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Old 04-12-2011, 07:48 AM   #1
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What to do now??!!TriciaK

I just got a call early this morning from my oncologist's office that they received approval for havalen for me! I am so shocked, since I have did not expect it to be approved! After discussing options with so many of you here, I had decided that I needed to try abraxane. Your posts and my research afterwards convinced me that it would have less side effects than anything else right now, and after trying 3 combinations in a row with horrendous side effects, I am really gunshy!I asked the nurse that called to set up an appointment with the oncologist this week or at least have him call. I am confused now though about which to try---the abraxane or the havalen. Can anyone give me feedback on side effects of havalen compared to abraxane? Of course with my current SE record there is no way to know for sure how my poor old body may react, but I am determined to try something else and am not ready to give up. I will also do research on havalen as well as getting his take, and see if I can find anything that will help me decide abraxane . The hives still cover my body except face, hands and legs, though I do believe there is some improvement. I realized there are two kinds of hives: the one from gemzar is a measles like, bright red rash, while the tykerb/xeloda combo caused blister like hives. It's been over two months since it started and it still looks and itches pretty bad, but I am anxious to get started on another regime ASAP since the tumors are growing. I appreciate any of your comments, suggestions, thoughts, prayers and speculations! I love you all so very much and send my warmest thoughts and prayers. Hugs, TriciaK
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