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Old 05-29-2005, 06:46 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Hi all, I think I will give this a go, it certainly can't hurt and I just about have every symptom suggesting that I need more alkaline.

Simple Health Tips - Number 1

Acidemia and how to avoid or correct it!

by Nicole Cody

Have you ever tried the experiment where you place a rusty or dirty coin in a glass of coke overnight, and miraculously in the morning the coin comes out sparkling like new? Do you know why this works? Coca Cola has a very acidic nature, and acid is a strong corrosive. It strips away the surface of whatever it touches.

There is a condition of the human body known as acidemia. This condition arises when our body’s nature acid and alkaline levels get out of balance and our bodies build up too much acid. What causes this build up of acid in our bodies? Much of it is related to our diet. White flour products such as breads, biscuits and cakes, alcohol, sugar, soft drinks, diet soft drinks, coffee and tea, sweets, chocolates, ice cream, refined foods and greasy fried foods all put our body into an acidic state. Stress and lack of proper rest also makes us more acidic. Should this be a cause of concern for you? Yes!

Acidemia triggers a chain of events which can lead to some nasty and chronic symptoms and illnesses. Let me explain this in more detail. By understanding the chemistry of your body, you will come to understand why you may experience some of the things you do, and how you might go about taking simple steps to put yourself back into balance.

Oxygen is the elixir of life. We need oxygen as the fuel for our bodies. It is of vital importance that our blood is well oxygenated so that it can nourish all of our cells. The pH scale measures the amount of hydrogen atoms in a solution of water. Blood, and the rest of our bodies is comprised mostly of water, so this next bit of information is important. In a neutral pH environment, every water molecule has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. This is written as H20, the chemical composition of water. In an acidic environment there are many extra atoms of hydrogen in the water. They are not attached to anything - they just float around as free radicals. The more acidic the water, the fewer oxygen atoms there are. In an alkaline water solution, the reverse is true. There are many more atoms of oxygen bonded to the hydrogen atoms, although none of the oxygen atoms float around as free radicals.

On a pH scale, which measures acidity, 0 is acidic, 7 is neutral and 14 is alkaline. Our urine and saliva are normally neutral pH at 7.0. They may be slightly acidic first thing in the morning when you get out of bed, because your body will have been working hard throughout the night rebuilding you and getting rid of wastes. Within an hour or so of rising, things should return to normal. Our arteries, which carry fresh oxygenated blood around the body have a pH of 7.4, which is alkaline, and our veins have a pH of 7.35, which is also alkaline. Our lymph system is slightly acidic operating at 6.4 and our skin is more acidic at 5.5PH. This acidity helps to protect the body and works like a defence mechanism.

At a blood pH of 7.4 in our arteries, we have ample levels of oxygen for the body to function and to heal itself. If the pH level of the arteries drops even to just 7.35 we loose 65% of the oxygen in our blood.

Acidemia occurs when the blood pH drops below 7.35. You can monitor this by testing your saliva and urine. If they have normal pH balances you are fine, but if they are acidic watch out! The body is very clever, and will counteract the acidity by leeching phosphate from your bones. Phosphate is a mineral which is very alkaline. It is usually stored in the bones where it bonds with calcium to help create dense strong bone structures. If you are very acidic, and leech lots of phosphate from your bones, you put yourself at risk of osteoporosis later in life. You also release free calcium into your blood. The body can only use calcium bonded with phosphate to create bone. The calcium most therefore be flushed from your body with lots of water, or it can cause kidney stones, hardening of the arteries and calcification in your joints and glands.

Acidemia leads to free calcium excess. This eventually causes chronic inflammation, and additional conditions such as arthritis, gout, stiffness and swelling. If uncorrected, there will eventually be connective tissue damage and oxidative stress (Free radical damage) A low oxygen (acidic) environment also allows bacteria and viruses to flourish within our bodies, but these same little critters can’t exist in an alkaline environment!

Scary huh? So… what simple things can we do about it? Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain products helps to make our bodies more alkaline. Drinking lots of water - at least 2 litres a day - will aid in flushing toxins and acid from our systems and keep our kidneys clean and healthy. Lemons are excellent for keeping the body alkaline. (The lemons must be fresh - bottled juice has been treated and is actually acid forming!) Almonds are also very alkalizing.

