cautious remission 5/99. Taxotere weekly for 6 wks, 2 wks off -- for 9 mnths. TALK ABOUT GRUELING! (I believe they've altered that protocol since those days -- sure hope so!!)
+ good old Vit H wkly for 1st 3 yrs, then triple dosage ev 3 wks for 7 yrs more... The "easy" chemo, right?! Not a walk in the park, but not a freight train coming at 'ya either...

Added Herceptin Nov '98 (6 wks after FDA fast-tracked it for met bc). Stayed w/Vit H till July '08! Now I AM FREE! Humbly and eternally grateful for this life-saving drug! NED since '99 and planning on keeping it that way. To hell w/poor prognosis and nasty stats! STOPPED VIT H JULY '08...! REMAIN STABLE... Eternally grateful...Yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds ... (e e cummings) EVERY DAY I BEAT MY PREVIOUS RECORD FOR # OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS I'VE STAYED ALIVE. Smile KNOWING you too can be a miracle. Up to me and God now...
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Old 08-25-2007, 01:42 PM   #25
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Your post, and all the responses made me cry. And what a response from the others! You have certainly touched a nerve!

As everyone else has said, I wish I could give you a hug and we could cry together. Your post is so heartbreaking. I am sorry you have to go through this too :-(

I am only in my 8th month since diagnosis and it is clear that my DH is already feeling the strain. He is distant and moody, and (of course!) won't talk about it or agree to go to any kind of support group or counseling. I alternate between understanding what he is going through, to being resentful and and angry that I have to take care of him, when I need to be taken care of. I have always been afraid, in the back of my mind, that he would bail-out if anything like this happened. So far he has not, but I think it is partly because of how awful bailing on a woman with cancer would make him look to others! That realization certainly did not endear him to me!

I think this experience has exposed the cracks and weaknesses in our relationships, and ours was not a storybook romance to begin with. Don't get me wrong, he is a great guy, not an a**hole, but we had our problems over 25 years. If you have seen the movie, The Breakup, he is the Vince Vaughn character, the guy who everyone thinks is so charming (and is), but wants everything on his own terms.

I don't have any more magic than anyone else here, and I have certainly not had to live with as much as you have, but here is what I have started doing -(I know we are each individuals and I don't know your relationship, but so far these things seem to be helping me)....

I am going to one on one counseling for myself. I want to stop resenting him and being angry at him. I want to be able to talk about issues as they happen, not store up resentment that will turn into bitterness. I know this is NOT easy, and we are certainly struggling with it - he is tired of all the "talking", but so far he has not refused.

I am struggling to try to create "cancer-free" periods of time in our time together. I know my mind is never free of bc thoughts, but I am trying to force myself to think and talk about anything else. Interestingly, my mood and frame of mind improve after those periods as well - I think I am giving both of us a "break".

I am doing more "fun" things for myself so I am personally happier.

I am trying to accept his limitations and concentrate on his good points - trying to see what he is doing for me (sometimes I really have to look carefully to find something - LOL), concentrate on that and verbally acknowledge him for it.

I am telling him clearly what I really need from him. Just the key, really important things to me. This is quite challenging as it is hard to make a request (demand?), in a warm and caring, but firm way, so I sometimes wait for several days for the right moment.

All this sounds like a lot of work, I know, and I would be lying if I said I didn't resent it sometimes (that is what my counseling is for), but after some soul searching I decided that I am not going to lose my marriage without a fight. And, I am not willing to stay in a marriage where we are angry, resentful, and bitter. I would rather be alone. I am trying to prepare myself for the chance that we might not make it - and that is a distinct possibility. But I am not letting go without a fight.

Wow,I am sorry, I have gone on so long - and all about me :-( But, bottom line, I want you to know you are not alone in this.

I will hold you and your husband in my heart and pray for comfort and peace for you both.
Age 50, premenopausal
Dx 1/2/07 DCIS/IDC
Lumpectomy 1/4/07 1.1cm tumor
SNB 3 nodes clear
Stage 1, Grade 2, HER2+++ (FISH 6.8)
ER + / PR +
TCH, 6 rounds, finished 6/1/07!!!
Herceptin to continue for 1 year
36 rads finished 8/22/07
Port out 8/27/07
Switched to Herceptin weekly for joint pain
Ooph 11/13/07
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Old 08-26-2007, 08:39 AM   #26
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I, too, was surprised by you sad post as yours are always so upbeat-What are you, Human??????

You express yourself so well and I truly feel the pain you have. And I'm so sorry. I di lose my marriage, partly to cancer-it just made me see all the other problems differently. HOWEVER we did not have the years of foundation that you two have had.

