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Old 11-30-2012, 04:00 PM   #6
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Re: Need thoughts from anyone who had a recurrence to skin

By the way, somehow lost this part of my reply earlier:

I have had two different kinds of reconstruction - was in a similar place, had to have bilateral, one breast/side not good candidate for implants due to prior years of radiation. I just didn't know what to do and each brilliant doctor gave me different options, none of which sounded right or wrong. All sounded scary and all were hard to figure out, even after talking to and seeing a bunch of different woman and their results. For me, the curve ball was finding so much cancer in what was supposed to be a local recurrence at the time, so it meant chemo after reconstruction, which was not supposed to be. Anyhow – I am just sharing my story and hope something about it will help you on your path…all is good now :-)

In spring of 2002, I choose a procedure that only a team at UCLA offered; called bi-lateral re-con free-flap MICRO nuero-surgery using my TFL's muscles (from upper side leg area). It was a HUGE surgery and as soon as I woke up I knew I made a horrible choice because I involved my legs, which were perfectly fine before I cut into them to make breasts. YIKES!

Then, due to skin lymphatic mets, they had to remove the involved breast and use my Latisimus Dorsi to close me up and get clear margins! None of these procedures were a one step surgery. They required refinement after weeks of healing and then the whole nipple re-constructing. It was an ordeal that sounded okay until you were going thru it. Again, in hindsight, it would have been better healthwise to be breast-less but not necessarily easier emotionally speaking.

All of these surgeries were finished in Jan 2003. It's been MANY years and I have had tons of time to use hindsight and it IS 20-20 just like the expression claims!

In a perfect world, women would simply remove breasts as a means of survival. This would be the easiest on our bodies and medical recovery. BUT it is then a hardship on our emotions - in getting dressed everyday, trying to appear normal, feel sexy, etc, trying to look and feel like ourselves. There is no easy answer or choice to this question.

I can say that the Dorsi flap was an easy surgery pain and recovery-wise and the scarring is not too bad. In my experience, what is bad about these surgeries, are the forever after-effects. I still have phantom itching around the scar lines. No bra is ever comfy for very long. My body on the dorsi side feels very tight - even though I am very limber, thin, in good shape, go out dancing, very active, do pilates, yoga, etc. To others, I look "great" but I do suffer with a lot of challanges from all the breast reconstruction. Many woman feel this just ("just!) from their lumpectomies, radiation and lymph node dissections. I think that scar tissue is an ongoing battle. If you don't continue to be active, scar tissue seems to tighten up, even years later. On the other hand, we all should use it so we don't loose it!

Well, pm me if you have any other questions I can answer…
1996 cancer WTF?! 1.3 cm lumpectomy Er/Pr neg. Her2+ (20nodes NEGATIVE) did CMF + rads. NED.
2002 recurrence. Bilateral mastectomy w/TFL autologous recon. Then ACx2. Skin lymphatic rash. Taxotere w/Herceptin x4. Herceptin/Xeloda. Finally stops spreading.
2003 - Back to surgery, remove skin mets, and will have surgery one week later when pathology can confirm margins.
‘03 latisimus dorsi flap to remove skin mets. CLEAN MARGINS. Continue single agent Herceptin thru 4/04. NED.
‘04 '05 & 06 tiny recurrences - scar line. surgery to cut out. NED each time.
1/2006 Rads again, to scar line. NED.

