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Old 03-30-2012, 10:42 AM   #5
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 403
Re: IBC after initial dx of IDC?

Thanks everyone. I am starting chemo again hopefull next Thursday. I have 2 affected areas, one close to armpit and one around the mastectomy scar. The one near the mastectomy scar is red and bumpy; the one near armpit is like a rash with red dots. My surgeon thinks we will use chemo, surgery and radiation and none of these alone will be effective. I understand this is the "difficult to treat " local recurrence. Since radiation did damage to vessels, the chemo drug won't be delivered as efficiently as it is to other non radiated areas. My oncolgist explained that is why sometimes you see mets elsewhere shrinking but not the local mets in previously radiated area. My surgeon explained that in my case cancer spreads via dermo lymphatic systems so it can spread to all around my back. And those are hard to treat. I guess the good thing is taht PET is completely clean. It didn't detect the recurrent cancer either. Maybe it is because the dye didn't get to those radiated areas so well. My brains are just so fried now. Learning about Courtney's going to hospice makes my tears. Why does this diseases strike so many young women? I see women in their 30s like me, some with young kids fighting for lives. It really hurts !
1/11 age 36 DX
ER/PR-, Her2 +
TCH*6, Herceptin
BMX with immediate recontruction 5/2011 Lattismus Flap- Dx stage 3c 10/23 nodes
9/11 Radiation
3/12 Local recurrence to skin stage IV
Whole body scan CLEAR
4/12 Tykerb & Xeolda Skin mets slowly regressing
8/12 PET & Brain CT Clear
5/13 Skin mets progressing
6/13 PET scan chestwall recurrence in contralateral anxillary,internal mammary and ipsilateral subpectoral nodes
6/13 kadcyla
10/13 whole body scan -clear NED. previously resolved skin rash gone but 3 new lesions. Biopsy confirmed for skin recurrence
11/13 to 02/14 tykerb & herceptin
02/14 add abraxane/gemzar, 2 weeks on 1 week off at reduced dose
05/14 whole body PET clear/ brain CT clear but skin mets are getting worse, ready for new chemo
05/14 navelbine perjeta herceptin
07/14 skin mets progressing red rash worse
08/14 wide local excision with diep flap to close wound. Final path shows 2 positive margins showing inflammatory carcinoma Going back to surgery in 2 weeks
09/01/14 resection- clear margins
3 weeks after 2nd surgery, a new nodular rash found near drain incision with 2 small red spots behind the chest wall biopsy on 10/1. Positive for breast cancer
Radiation 11/2014 with xeloda then weekly cisplatin
11/14 brain MRI clean
12/14 finished 33 radiations burnt and very painful. Bedridden for 1 week
12/14 t current Herceptin and perjeta only
02/15 rash on upper back right side skin mets radiation planned
02/15 staring electron radiation *35
Stopped at 30 due to severe skin burn, resumed 10 days later
05/15 red patches appeared in between previously radiated area, skin mets. Ct and brain Mri clear. Simulation planned, radiation to start after trip to Alaska.
05/24 new spot identified in scar line on previously radiated reconstructed breast- electron on both side chest wall area and scar line
07/15 multiple skin and lung recurrence begin halaven
11/15 cough much better but very tired on halaven and starting to see some new red skin blotches-suspicious
11/15 heading to China for immune therapy
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