So, some simple things to help ourselves:

1. Relax and get plenty of rest. Find a balance in our lives between work and play.
2. Drink lots of water.
3. A freshly squeezed lemon in warm water first thing in the morning will help stimulate your bowels to eliminate toxins and will also kick start your digestive system. It will also balance and alkalinize your blood. Try a squeeze of fresh lemon juice in your water during the day too - it’s really yummy!
4. Eat plenty of salads, fruit and fresh vegetables. If your digestion is up to it, try to have at least some raw food each day, even if it is in the form of fresh juices. Favour vegetable blends in your fresh juices. Carrot is excellent.
5. Try eating less bread and biscuits and swap them for whole meal and whole grain varieties where you can.
6. Cut down on soft drinks, coffee and tea.
7. Save fried foods, lollies and sugar for special occasions, or cut them out altogether.
8. Try cutting down on the amount of red meat you eat, and include fish and chicken in your diets as alternatives to red meats. Eat meats in combination with veggies or a salad to minimise any acidic effects they may have on your body.
9. Enjoy nuts and seeds as snacks, especially almonds, cashews, pepitas and brazil nuts.
10. Limit your consumption of pickles, processed meats, and cured or salted meats, including salamis, wursts etc.
11. Avoid margarine, and use olive oil, canola and fresh dairy butter instead. Try using avocado as a butter substitute.
12. Try spirulina and barley green powders as extra sources of nutrition in a very alkalizing form.
13. Take a mineral supplement, colloidal if possible, or at least swap your ordinary table salt for Celtic Salt, which is a natural form of salt containing many minerals.

All of these are simple steps that you can take in being responsible for caring for your body. Since I have implemented these steps in my own life I have experienced a dramatic reduction of my arthritic symptoms and a decrease in the amount of muscle and joint pains I was experiencing. I am also slowly regaining vitality and energy, and I’m loosing weight too, which is an added bonus. I still enjoy the occasional sweet or glass of wine, even a coffee and cake isn’t out of the question, but I partake of these in moderation, and my diet is largely a healthy natural one, with plenty of water.

This sort of diet used to be common sense. I hope it helps you on the path to good health too - which is the natural right of every one of us!
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Old 05-29-2005, 07:02 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
A guide to what we have to aim for to kill cancer cells.

More on this subject

Acid or Alkaline.

At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

The difference between happiness and health... or sickness, depression and medical bills.
An acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH
and oxygenate your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing cancer.

...You become what you eat...

Acid foods cause sickness, disease, cancer and aging.
Healthy tissues are alkaline - Cancerous tissues are acidic.

Ph Balance
The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 acidic (low on oxygen) and numbers above 7 alkaline.
The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4.
At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

Alkaline and Acid Basic Categories:

Mild Alkaline - 80% Strongly Alkaline - Supplement Strongly Acid - (avoid) Mild Acid - 20%
Fruits - Vegetables - Berries - Dairy Calcium - Magnesium - Potassium - Cesium Meat - Fish - Eggs - Soft drinks Grains - Legumes - Nuts - Seeds

There are two types of acid and alkaline foods:
One is acid or alkaline foods, which means how much acid or alkaline the foods contain.
The other is acid or alkaline forming foods, which means the acid or alkaline forming ability of foods to affect the body
or to say differently, the pH condition foods cause in the body after being digested. This is the one that will be the focus
in changing the body's pH.
Acidic condition inhibits nerve action, alkalinity stimulates nerve action. One who has a balanced condition can think and
act (decide) well. A balanced food plan is a great help in maintaining the pH balance of the blood; however it does not reveal
results in a day or two. It takes a longer time to show the effect. Cold showers make the blood alkaline, while hot showers
make the blood acid. If the blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic
substances in some area of the body such so that the blood will be able to maintain an alkaline condition. As this tendency
continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; then these dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some
other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying as normal cells do in a acid environment, some
cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond
with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order.
This is Cancer, and cancer develops in the following stages:

1. Ingestion of many acid forming foods, fatty foods, refined foods, carcinogenic substances such as nitrates,
and chemically treated foods in general. X-ray scans contribute even at this stage.
2. Increased constipation
3. Increase of acidity in the blood. This causes an increase of white cells and a decrease of red cells, which is
the beginning of leukemia.
4. Increase of acidity in the extra cellular fluids.
5. Increase of acidity into the intracellular fluids.
6. Birth of malignant cells. This is the stage of cancer called initiation.
7. The further consumption of many acid foods. Receiving high levels of radiation, chemical and drug treatment.
This stage is called cancer promotion.

