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Old 09-03-2005, 06:14 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
This may not apply to you, but I will tell you what I did. I had very minor burns under my arm. I was going to a cruise the week after completing radiation. If I moved my arm, it irritated the skin and the skin would peal off. I couldn't wear anything next to the burns nor put my arm down. The onc's office suggested Silverdine--what a mess! It was not going to help me wear my cute new cruise clothes! My neighbor down the street is a retired oncology nurse. She looked at the skin--it was red, some slight peeling where anything had rubbed but not oozing or any infection. She suggested Johnson & Johnson First Aid Adhesive. It was a godsend! I applied those to the area and went on the cruise, swimming, snorkeling--wearing all my new clothes. You can buy the Adhesive OTC at any K-mart or pharmacy.
You should ask at your radiologists if it is right for you. If your burns are too bad they would probably say no until they start healing. When I told my radiologist about it AFTER the cruise--they said they would have recommend if I had asked about two weeks after treatment. I was back home by then having had a wonderful cruise. Glad I didn't wait for their recommendation or I would not have had as nice a trip what with not being able to wear any clothes above my waist or put my arm down to the side or go swimming.

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