3/07 Heartbreaking news - mets! lungs.sternum. Try Tykerb/Xeloda. Tykerb/Carbo/Gemzar. Switch Oncs.
12/07 Herceptin.Tykerb. Markers go stable.
2/8/08 gamma knife 13mm stupid brain met.
3/08 Herceptin/tykerb/avastin/zometa.
3/09 brain NED. Lungs STABLE.
4/09 attack sternum (10 daysPHOTONS.5 days ELECTRONS)
9/09 MARKERS normal!
3/10 PET/CT=manubrium intensely metabolically active but stable. NEDhead.
Wash out 5/10 for tdm1 but 6/10 CT STABLE, PET improving. Markers normal. Brain NED. Resume just Herceptin plus ZOMETA
Dec 2010 Brain NED, lungs/sternum stable. markers normal.
MAR 2011 stop Herceptin/allergy! Go back on Tykerb and switch to Xgeva.
May-Aug 2011 Tykerb Herceptin Xgeva.
Sept 2011 Tykerb, Herceptin, Zometa, Avastin.
April 2012 sketchy drug trial in NYC. 6 weeks later I’m NED!
OCT 2012 PET/CT shows a bunch of freakin’ progression. Back to LA and Herceptin.avastin.zometa.
12/20/12 add in PERJETA!
March 2013 – 5 YEARS POST continue HAPZ
APRIL 2013 - 6 yrs stage 4. "FAILED" PETscan on 4/2/13
May 2013: rePetted - improvement in lungs, left adrenal stable, right 6th rib inactive, (must be PERJETA avastin) sternum and L1 fruckin'worsen. Drop zometa. ADD Xgeva. Doc says get rads consultant for L1 and possible biopsy of L1. I say, no thanks, doc. Lets see what xgeva brings to the table first. It's summer.
June-August 2013HAPX Herceptin Avastin Perjeta xgeva.
Sept - now - on chemo hold for calming tummy we hope. Markers stable for 2 months.
Nov 2013 - Herceptin-Perjeta-Avastin-Xgeva (collageneous colitis, which explains tummy probs, added Entocort)
December '13 BRAIN MRI ned in da head.
FEB 2014 PetCT clinical “impression”: 1. newbie nodule - SUV 1.5 right apical nodule, mildly hypermetabolic “suggestive” of worsening neoplastic lesion. 2. moderate worsening of the sternum – SUV 5.6 from 3.8
3. increasing sclerosis & decreasing activity of L1 met “suggests” mild healing. (SUV 9.4 v 12.1 in May ‘13)
4. scattered lung nodules, up to 5mm in size = stable, no increased activity
5. other small scattered sclerotic lesions, one in right iliac and one in thoracic vertebral body similar in appearance to L1 without PET activity and not clearly pathologic
October 2014: hold avastin, continue HPX
Feb 2015 Cancer you lost. NEDHEAD 7 years post gamma zap miracle, 8 years ST4, +19 yrs original diagnosis.
Continue HPX. Adding back Avastin
Nov 2015 pet/ct is mixed result. L1 SUV is worse. Continue Herceptin/avastin/xgeva. Might revisit Perjeta for L1. Meantime going for rads consult for L1
December 2015 - brain stable. Continue Herceptin, Perjeta, Avastin and xgeva.
Jan 2016: 5 days, 20 grays, Rads to L1 and continue on HAPX. I’m trying to "save" TDM1 for next line. Hope the rads work to quiet L1. Sciatic pain extraordinaire :((
Markers drop post rads.
2/24/16 HAP plus X - markers are down
3/23/16 Laminectomy w/coflex implant L4/5. NO MORE SCIATIC PAIN!!! Healing.
APRIL 2016 - 9 YRS MBC
July 2016 - continue HAP plus Xgeva.
DEC 2016 - PETCT: mets to sternum, lungs, L1 still about the same in size and PET activity. Markers not bad. Not making changes if I don't need to. Herceptin/Perjeta/Avastin/Xgeva
December 2017 - Progression - gonna switch it up
FEB 2018 - Kadcyla 3 cycles ---->progression :(
MAY30th - bronchoscopy, w/foundation1 - her2 enriched
Aug 27, 2018 - start clinical trial ZW25
JAN 2019 - ZW25 seems to be keeping me stable
MAY 2019 - progression back on herceptin add xeloda
JUNE 2019 - "6 mos average survival" LMD & CNS new single brain met - one zap during 5 days true beam SBRT to cord met
10/30/19 - stable brain and cord. progression lungs and bones. washing out. applying for ds8201a w nivolumab. hope they take me.
12/27/19 - begin ds8401a w nivolumab. after 2nd cycle nodes melt away. after 3rd cycle chest scan shows Improvement, brain MRI shows improvement, resolved areas & nothing new. switch to plain ENHERTU. after 4th cycle, PETscan shows mostly resolved or improved results. Markers near normal. I'm stunned but grateful.
10/26/20 - June 2021 Tucatinib/xeloda/herceptin - stable ish.
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