- Adapted from 'Acid Alkaline' by Herman Aihara.

Food and Beverage Chart:
ALKALINE (green) - ACID (grey)
* Excellent for preventing and combating cancer. VEGETABLES
Barley Grass
Green Beans
Brussel sprouts
Edible Flowers
Fermented Veggies
Greens - Beet, Chard, Collard, Mustard, Wild
Nightshade Veggies
Parsnips (high glycemic)
Sea Veggies
Sweet Potatoes


Daikon Radish
Dandelion Root
Maitake, Reishi and Shitake Mushrooms
Sea Veggies - Kombu, Nori and Wakame Seaweed
Umeboshi (pickled plums)


Banana (high glycemic)
All Berries inc. - Blackberries, Raspberries*, Strawberries
Cherries, sour
Coconut, fresh
Currants and Raisins
Dates and Figs, both dried
Lemon and Lime
Melon - Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Musk, Water
Orange and Tangerine
Umeboshi Plums
Tropical Fruits

Cottage Cheese
Chicken Breast
Nuts - Especially Almonds and Chestnuts
Seeds - Pumpkin, Sprouted, Sunflower - Millet
Tempeh (fermented)
Tofu (fermented)
Whey Protein Powder
Yogurt, Plain




All Herbs
Cayenne and Chili Pepper - Curry - Tumeric*
Cinnamon - Ginger
Miso - Tamari
Sea Salt


Apple Cider Vinegar
Bee Pollen
Lecithin Granules
Molasses, blackstrap
Butter, unsalted
Soured Dairy Products
Probiotic Cultures
Alkaline Antioxidant Water - Mineral Water
Tea - Bandi, Dandelion, Essiac*, Green*, Herbal, Ginseng, Kombucha
Fresh Fruit Juice - Green Juices and Wheat Grass Juice* - Veggie Juices
Organic Milk (unpasteurized)


Cesium: pH 14
Potassium: pH 14
Sodium: pH 14
Calcium: pH 12
Magnesium: pH 9

Winter Squash


Canned or Glazed Fruits


Bran, wheat
Bran, oat
Crackers, soda
Flour, white
Flour, wheat
Hemp Seed Flour
Oats (rolled)
Rice (all)
Rice Cakes
Wheat Germ


Beans - Black, Kidney, Lima, Pinto, Red, Soy, White
Almond Milk, Rice Milk, Soy Milk
Peas - Chick and Green


Butter, Salted
Cheese - Cow, Sheep and Goat
Cheese - Parmesan and Processed
Ice Cream
Ice Milk


Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachio, Walnuts
Peanut Butter


Corned Beef
Lamb and Veal
Pork and Bacon
Organ Meats
Fish - Carp, Cod, Haddock, Pike, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna
Shellfish - Clams, Lobster, Mussels, Oyster, Scallops, Shrimp
Eggs - Less acidic if natural feed, no hormones, no anti-biotics.


Oil - Avocado, Canola, corn, Flax, Hemp Seed, Olive, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower


Corn Syrup


Hard Liquor


Soft Drinks
Soy Sauce
Distilled Vinegar


Drugs - Medicinal and Psychedelic
Herbicides and Pesticides


Beer: pH 2.5
Coffee: pH 4
Coca-Cola: pH 2


Excellent for treating cancer are Essiac from Canada, Noni Juice from Tahiti,
Mangosteen from Asia, Colloidal Silver and Far Infrared Heat from Japan

Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine
Total body oxygenation, aerobic exercise and daily lymph detoxification.
Chi Machine combined with pH balanced diet combats cancer and illness.

Alkaline food and water plus oxygenation and detoxification via physical activity, will help you stay
healthy and cancer free. The Sun Ancon Chi Machine provides the oxygenation and the aerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise oxygenates the tissues and moves the lymph around. Lymph is a colorless fluid that bathes every cell
in the body. The body has two circulatory systems, one for blood and the other for lymph. Blood is circulated by the
heart, whereas the lymph is circulated by physical exercise. Many tissues depend on the lymph to provide nutrients
(including oxygen) and carry off wastes. If the lymph does not circulate then the tissues suffocate while stewing in
their own acidic waste products (uric acid, lactic acid, etc.). - Alkalize For Health.

Diet Guidance
Weight Loss Fads: Atkins, South Beach, Low Carb etc.
Fads initiate fast weight loss, creating deficiency and illness, thus encouraging weight gain.

