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Old 07-21-2021, 04:04 PM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 474
Re: Anyone Else for Heart Arrhythmias?

Well the naturopathic medicine book arrived last night
and I looked up Herceptin heart toxicity vs herbal medicine. The book
gives the caution about ignoring the regular drugs such as Ace Inhibitors etc bur Hawthoen (Craetagus) and Coenzyme Q10 are mentioned as useful in treating herceptin heart problems particularly the Hawthorm. A combination of
Hawthorn with Panax Ginseng say 200mg of Ginsent twice daily is mentioned as useful for heart failure in general.

The dosage recommendation for Q10 is 200-400mg daily. I would recommend 200mg capsules twice daily for breast cancer patients due to the 1993 never mentioned study done in Denmark where about 2 patients taking 390mg of Coenzyme 10 daily had their organ mets disappear. This may have been a fluke in fact quite likely but it still is fascinating to me. Anyone can look this study up.

I cant give you a dosage of Hawthorn yet. There are different forms ie fluid extracts, capsules of the leaf vs berries etc. I use a berry extract. Ill have to research for a recommended dose. What really interested me was the long duration of action of Hawthorn when used chronically. It seems it lasts weeks after discontinuation. Please forgive any misspellings as typing is not my forte and some of the letters on the keyboard are somewhat eroded. I try to correct what I can


a co
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