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Old 03-11-2011, 08:12 AM   #1
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Study on the Effect of Fulvestrant in triple positive BC

The results showed that while the anti-hormonal suppressed ER, it simultaneously sensitized the cells to growth factor signaling.


These current findings demonstrate that targeting ER signalling with the pure antioestrogen fulvestrant can both suppress and induce gene and protein expression in ER-positive ErbB2-low and -overexpressing breast cancer cell lines. As expected fulvestrant was a potent growth inhibitor in all four of these ER-positive breast cancer cell lines through its ability to suppress proliferation-related genes such as cyclin D1. However, the simlutaneous induction of ErbB3 and ErbB4 also provided a mechanism for these cells, when in a HRG Beta 1-enriched environment, to promote re-expression of cyclin D1 and ultimately drive resistant cell growth. What is more fulvestrant treatment converted HRG Beta 1 from a ligand with both growth promoting and suppressive activity, depending on cell type, into one that consistently and potently promoted cell growth, regardless of ErbB2 status. Thus, although anti-hormones, such as fulvestrant, may have potent acute grwoth inhibitory activity in ER-positive breast cancer cells their ability to rapidly induce and sensitize cells to growth factors, such as heregulins, may serve to reduce and ultimately limit their inhibitory activity. Indeed, such a rapid induction of these proliferative genes may provide a mechanism of de novo endocrine resistance in situations where heregulin expression in the tumor microenvironment is high."

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