McDonalds, Milk, Atkins Diet, Coke, Flouride.

Outstanding cancer information.

Specific questions? Find all your answers here. The most comprehensive and extensive
Chi Machine and Infrared HotHouse website on the internet.

For questions and guidance regarding combating cancer, please email us.

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Old 05-30-2005, 09:18 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
Thank you Lyn for all the good information.
I'm reminded that I have so many choices for good healthy foods to eat. I don't know why I still fall back into old habits and grab for some processed sugar food that does nothing good for me.
Thanks for the reminder and I hope I'll continue to choose wisely for my body. I know I feel better when I do.
Thanks again,
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Old 05-30-2005, 10:36 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Lynn, how do I tell from your list of foods what to avoid. They are all the same color. This is good information
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Old 05-30-2005, 07:22 PM   #5
Sandy H.
Posts: n/a
Lyn you have done your ground work. This is what I have done since diagnose. I feel this is one of the many reasons I am still here and enjoying a good quality of life. Its not easy. I eat out frequently and its hard not to be tempted with the junk stuff. I always eat a salad for sure. I carry my celtic salt with me. I can't stand the process kind now. It taste like chemicals. I will not eat margarine because its like eating plastic. I try to stay away from all processed foods. Its a full time job doing this but if that is what it takes to live then we need to do it. My husband just doesn't get it and continues to eat processed, and all kinds of junk. He doesn't have a life threatening disease either so that makes a diffference. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to share all this valuable info. If it helps one person it has been worth your time. Hugs, Sandy
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Old 05-31-2005, 03:32 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Hi all, Sorry about the colour coding not turning out, I will have to find the web address I got the info from and post it, in the meantime this is indepth but worth reading, I am going to cheat also, I asked my onc today if Hydrochloric Acid Tablets will increase PH, and he said yes, so I am going to have them as a supplement as well.

Love & Hugs Lyn

How to Alkalize

We have touched upon the subject of alkalinity in our books and at our web site, but have not really focused on it because there has not been an easy way to maintain our alkalinity. We can talk diet and lifestyle changes all day long, but who among those with cancer have sustained (longer than a week) the diet plan we have posted here (at this web site) for cancer?

Diet regimens are hard to stick to, especially when we crave our favorite foods. Sure, some of you have avoided sugar, but now and then you give in. We’re human.

Humans are weak.

This is why we have not focused on keeping our terrain alkaline: people just don’t want to change their diets. However, after some recent findings, I think that we can all get our health back with just a few minor changes in our habits and some of the helpful products, supplements, and devices we’ve uncovered. And once you’ve reached perfect health, by all means, come Saturday night, go out and have that Double Gut Whomper with Cheese and a bucket of Partially Hydrogenated Fries! Wash it down with a Sam Adams or one of those new alcoholic pops. Have some fun. Because it’s not what you do on Saturday night that counts, but what you do the rest of the week.

Our Regimen (For the Rest of the Week)

One of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet, with one of the greatest attitudes you’ll ever want to attain hangs out in AOL’s Cancer Support Chat Room. His name is Rick. He’s supposed to be dead, at least according to his doctors (or was it his wife?).

He’s using Cesium Chloride.

In our second edition of the Wellness Directory of Minnesota we made a mention to Cesium Chloride, but we hardly recommend it because of the possible side effects.

Never self-prescribe. Always get a physician or health care professional to monitor and guide you. For one thing, you need to take a lot of extra minerals with Cesium Chloride: potassium, calcium in particular.

Cesium Chloride is a dangerous substance if mishandled. There are a few studies using Cesium Chloride for cancer that showed significant success, but again, there are other options that are not as dangerous and that have fewer side effects.

We do know one thing about cancer: Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline, oxygenated environment.

(The following list is posted at our site in a separate article called Products To Help You Alkalize. It already has additional products listed, and it will be kept up to date as we research further on the subject.)

Electrolyzed Water

We have just discovered Electrolyzed Plus Concentrate. Your author took his pH from 5.8 to 7.0 in just one week on a regimen of this wonderful water. Read about it here: Electrolyzed Water.

Sodium Chlorite

Sodium Chlorite is a safe, natural substance that is a precursor to chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide releases oxygen into the blood stream and, according to Dr Young (his web and his book) it might also help to clean up foreign materials (toxins) in your blood stream.

With chlorine dioxide flowing through your body, the oxygen is released slowly which can slow and stop the growth (and spores) of candida.