I'm sure he is tired of this, aren't we all. And I think in a loving couple situation it is equally hard, just in different ways. We have to suck it all up and abuse our bodies to be rid of the cancer and try to remain hopeful during inscanity and those awful result visits. We have to look in the mirror and not recognize our own selves and, as womwn, we often are holding down the fort too!

But they are doing a lot of that as well. And I think we need to allow them time of pity (I allow myself that) and hope it doesn't linger, but leaves the system quickly. Maybe he needs to get away for his own sake. And I do so hope that you have some others to drive you, hug you, cook for you, pamper you. If I was there I'd do all of that in a heartbeat!!!

Marriage is work as it is and you throw this damn sdisease in the mix and it is HARD! Best of luck and so much love!
with love and gratitude,

dx stage I 2/2000*er/pr+; her- per IHC*lumpectomy*4 rounds A/C*30 rads*tamoxifen*dx stage 4 5/2002*huge mets to liver*tiny mets to lungs*stopped tamoxifen*5/02 taxotere/xeloda*her 2 checked with FiSH-her2+++herceptin *2/03 stopped chemo femara w/herceptin*zolodex*04 switched to aromasin w/herceptin*05 high estrogen tx*11/05taxol/carbo*7/06 stopped chemo; megace/herceptin*9/06navelbine/herceptin*5/07tykerb/xeloda great response*4/08 progression in liver; ooph/ faslodex /herceptin
6/08 began Herceptin DM-1
9/08 progression
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Old 08-26-2007, 09:10 AM   #27
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Shiela, I was so saddened by your post for as everyone has stated, we always looked forward to your very upbeat posts from the past. You have always had such a positive outlook. Not much I can add that hasn't already been stated however, my suggestion would be to definitely communicate with your hubby, if he is receptive to talking, and relay your feelings to him and tell him how hurt your are. If you are having trouble doing this either at your end or his, then write him a letter. Sometimes seeing things in writing has more of an impact then when we get all emotional when we are talking. Many a times I have had to write a letter to my husband to convey my feelings or dismay about something because I get too excited, and not in a good way, when I try to talk to him. Please don't allow yourself to get too down about this. Sometimes too, when we are going through so much due to treatment and disease, we lose perspective and things aren't really as bad as we are seeing them. I am hoping this is the case with you. It is true what everyone says, we forget sometimes what are husbands are going through too. They are overewhelmed, frustrated that they can't do things for us or change our health, and they are scared. I think a good heart to heart either verbally or written is in order. If that doesn't work, please consider counseling for both of you. Don't give up on him or the two of you just yet. Best of luck with everything. I will be praying for you and your husband.
Dx:3/06 had a lumpectomy April 19, 2006
Her2+ er/pr- Stage I Grade 3 tumor size 1.4 cm, node negative
AC 4 dense doses
34 radiation treatments including booster doses
receiving herceptin every 3 weeks since late August 2006 for 12 months
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Old 08-26-2007, 11:46 AM   #28
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Oh Sheila,
This disease is so devastating and it seems that "losing" your breast is just the beginning sometimes. As my 11 yo niece says,"it sucks the biggest thumb in the world"

Our loved ones also suffer, and grieve, various losses. If you hubby talks about missing your prior income, your prior physical attributes, whatever, he may be grieving losses, or feared losses far more unspeakable...his beloved, his dreams of the future...than hair and body shape. Not to mention loss of the "illusion" of control. And I"ll bet YOU miss all those things, too. I know I do.

Seeing you go back to a "heavy" chemo again maybe is a stark reminder. For me and my hubby, it was much easier to not think about these darker fears when I was in remission on Herceptin and having the recurrence brought it all back. Not to mention, for you, being on a meaner chemo can deplete your spirit along with the WBC (and, of course, the disease!)

Yes, this dumb disease does bring a lot of loss. I think, tho, that you are a stronger spirit which will not be defeated by it.

Only you know the strength of your marriage, but if you have always felt loved and respected, maybe you still are - YOU aren't the burden, CANCER is.

I know I'm rambling here, but your post brought up a lot of issues that I deal with (or don't deal with!). I also feel like a burden, and like the cause of everybody's pain. But that doesn't mean that my family feels that way. At least, I hope not. I try to stay focused on the real enemy but it is sometimes hard.

Much much love and hope things look up for your very soon!

Sucks the biggest thumb in the world.

