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Old 07-28-2014, 06:17 AM   #4
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Re: Do you ever stop thinking about cancer?

Hi there. I don't think of cancer every day but it does come to mind when I'm triggered. Certain things trigger it, rubbing alcohol, hospitals, if I have an unexplained pain...etc.
When I went through treatment I thought about it all the time and so I went to see a therapist who I still see today. She has helped me tremendously with my new normal. She once told me that cancer is like a huge oversized sofa in a very small room. In the beginning you think of it all the time because it's so intrusive and it takes over your life. But as you get further from treatment it shrinks and becomes a chair, then a coffee table and eventually it's a small magazine rack that you run into every once and a while. But it takes years. I would suggest you see a therapist. I saw mine once a week during treatment, now I see her every three weeks for a mental check in. Hope this helps.
DX 10/2011
PET Scan + MRI 10/2011
Lumpectomy 11/11/11
Stage 2B +++ ER+(10%), PR+(5%), HER2+++(1 positive node, 1 micromets to second node)
AC started 12/2011 ended 1/2012
Taxol + Herceptin weekly for 12 weeks ended 4/2012
30 zaps of radiation done 6/2012
Tamoxifen 6/2012
every 3 weeks of Herceptin for another year.
Metformin Trial 8/12
10/12 MRI- CLEAR
01/13 Neck MRI- CLEAR!
FINISHED HERCEPTIN 1/9/2013...Woot Woot
Starting Walter Reed Vaccine Trial 2/13
CT Scans + ultrasound of abdomen CLEAR-5/13
02/2015 through 11/2015 emergency D&Cs for Tamoxifen induced uterine polyps which caused uncontrollable hemorrhaging
12/2015 blood clot to left leg caused by Tamoxifen. No longer taking it. On Xarelto, a blood thinner
12/2015 Ablation to prevent hemorrhaging from potential issues with Tamoxifen residue in my system
1/2016 continuing journey without hormonal therapy. Reevaluating the option of a hysterectomy and oopherectomy.
4/1/2018 2mm stroke. Yes, stroke! No cause ever found but they believe it was a migraine that went bonkers and created a tiny clot. No deficits. I was back to normal with 24hrs. Now on baby aspirin for life.
7/27/2018 hysterectomy and oopherectomy
01/07/2019 Mastectomy and expanders put in
3/22/2019 Vtach, almost died. Cause unknown.
7/22/2019 New perky boobs put in
7/21/2020 Off of all drugs but a baby aspirin because of the stroke in 2018.

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