Green Drinks and Superfoods

You can bet that we’re going to focus on foods here that will help. Wheat grass and your superfoods are chock full of minerals and enzymes. The enzymes are both antimycotoxic (clean of the mycotoxins released by the yeast/fungal infections) and antioxidant, while the minerals play an important role in keeping cellular communication channels open.


Garlic is one of the best medicines in the world. It has natural germanium (see below) and is antifungal and antibacterial (just to name a few things). Naturopaths recommend up to seven cloves a day (depending on your stomach and your ability to withstand garlic). And as always, we must warn you that if you intend to cook using garlic, please crush it up and let it sit for ten minutes before adding it to your recipe. It has to sit so that the enzymes can create the wonderful healing phytochemicals you’ll be needing.

Germanium (Organic)

We list germanium in our Alternative Cancer Therapies because it enhances the capabilities of oxygen in our bodies. Dr Young points out that it has to be an organic germanium, possibly because of the damage the inorganic kind has been responsible for. Again, I think this is something to be used only under a physician's care. But by all means, germanium is a healing element that will add to your negative electrical charge and increase interferon production (to fight off the parasites and bugs that are trying to clean up your system.

Potassium Broth Recipe

Fill a large pot with 25% potato peelings, 25% carrot peelings and whole chopped beets (half and half), 25% chopped onions and garlic (more onions than garlic), 25% celery and dark greens. Add hot peppers to taste (or cayenne pepper). Add enough distilled/purified water to cover vegetables and simmer at a very low temperature for a minimum of 2 hours. Strain and drink only the broth, put the veggies in a compost (I feed my chickens). Make enough for two days and refrigerate the leftover broth. Do not store for more than two days.


Or N-acetyl Cystein; something I take daily. I love to barbecue. But barbecues have a tendency to fill your body with all sorts of carcinogens (acrolein is one). NAC is a powerful anticarcinogen, antimycotoxin and detoxifier. It pulls heavy metals from your body and supports production of glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant. It is anti-aging also, and the one mycotoxin, acetaldehyde, that is responsible for so much collateral damage in our bodies, is totally wiped out by daily use of NAC. It is truly amazing stuff.

There are more, and we will be adding to this list. All alkalizing supplements and foods will be placed into this article on our web and available through the Table of Contents.

We have to stop here and talk about those things that we are doing to acidify our bodies in the first place. We can take supplements, detoxication programs, etc, but if we keep acidifying our bodies, we’re facing a losing battle.

So let us jump into a complete HOLISTIC program for maintaining our proper terrain.

Measuring pH

First off, we must monitor our pH. In his book, Alkalize or Die, Dr Baroody tells us that there is no good way to measure our pH because it fluctuates all day long. However, according to Dr Cochrain, a St Paul, MN Naturopath and Chiropractor, recent studies have shown that if we take our pH first thing in the morning (before our breakfast or yoga or anything) and take the pH of both our urine and saliva, that this will give a the best indication of our pH.

Our pH can be taken by using pH strips. Dip them in your urine and saliva and compare the color against the chart. Contact Teak Kilmer for pH strips.

Next, we must ask ourselves, what are the major causes of acidity in our society? The following are not listed in the most acidic to the least acidic, but rather, the most acidic to lesser because of their usage in our society. Listed at the top is our greatest addiction in America. Following that, you will see Dr Baroody’s take on the most acidic "things" within our personal sphere.

1. Caffeine (coffee). I know you’re all going to hate to know this. The drug of choice in this world today is coffee, but it is ruining our health. However, if you purchase organically raised, shade grown coffee, you will not acidify your body to the degree that your standard coffees will. If you have a coffee addiction, take a look at your general health and see if you need to get a grip on it.

2. Soda Pop. When I was a kid, pop was a treat. Today it is a staple. Most people have three or four cans of pop each day. First off, the sugar in a can of pop will cause your body to become acidic. Sugar is an acidifier. And if you’re drinking sugar free pop, you’re not much better off as the aspartame in it turns into formaldehyde and acid in your body.

3. Anything containing carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, aspartame™. If you drink charged water, you are drinking a waste product. Our bodies give off CO2 as a waste product. Why would anyone want to drink a waste product (if they thought about it long enough)? Aspartame® turns into formaldehyde and acid in your body. When you are acidic, your metabolism gets clogged down. The drink might say "Diet" but you won’t lose weight with this stuff in your body.