Chris in Scotts Valley
June 2002 extensive hi grade DCIS (pre-cancer-stage 0, clean sentinal node) Mastectomy/implant - no chemo, rads. "cured?"
9/2004 Diag: Stage IV extensive liver mets (!) ER/PR- Her2+++
10/04-3/05 Weekly Taxol/Carboplatin/Herceptin , complete response!
04/05 - 4/07 Herception every 3 wks, Continue NED
04/07 - recurrence to liver - 2 spots, starting tykerb/avastin trial
06/07 8/07 10/07 Scans show stable, continue on Tykerb/Avastin
01/08 Progression in liver
02/08 Begin (TDM1) trial
08/08 NED! It's Working! Continue on TDM1
02/09 Continue NED
02/10 Continue NED. 5/10 9/10 Scans NED 10/10 Scans NED
12/10 Scans not clear....4/11 Scans suggest progression 6/11 progression confirmed in liver
07/11 - 11/11 Herceptin/Xeloda -not working:(
12/11 Begin MM302 Phase I trial - bust:(
03/12 3rd times the charm? AKT trial

5/12 Scan shows reduction! 7/12 More reduction!!!!
8/12 Whoops...progression...trying for Perjeta/Herceptin (plus some more nasty chemo!)
9/12 Start Perjeta/Herceptin, chemo on hold due to infection/wound in leg, added on cycle 2 &3
11/12 Poops! progression in liver, Stop Perjeta/Taxo/Herc
11/12 Navelbine/Herce[ptin - try for a 3 cycles, no go.
2/13 Gemzar/Carbo/Herceptin - no go.
3/13 TACE procedure

Last edited by chrisy; 08-26-2007 at 04:42 PM.. Reason: rambled on some more!
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Old 08-26-2007, 07:49 PM   #29
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Im Am Sorry That This Is Rough Waters For U Right Now. Do Call The Cancer Society, They Do Have People To Help Get Things Done For You,like Driving You To Chemo And Other Helpful Chores. My Husband Is A Workacholic And Owns His Own Business . I Wish Sometimes He Would Go With Me To Chemo Like Some Of The Other Womens Husbands Do But It Would Take Time Of His Busy Schedule And He Would Also Not Get Paid. So I Bet Ya He Would Also Be Alittle Irritated If He Had To Take Off Work Weekly And Take Me To Chemo. I Know He Loves Me And Worries About Me . His Way Of Showing It Is Working And Paying The Bills. I Am Blessed My Chemo Is Just Ten Minutes Away From My House And I Take Myself. So Do Call The Cancer Soceity And See What They Can Do And That Will Take Some Burden Off You Husband. I Wish I Lived Near By I Would Take You. This Bc Is Hard On Everybody. Keep The Faith Dorinda
nov 2006 dx. with bc. 3 tumors removed from left breast lumpectomy done. her2 postive er+pr-. scans showed extensive spine mets(to many to count) ,3 tumors on left rib,one tumor on skull and 3 tumors on liver. stage IV from get go. dec.2006 started chemo taxol and herceptine wkly. zometa monthly. rescanned in march 2007, liver tumors shrinking a little. bones to early to tell but pain is gone in my back. rescanned in june 2007. liver mets gone, bone scan looking better but still alot in my spine. still on taxol and herceptine. zometa monthly. rescanned in august due to ca 2729 going up. liver still good , mets in ribs and skull gone but multiple areas still on lumbar and sacrum. mri of brain august 07 negative for mets.I AM BELIEVLING GOD FOR MY HEALING.
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Old 08-26-2007, 11:40 PM   #30
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I talked to my daughter today about what you are going through. She is my caregiver now and is taking me for my weekly infusions since with all the premed I just wouldn't be able to drive. Her insight was that it is very difficult on the caregiver to see someone they love go through all the chemo and suffer with side effects. She said that it's particulary hard for her since I have always been so strong and that it's scary -- she's afraid. Needing her help puts a whole different light on the subject. I think your husband is afraid since you have always been able to go to your treatments alone and now all of sudden you can't. He's terrified of losing you. It's much easier to accept this dreadful disease from a caregivers point of view when the patient is able to continue on with life as it was before. This is such a drastic change now and fear is a terrible thing. It's hard to accept the fact that the old Sheila is gone and there is a new Sheila here now. Hopefully, this treatment will work for you quickly and things can get back to "normal." Oh how I hate that word! I think there should be support groups stricly geared to caregivers. Hang in there Sheila, things will get better. Your husband loves you but right now he is frightened and doesn't know how to handle it.
Stage IIIC Diagnosed Oct 25, 2005 (age 58)
ER/PR-, HER2+++, grade 3, Ploidy/DNA index: Aneuploid/1.61, S-phase: 24.2%
Neoadjunct chemo: 4 A/C; 4 Taxatore
Bilateral mastectomy June 8, 2006
14 of 26 nodes positive
Herceptin June 22, 2006 - April 20, 2007
Radiation (X35) July 24-September 11, 2006
BRCA1/BRCA2 negative
Stage IV lung mets July 13, 2007 - TCH
Single brain met - August 6, 2007 -CyberKnife
Oct 2007 - clear brain MRI and lung mets shrinking.
March 2008 lung met progression, brain still clear - begin Tykerb/Xeloda/Ixempra
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Old 08-27-2007, 03:07 AM   #31
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From what I understand you can call your local branch of the American Cancer Society (even if they are not that local) and they can provide you with rides to your treatment.

