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Old 01-24-2014, 07:44 PM   #26
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 16
Re: How long Should I continue herceptin ?

I have now been on Herceptin holiday for 10 months. I had previously been taking it for 6.5 years for liver mets and had been NED for 5 years. It was causing me very bad toxic neuropathy to the point I was at a very low quality of life and it was impacting my driving and picking up of things and just daily functioning so onc. finally decided to pull me off.

So far so good but lately been losing a few pounds and lots of intestinal issues as well as a little pain in the liver area but I have been on 2 weeks of antibiotics for an infection so thinking that may be it. I am due for scans and lab on March 15th so if things get better will just go then if things don't get better I will call and see if they can move them up.

For now not wanting to think about it and continue on this most wonderful break. The neuropathy has improved some and quality of life but I seem to have hit a plateau with improvement from the neuropathy. Just thought I would check in so any others considering going off could hear my story.

Hugs to all,
Kelly S. (Kansas)
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