4. Meat, poultry, and fish. All of these "cooked" proteins cause our bodies to become acidic. Eating them raw would be a better option but ONLY if the methods we raised them and processed them were healthier.

5. Sugar. Especially white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Anything with sugar added will increase it’s acidifying properties immensely. Additionally, we learned from Dr Cochrain that just one teaspoon of sugar will lower your resistance by 50% for up to 24 hours. (Mountain Dew has 8 tablespoons of sugar in one can.)

So, there you have it. Can you drink coffee and maintain a healthy terrain, yes, but not if you drink to excess. Can you eat meat and stay alkaline, yes, if you don’t overdo it and balance your meat with alkalizing fruits and vegetables.

Most Alkaline and Most Acidic

Dr Baroody created a little chart that I wish you all had. We are going to ask the good doctor for permission to reprint the entire chart here at our web site, but until then, look at the graph below for a little hint.

Most Alkaline

Most Acidic
Artificial Sweeteners

Toxins Equal Acid

The first thing we must all do is DETOX our bodies. We start with the colon, then the liver, and then the other organs and our blood and skin. To learn how to detox, you can read Cleaning House – The Correct Way to Detox.

It took us over 4 years to write that original article, mainly because there are so many methods out there that purport to detox your body. There are little pills that guarantee to detox your colon, which don’t really do a thing but take your money and give you the runs.

In natural medicine we focus on two things: What goes in and what comes out.

Doesn’t what goes in always come out? Nope.

There are those who say that all disease begins in the colon. This is a pretty strong statement, but if you consider that the second step in the disease process is when the yeast (that lives in your colon) takes off, well, I think we’re on to something. Yeast’s purpose is to break up and soften the stool. If given a chance to flourish, well, we are going to cover the digestive tract in our next issue of this newsletter.

Yeast begins to flourish in your digestive tract the moment your digestive process is slowed. In other words, if you don’t have a bowel movement 24 hours after eating (on a regular basis), your digestive tract is slow. You have indigestion.

In the next newsletter you will learn that Heart Burn and Indigestion, if let go long enough, is deadly. You might think it’s harmless, but indigestion is one of the first steps downhill to a good number of degenerative diseases.

Detoxing beings in the colon. Everything that has been gathered up by the liver and by your cholesterol is dumped into the colon and expelled through your bowel movements. If it stays too long in the colon, it is reabsorbed.

Also, check out Electrolyzed Water for a detoxication program.

Our Mental Chatter

Here is an experiment. Measure the pH of your saliva when you are feeling fine. Then, if you get angry (have a fight with your boss or spouse or for you men, you lose the remote) take your pH then too. And compare!

I did this the other day. I measured my pH at 6.8. That’s a pretty good place to be, between 6.8 and 7.0. However, a few minutes later, my neighbor called with some sort of horse emergency and darned if I could find my keys! The moment I uttered my first fiery word, I saw a pack of pH strips on my desk. I grabbed one and measured my saliva. It was off the chart. I had battery acid in my mouth (nearly).

The pH of our saliva gives us our emotional state. The more alkaline the better our state; and the more acidic, the more emotionally troubled we are. This is a plain and simple fact. If you take care of your body, but ignore your emotions you will not maintain your terrain. Hence, we called this regimen an Holistic Approach. We are focusing now on caring for our entire person, the Holy Trinity, as it were, consisting of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Did you know that attending a church service will raise your pH? Praying produces negative electrical charges within our bodies.

Let us take a look at the water molecule broken apart:

H+ OH-

The hydrogen ion on the left has a positive charge; the hydroxyl ion on the right has a negative charge. The left is acidic; the right is alkaline and has oxygen. In nature, opposites attract and these two form a water molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. This molecule is balanced, with no charge and is neither alkaline nor acidic, but is neutral. To maintain proper pH we have to be in balance like the water molecule.

Alkalinity and a negative electrical charge go together. This is where our magnetic therapies come in, our Yoga and Qigong and Reike and acupuncture also. This is where a trip to the mountains or the oceans or the Grand Canyon come in. Love and happiness and families unfettered by conflict build electrical charges in our bodies.

Oxygenated water (ozone), alkaline water, negatively charged water and beds giving off negative ions; these are new products being developed for the sole purpose of charging and alkalizing our bodies. They don’t cure any particular disease, they just make our terrains well again. And, as you will see in the article Electrolyzed Water when you care for the terrain, you just get healthier, no matter what the problem.