Can't hurt to check it out!
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Old 08-27-2007, 05:35 AM   #32
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Thank you all for the wonderful advice....I read through all your posts 5 or 6 times....I didn't want to miss anything, and I don't always feel on top of the game right now...(chemo chemically induced I hope!) Yesterday was a peaceful day for me and my husband...we actually had or took the time to just spend time together....for all the right reasons...something we had NOT been doing. It seems all our time together lately has been given to CANCER, and not to each other...our lives have been so focused on trips to the onc. center, trips to the Dr. etc, that things were not always placed in the right priority. We not only shared time yesterday, we once again shared our fears, our dreams...we even joked about how each of us has changed in the last 5 1/2 years....for better and for worse! (I reminded him that my hair WILL grow back, his won't...he laughed.) It was good to get it out in the open...we laughed, cried, but it was healing...a new beginning to go back to where we once were, or close. I have thought about trying to get a ride, but to be honest, it is 75 miles each way, and then 6-7 hours there makes for a long day for anyone. But if it really stays an issue, I will do whatever to get there.
I agree that the chemo can takes its toll, and things seem worse when we are not up to par, and cancer seems to rob us of our old selves. We need time to talk, laugh, cry,reconnect, as we did, it was good, we shared our fears, our dreams, it was almost like cancer had no right for that day...if only all could be like that. I know Michael worries, but men don't always put things in perspective, and we as women tend to read more into things. Yesterday was good, it was healing. I need to remind myself that Michael lost a wife of 6 mos. to a car accident 18 years ago... maybe old wounds are reopening in all of this.Again thank you all for all your wisdom, support, and love ...you have helped me see things in a different life, and understand the caregivers side....I also realize, that chemo can not only change your body, hair, etc, it can change your mood...and reactions to things. I feel like this is a new beginning of understanding, dedication and love.
Thank You All
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle."

Hugs & Blessings
Diagnosed at age 49.99999 2/21/2002 via Mammography (Calcifications)
Core Biopsy 2/22/02
L. Mastectomy 2/25/2002
Stage 1, 0.7cm IDC, Node Neg from 19 nodes Her2+++ ER PR Neg
6/2003 Reconstruction W/ Tissue Expander, Silicone Implant
9/2003 Stage IV with Mets to Supraclavicular nodes
9/2003 Began Herceptin every 3 weeks
3/2006 Xeloda 2500mg/Herceptin for recurrence to neck nodes
3/2007 Added back the Xeloda with Herceptin for continued mets to nodes
5/2007 Taken Off Xeloda, no longer working
6/14/07 Taxol/Herceptin/Avastin
3/26 - 5/28/08 Taxol Holiday Whopeeeeeeeee
5/29 2008 Back on Taxol w Herceptin q 2 weeks
4/2009 Progression on Taxol & Paralyzed L Vocal Cord from Nodes Pressing on Nerve
5/2009 Begin Rx with Navelbine/Herceptin
11/09 Progression on Navelbine
Fought for and started Tykerb/Herceptin...nodes are melting!!!!!
2/2010 Back to Avastin/Herceptin
5/2010 Switched to Metronomic Chemo with Herceptin...Cytoxan and Methotrexate
Pericardial Window Surgery to Drain Pericardial Effusion
7/2010 Back to walking a mile a day...YEAH!!!!
9/2010 Nodes are back with a vengence in neck
Qualified for TDM-1 EAP
10/6/10 Begin my miracle drug, TDM-1
Mixed response, shrinking internal nodes, progression skin mets after 3 treatments
12/6/10 Started Halaven (Eribulen) /Herceptin excellent results in 2 treatments
2/2011 I CELEBRATE my 9 YEAR MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7/5/11 begin Gemzar /Herceptin for node progression
2/8/2012 Gemzar stopped, Continue Herceptin
2/20/2012 Begin Tomo Radiation to Neck Nodes
2/21/2012 I CELEBRATE 10 YEARS
5/12/2012 BeganTaxotere/ Herceptin is my next miracle for new node progression
6/28/12 Stopped Taxotere due to pregression, Started Perjeta/Herceptin
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:03 AM   #33
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Hi Sheila,
I was happy to hear from you this morning and happy to hear you and your husband were able to reconnect this weekend and talk about all that's on your hearts.

