Thread: Just curious
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Old 01-21-2012, 10:26 AM   #1
Britbee's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Posts: 19
Question Just curious

Since coming on these boards I have had three chemo sessions and met a lot of wonderful people. Some have been introduced to me through others, some I have met since I started a blog. I have found the blog to be very therapeutic and enjoy also reading others and their journeys.
Today I would like to ask a question about something that has been bothering me. I find I am a little more sensitive since I was diagnosed with cancer and so maybe this just me.
When I was first diagnosed I was sent to a very sweet oncologist who saw me through the first while until after my mastectomy.
When I went for my first appointment to discuss the first chemo session which I was to have the next day there was a lady oncologist sitting there that I had never met. Not saying she was not versed in my history and had a very nice manner but she was not the original doctor I had seen before. Same office, just different doctor.
She was there for my second chemo and by this time I was happy enough seeing her.
My third chemo it was a different doctor again and he did not even know I had a port! He asked how my veins in my arm were holding up. Obviously had not read my chart properly. Also he gave me a little talk about how there were no guarantees that I would be cured and set me back about a month mentally.
Ok sorry about being so long winded but my question is have the rest of you been tossed around like a beach ball between oncologists or have you seen the same one all the way through. The ladies I have already asked said they stayed with the same one. This is something I would prefer as how can anyone know me if they are different each time? Or am I being super sensitive and getting the care I need and should just get on with it??
Diagnosed June after Mammogram.
September 26th 2011 - Left breast Mastectomy and axillary Dissection:
Ductal carcinoma in situ nuclear grade 3
Lobular carcinoma in situ focal
Paget's disease of nipple
One of 12 axillary lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma
Negative for extranodal extension
Metastic tumor deposit measures 1.5 cm in maximal dimension
ER 0/8 PR 0/8
Her2 +
Treatment node positive HER2+ breast cancer treatment
Chemotherapy FEC-DH
Herceptin for remainder of year.
Chemo starts November 25th 2011.

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