I highly recommend the book Alkalize or Die, but it is presently out of print and hard to find, though I found a bunch of copies by searching the web. The author lists foods and their alkalizing (acidifying) potentials. Most fruits and vegetables (especially the dark green ones) are alkalizing. Exceptions are plums, blueberries, and cranberries. It is good to note that even something acidifying can still contain healthful nutrients. Meat contains CoQ10, which is needed for energy at the cellular level. Without it, your cells die. Blueberries contain phytochemicals that fight heart disease and cancer. Tomatoes are just a tiny bit alkalizing, but can fight all sorts of cancers and protect the prostate, that is, if they are not cooked all day long in aluminum pots.

Dr Revici, who developed a very unique cancer regimen, referred to foods as either anabolic (constructive) or catabolic (destructive); this was Revici’s way of categorizing foods that cause our bodies to turn alkaline or acidic. One thing he noted, along with a few other physicians (like Dr Albert Schweitzer), is that sugar and salt are catabolic. However, Revici was referring to white sugar and ordinary table salt (Celtic Sea Salt is anabolic because of all the minerals [colloids] it contains). See Dr Revici below under the heading, The Revici Method.

Most sugars are acidifying. Honey is not. Sucanat™ is just a bit alkalizing. All products with sugar added are acidifying. Processed foods are definitely acidifying.

Here is something I just learned and really have to pass on to you. Take any pickle from your local supermarket. It is terribly acidifying. Now, take a pickle that you made at home, using Celtic Sea Salt, organic non-pasteurized apple cider vinegar, fresh organic cucumbers (and onions and garlic and peppers) and fresh organic spices, and you have the exact opposite of an acidifier. You have an alkalizer. Again, this is just one more reason to eat organic whole foods.

And always keep in mind that just because something is alkaline or acidic IN ITSELF doesn’t mean that it will pass that property to your terrain. The author of Alkalize or Die did a lot of research for this book to show that you don’t know what something will do to your body till it is tested. So, pick up a copy of that book. Remember? Lemons are very acidic, but in your body they are a potent alkalizer.

Oh, and asparagus. Don’t forget the asparagus. Dr Baroody points out that any food that has been frozen, canned, etc. will lose a half a point in his alkalizing scale. Basically, the more processed a food is, the less alkalizing it is. His chart goes from 0 to 8, 8 being alkalizing to the fullest, and 0 being acidifying (to the fullest). But asparagus is one vegetable that is always alkalizing no matter what form it is in (though, yes, when canned it does drop that property slightly).

In fact, there is an asparagus cancer cure, in which all you eat is asparagus (a mono diet is a diet of one thing).

And don’t forget melons. All your melons are alkalizing.

Lemon Squash

And finally, let us jump back to the late 18 hundreds and Antoine Béchamp. He discovered that drinking Lemon Squash all day long was one of the healthiest things anyone could do. What is Lemon Squash? It is water with a little lemon in it. In her book, The Fat Flush Plan, Ann Gittleman has you drink one half lemon in hot water daily during the first phase of her diet plan. After that, you drink water with lemon all day long. This keeps the kidneys working and helps to alkalize the body. It was good for you over a hundred years ago, and it’s still good for you.

Vinegar & Honey

Julius Caesar and George Washington gave it to their troops before battle. Hippocrates gave it to all his patients. In the Pharaohs tombs, they sealed it in large vases to take this into the next world. It helps to oxygenate the cells, improve circulation, balance your pH, normalize thyroid function and metabolism, rid the body of lactic acid and calcium deposits, increase circulation, absorption, and assimilation of vitamins and minerals. A simple mixture of Vinegar & Honey. But the vinegar must be raw, non-pasteurized, apple cider vinegar. All other vinegars are catabolic (acid forming).

Some people like to mix them full strength in the morning and drink it down: a shot of vinegar and a shot of honey together. However, we got this ancient formula and will present it here:

Mix 1 cup of the apple cider vinegar with ½ cup of honey (can use less or more honey, depending on your taste. You will take three tablespoons daily.

One way to drink this is by mixing 3 tablespoons with 2 to 36 oz (the more fluid will not lessen the potency, as long as you drink it all in the same day) of water, juice or tea and sip on it throughout the day.

Oxygen is Life

Have you ever heard of the Yogis who went into a trance and were buried for 30 days or more, and when they were dug up, they were in perfect health?