Cancer is a tough disease in more ways than one. I always say the physical aspect of cancer is easy. It's the other stuff - emotional and psycological that is so damn tough. Look how it's affected all of us - for better and for worse - it's got to affect those we love and those who love us the exact same way. Maybe even more so. The thought of our loved ones "losing" us has to be awful. I always say, I'm glad it's me who had to go through this as I believe it is easier than watching my husband have to go through it - knowing there is nothing I can do to "take it away - and facing the prospect of "losing" him. Marie could better speak to that as that is the situation she is in.

Often times, 2 years out, I feel sorry for my husband too. He's been such a rock to me - always supportive and loving. Sometimes it's all I talk about is cancer. I mentor many women so it's a daily part of my life - OUR life - and I often think - "Oh this poor man............this surely isn't what he bargained for 29 years ago........" then again, did any of us???????????

Well, I'll stop rambling Sheila. Just wanted to say (QUITE A LONG VERSION) that I'm happy you and your husband had that time this weekend. I pray God's peace to settle around you both and for His compassion and love to occupy both your hearts.

Love to you dear "sister"

Mary Jo
Romans 8:28
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Dx. 6/24/05 age 45 Right Breast IDC
ER/PR. Neg., - Her2+++
RB Mast. - 7/28/05 - 4 cm. tumor
Margins clear - 1 microscopic cell 1 sent. node
No Vasucular Invasion
4 DD A/C - 4 DD Taxol & Herceptin
1 full year of Herceptin received every 3 weeks
28 rads
prophylactic Mast. 3/2/06

17 Years NED

<>< Romans 8:28
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:27 AM   #34
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I was so happy to read your post today. I'm glad that you and Michael had the opportunity to spend time together and talk. Being a caregiver is very difficult. I lost my son to leukemia at age 36 in 2002 and your post made me realize jsut how difficult it was on me while he was going through his treatment. The hardest thing for Michael must be the fear of losing you -- you have been so strong through all of this. I know that the both of you will weather this storm and come out stronger than ever. You're in my prayers.
Stage IIIC Diagnosed Oct 25, 2005 (age 58)
ER/PR-, HER2+++, grade 3, Ploidy/DNA index: Aneuploid/1.61, S-phase: 24.2%
Neoadjunct chemo: 4 A/C; 4 Taxatore
Bilateral mastectomy June 8, 2006
14 of 26 nodes positive
Herceptin June 22, 2006 - April 20, 2007
Radiation (X35) July 24-September 11, 2006
BRCA1/BRCA2 negative
Stage IV lung mets July 13, 2007 - TCH
Single brain met - August 6, 2007 -CyberKnife
Oct 2007 - clear brain MRI and lung mets shrinking.
March 2008 lung met progression, brain still clear - begin Tykerb/Xeloda/Ixempra
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Old 08-27-2007, 09:58 AM   #35
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I was happy too, to read your updated post this am. You are so beautiful, inside and out. I am sure he fears losing you; his best friend. It's hard to focus on your partners needs sometimes when you are fighting to stay strong and healthy enough to go through txs.

When I was first diagnosed, my husband was so attentive and really took total care of me and the kids. Once I started on my chemo and feeling stronger, like I maybe had a chance to survive this, he started to get back to his old self. He needed me to take care of him like I always did before. And it was okay. It was good and I felt good be able to take care of him and the kids. I am rambling now LOL. Anyway, I guess I am just trying to say that even though we may be going through yucky stuff, our husbands still want to be babied and loved on and made to feel special. Sometimes it feels like work, but I guess I wouldn't want it any other way.

Be good to yourself and know that we think you are AWESOME.

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Old 08-27-2007, 12:19 PM   #36
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Talking Oh My Dear Sweet Sheila

I read your post early this morning and decided to ponder a bit before replying. You sure have had your unfair share of 'bumps' this year. I can totally relate to the feelings of loss with breast cancer, we have sold a motorcycle and car, both which we loved. Back to that 'Pride in your Ride' thing, we spent so much time washing, waxing, buffing these great loves in the past, now they are gone. It is a constant reminder of how cancer robbed us. Material things I can live without, just sad needing a motorcycle ride and it is a closed chapter in our lives. The lives that once was.

We have lost some family and friends during our journey with cancer, another painful reminder of that robbery. I have mourned in my own way for these giant losses in our lives. Some people just cannot understand or they cannot relate. These issues bother me because I cannot live without my 'peeps'. Again, another closed chapter. Some of these Loves in my life just do not or cannot join this journey, for their own reasons and for our protection with some. There is still a gap in our hearts.

For you My Sweet, I do not think this is the case. Your husband has been on this journey in his own right and I know that you have recognized this. I cannot speak for your dear husband from what I know of him, but I do know he loves you. Cancer is such a thief, it steals from you when you are looking the other way or if you are sleeping. Seems that some days I wake up and realize that something else is gone. As for your dear hubby, could it be that he is tired of seeing this thievery? Could it be his way of dealing with the fact that after all this time, cancer is still robbing you both? Is it getting harder to see this journey take place, to steal from his Sheila? I know the vacation days getting eatin' up may just be a physical reminder to him, maybe just an added aggrevation. I just cannot see him getting frustrated with you and your illness, even though I do know it does happen. Tell your darling man what you need, Sheila, continue to let him know. I feel helpless; sometimes more than others and with my husband telling me what he needs allows me to not only provide it to him, I am able use my 'magic caregiving abilities' to my best advantage ('cause 'ya know I pick and choose my fights!! LOL).

Being a 'professional seasoned caregiver' (LOL) per previous conversations telling me so...I have endured 'The Other Side Of Cancer' and it too is unpretty. I think the things that helped me on this journey most was being here. Perhaps he needs a little guidance because I know it is hard standing here watching My Love fight for his petition for time. Your husband lives with his own tough feelings of watching and living through his wife's breast cancer. Do him a favor....give him a big hug and kiss. Do something special together when you are feeling up to par.

It comes to my great relief that there are services I could utilize in case I needed him to get somewhere without me. I am blessed enough to have a boss who allows me to work around things so I can go to all appointments with him. Things are getting rough here, all the more reason to be with him but I am happy to see all of the resources for rides. I have these lines up just in case something happens to me, I always have a back-up plan. Just check into it as an option to lighten his load and to save vacation days for better adventures.

Remember this Sheila: You are a beautiful Angel who has inspired us through our battle with breast cancer. My husband and I have found peace and love from you through our fight. You have a wonderful sense of humor and have brought so much laughter to our lives, laughter that has saved our lives. You are always close to heart and in our daily prayers. We are enriched by loving you and very blessed to have you in our lives. Anyone who knows you has to feel how special you are too. I cannot believe for one minute that there is anyone that could not feel the same way as my husband and I do. We love you so. Hang in there Lovey. And remember this too, I cannot wait to meet you, I yearn for a hug. When you are up to it...chocolate martini's, scream rides, and pool or bowling!! LOL

9/7/06Husband 50yrs=StageIV IBC/HER2+,BoneMets10/06TaxotereX10,'H'1X wk,Zometa,Tamoxifen4/12/07Last Tax5/18/07Pet=Rapid Cell Activity,No Organ Mets,Lytic Lesions,Degeneration,Some Bone Repair5/07ChemoFail6/01/07Pleural Thoracentisis=Effusions,NoMalignantCells6/19/07+7/2/07DFCI
NoProgression,Stable4/7/08BrainPerfect5/16/08Last A/C8/26/08BrainMets=10(<9mm)9/10/08Gamma10/30/08Met=5mm12/19/08Gamma5mets5
Ixempra/Faslodex/Zometa~TM now lower7/17/09Stop Ixempra By Choice9/21/09HOSPICE10/16/09Earned His Deserved Wings And Halo=37 Month Fight w/Stage 4 IBC, Her2+++,My Hero!!
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Old 08-27-2007, 12:45 PM   #37
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Wow - this is a powerful thread. Thanks for sharing, Sheila. And thanks to everyone for sharing, too. I worry daily about my better half. I know this takes it's toll on him. I cannot imagine being in his shoes. It breaks my heart knowing that this disease is breaking his heart and scaring him. I am not nearly as afraid of what I am facing as he is of what it might mean he has to face. I know that men, fundamentally, are fixers - and they can become tremendously frustrated with a problem they can't fix. They tend to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" if they can't come up with a solution. Well, this is one case where they can't fix the problem. I know that it just devastates Mark that he can't make this better. Reverse it. Fix it. I suppose Michael must feel the same, and perhaps that is why he is becoming remote at times. I know he is not truly indifferent to you. He loves you with all his heart. He probably just has to go emotionally dormant at times, numb. Mark does it a bit, too. It is a coping mechanism. Not a comforting one, mind you, but it is one way that they cope. I have mentioned to him that there are "well-partner" support groups that he can attend, and from time to time he seems interested. But I think when he is on the cusp of going to one, it makes it all seem too real, and he prefers to live with a certain level of denial. I suppose that's only natural for all of us. I am so glad that you two had some quality time... just crying it out together from time to time can be extremely theraputic and healing.