There are stories of Yogis who died, and their bodies did not start to rot for a month.

Their secret was oxygen. Yogis practice breathing exercises that charge their cells with oxygen. Practitioners of various modalities of meditations, yoga, and qigong live longer than people who do not practice these "internal" arts. This is because part of the practice is deep breathing and oxygen is alkalizing.

Oxygen is life.

Deep Breathing Exercises

First we must talk about the way we breathe, here in our society.

Next time you get a chance, watch a baby breathing. The baby never stops. Breathing is one continual movement. Watch a dog breathe. Same thing. One continual movement.

In our society, we stop breathing. In the middle of a crossword puzzle, hanging a frame, repairing a toaster, or untying a knot, most of us suddenly stop breathing to focus on our work.

We learned this young, the moment we got into trouble and heard our name yelled out at us. We stopped breathing.

Now, back to that baby. If the baby is lying supine, watch the baby’s tummy. With every breath, the tummy goes up and down.

Right now, close your eyes and observe how you breathe. Is your breath caught up in your chest or does it go deep down into your abdomen?

Adults have forgotten how to do these "baby breaths." Most of us breathe into our upper lungs and raise our shoulders. Only a portion of our lungs exist up there. The diaphragm is below our lungs where most of the air sacs exist.

Deep breathing means (besides learning to breathe all over again) thrusting the diaphragm downward pushing out our tummies (no one likes to appear in public with their tummy extended) first and then filling our chests afterwards. This is hard to practice at first, but believe me, you’ll get used to it.

Deep Breathing Exercise #1

You can do this in any position - lying, sitting or standing.

Quiet the room of distractions like turning off the television or closing the door.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in through your nose. Pretend you are sniffing a flower. When you inhale, your abdomen or stomach should rise and then your chest. Hold for a few seconds.
Exhale in reverse pattern through your mouth. Let your body relax and go limp. Do this over a few seconds.
As you inhale, you can say to yourself, "I am" and with exhaling saying "relaxed."
Repeat this as long as you need (a few to 10 minutes).
Notes: If you feel like you are short of breath, take a few regular breaths and when you feel better, continue the deep breathing.

When tense or anxious, your breathing becomes irregular and shallow. Deep breathing has long been known to have relaxing properties. Oxygen tends to revitalize, energize and relax.

Deep Breathing Exercise #2

Lie on the ground or sit in a position where your spine is straight.
Tense all the muscles in your body completely as you inhale. Concentrate on the tension and hold tight while slowly counting to ten.
Gradually let the muscles go as you exhale and feel the contrast. Try to let go and relax totally. Repeat two to three times. Exhale completely.
Notes: To check whether you are breathing into your lower abdomen, place one hand on your chest and the other on the abdomen over navel.

Inhale and feel which hand moves the most. If your breathing is efficient, the lower hand should move the most.

Once you’ve learned to breathe into your tummy, inhale very, very slowly, allowing the breath to enter effortlessly through your nose. At the same time, push out your abdomen as though you were blowing up a balloon in your belly. Move your chest as little as possible.

After your abdomen is stretched, expand your chest with air. This fills up the middle part of your lungs. Hold the breath for about five seconds and then slowly begin to exhale. As you do so, let your abdomen fall and relax. Repeat this for twenty breaths. Focus your attention on the movement of your abdomen as you inhale and exhale.

Simple Weight Loss

As touted above with the Vinegar & Honey mixture and the effect this solution has on the thyroid and metabolism, when we alkalize our bodies (add oxygen) our metabolism rises. If you don’t have a thyroid problem, just alkalizing your body will help you to lose a few pounds.

Now, I’m not about to leave you here hanging. Over the next few months, we’re going to focus on foods, products, supplements and methods of alkalizing our bodies. We want to review a variety of waters (many of you know that one of my greatest interests involves water). And if you have anything to add, please send it along!
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Old 05-31-2005, 03:45 AM   #7
Lyn, Web address for foods
Posts: n/a
Hi again, this is the web page description, it wouldn't allow me to copy and paste it.

Love & Hugs Lyn,

Alkaline and Acidic Food Charts
An acidic body is a sickness magnet. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH and oxygenate your system. ... ALKALINE AND ACIDIC FOOD CHART ... for More Information on ALKALINE and ACIDIC FOODS and the HIGH pH DIET...www.essense-of-life.com/info/foodchart.htm - 48k - Cached - More pages from this site
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