NOV 2012 - 9 yr anniversary
JULY 2012 - 7 yr anniversary stage IV (of 50...)

Nov'03~ dX stage 2B
Rt side mastectomy, Her2+, ER/PR+, 10 nodes out, one node positive
Taxotere/Adria/Cytoxan x 6, NED, no Rads, Tamox. 1 year, Arimadex 3 mo., NED 14 mo.
micro mets lungs/chest nodes/underarm node, Switched to Aromasin, T/C/H x 7, NED 6 months - Herceptin only
micro mets chest nodes, & bone spot @ C3 neck, Added Taxol to Herceptin
Feb'07~ Genetic testing, BRCA 1&2 neg

MRI - two 9mm brain mets & 5 punctates, new left chest met, & small increase of bone spot C3 neck, Stopped Aromasin
Started Tykerb/Xeloda, no WBR for now
MRI - stable brain mets, no new mets, 9mm spots less enhanced, CA15.3 down 45.5 to 9.3 in 10 wks, Ty/Xel working magic!
MRI - brain mets shrunk half, NO NEW BRAIN METS!!, TMs stable @ 9.2
scans still show NED in the head, small bone spot on right iliac crest (rear pelvic bone)
MRI shows activity in brain mets, completed 5 fractions/5 consecutive days of IMRT to zap the pesky buggers
dropped Xeloda, switched to tri-weekly Herceptin in combo with Tykerb, extend to tri-monthly Zometa infusion
Brain MRI- 4 spots reduced to punctate size, large spot shrunk by 3mm, CT of torso clear/pelvis spot stable
new 3-4mm left cerrebellar spot zapped with IMRT targeted rads
new 6mm & 1 cm spots in pituitary/optic chiasm area. Rx= 25 days of 3D conformal fractionated targeted IMRT to the tumors.
25 days of low dose 3D conformal fractionated targeted IMRT to the bone mets spot on rt. iliac crest that have been watching for 2 years. Added daily Aromasin back into treatment regimen.
Apr'10~ Brain MRI clear! But, see new small spot on adrenal gland. Change from Aromasin back to Tamoxifen.
June'10~ Tumor markers (CA15.3) dropped from 37 to 23 after one month on Tamoxifen. Continue to monitor adrenal gland spot. Remain on Tykerb/Herceptin/Tamoxifen.
Nov'10~ Radiate positive mediastinal node that was pressing on recurrent laryngeal nerve, causing paralyzed larynx and a funny voice.
Jan'11~ MRI shows possible activity or perhaps just scar tissue/necrotic increase on 3 previously treated brain spots and a pituitary spot. 5 days of IMRT on 4 spots.
Feb'11~ Enrolled in T-DM1 EAP in Denver, first treatment March 25, 2011.
Mar'11~ Finally started T-DM1 EAP in Denver at Rocky Mountain Cancer Center/Rose on Mar. 25... hallelujah.

"I would rather be anecdotally alive than statistically dead."
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Old 08-27-2007, 03:24 PM   #38
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Wink Words of wisdom -

Today I received a great quote from a old friend from high school who normally sends really funny jokes.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is

fighting some kind of battle."

Guess we need to remember that goes for members of our households and spouses. This is a really hard thing for us to remember when we are so focused on getting our own things done with such lack of energy and stamina. I am guilty of being short and crabby and not listening to my husband when I give myself over to the fatigue and pain.

Sheila, I am glad the the tension seems to have broken between you and Michael. The old cliche "it takes two to tango" really does apply. And I am sure you would rather be dancing a tango than getting the cold shoulder.

Yesterday we made a good start on our annual garage cleaning out after a long visit with my dad. That felt very good to both of us and we did not argue about what to get rid of and how to rearrange some things. Hubby was more agreeable than other times and let go of some things he would not in the past. I remembered to thank him for being so helpful.
"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest." H.D. Thoreau
Live in the moment.

Found suspicious lump 9/2000
Lumpectomy, then node dissection and port placement
Stage IIB, 8 pos nodes of 18, Grade 3, ER & PR -
Adriamycin 12 weekly, taxotere 4 rounds
36 rads - very little burning
3 mos after rads liver full of tumors, Stage IV Jan 2002, one spot on sternum
Weekly Taxol, Navelbine, Herceptin for 27 rounds to NED!
2003 & 2004 no active disease - 3 weekly Herceptin + Zometa
Jan 2005 two mets to brain - Gamma Knife on Jan 18
All clear until treated cerebellum spot showing activity on Jan 2006 brain MRI & brain PET
Brain surgery on Feb 9, 2006 - no cancer, 100% radiation necrosis - tumor was still dying
Continue as NED while on Herceptin & quarterly Zometa
Fall-2006 - off Zometa - watching one small brain spot (scar?)
2007 - spot/scar in brain stable - finished anticoagulation therapy for clot along my port-a-catheter - 3 angioplasties to unblock vena cava
2008 - Brain and body still NED! Port removed and scans in Dec.
Dec 2008 - stop Herceptin - Vaccine Trial at U of W begun in Oct. of 2011
STILL NED everywhere in Feb 2014 - on wing & prayer
7/14 - Started twice yearly Zometa for my bones
Jan. 2015 checkup still shows NED
2015 Neuropathy in feet - otherwise all OK - still NED.
Same news for 2016 and all of 2017.
Nov of 2017 - had small skin cancer removed from my face. Will have Zometa end of Jan. 2018.
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:00 PM   #39
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Sheila, just wanted to let you know that I am happy and relieved to hear things are getting better. Hang in there. Karen
04/05 Onset 49, DCIS, solid, Hist 2/3, Nucl 2/3, 7cm R Brst
04/05 E & P + HER2+++
05/05 Mediport
05/05 Cytoxan & Adriamycin every 3wk x4
08/05 Taxol every 2wk x 4, Herceptin every wk x1yr
10/05 Bilat Mast - my Choice
10/05 3/19 lymph nodes Pos, Stage IIIa
11/05 Rad x 37 Rx, R Brst & Axcilla
02/06 Herceptin stopped (L vent HF 40)
03/06 Started & Stoped Arimidex after 2 mos.-QOL side effects
05/06 Started Tamoxafin
06/06 Bilat Free Flap Reconstruction
12/06 Cardiomyopathy reversed-HF normal
01/07 Bilat Saline Implants
07/07 CA 27-29 steadily rising from 28 in 12/06 to 46 in 7/07
07/07 PET Scan NED, but inflamation at prev surg site.
09/07 Started Femara
10/07 CA 27-29 down to 39
06/08 CA 27-29 down to 32
09/08 Lg joint pain & QOL side effects from Femara, will live w/ to keep CA markers within normal range.
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Old 08-28-2007, 05:57 PM   #40
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Sheila, I'm glad to hear that you had a chance to regain some of the old normal, laugh, and talk about these issues. Sometimes just putting it out there and giving them air can really help.
Keep your chin up - if you can after getting all "calm" by finishing all those things you started!

Chris in Scotts Valley
June 2002 extensive hi grade DCIS (pre-cancer-stage 0, clean sentinal node) Mastectomy/implant - no chemo, rads. "cured?"
9/2004 Diag: Stage IV extensive liver mets (!) ER/PR- Her2+++
10/04-3/05 Weekly Taxol/Carboplatin/Herceptin , complete response!
04/05 - 4/07 Herception every 3 wks, Continue NED
04/07 - recurrence to liver - 2 spots, starting tykerb/avastin trial
06/07 8/07 10/07 Scans show stable, continue on Tykerb/Avastin
01/08 Progression in liver
02/08 Begin (TDM1) trial
08/08 NED! It's Working! Continue on TDM1
02/09 Continue NED
02/10 Continue NED. 5/10 9/10 Scans NED 10/10 Scans NED
12/10 Scans not clear....4/11 Scans suggest progression 6/11 progression confirmed in liver
07/11 - 11/11 Herceptin/Xeloda -not working:(
12/11 Begin MM302 Phase I trial - bust:(
03/12 3rd times the charm? AKT trial

5/12 Scan shows reduction! 7/12 More reduction!!!!
8/12 Whoops...progression...trying for Perjeta/Herceptin (plus some more nasty chemo!)
9/12 Start Perjeta/Herceptin, chemo on hold due to infection/wound in leg, added on cycle 2 &3
11/12 Poops! progression in liver, Stop Perjeta/Taxo/Herc
11/12 Navelbine/Herce[ptin - try for a 3 cycles, no go.
2/13 Gemzar/Carbo/Herceptin - no go.
3/13 TACE procedure
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