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Old 11-11-2015, 06:41 PM   #8
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 3
Re: BRCA2+ and HER2+

Hi Jenn -- yes, so glad you had the hysterectomy then.... did I also ask you if you had any lymph nodes affected? Chemo is ok and am trying to journal.... its the neulasta that really kicked my butt. How long did it take you to recover from the hysterectomy? thanks again for responding.... very helpful! Joan
TripletMom (Joan)
3-24-16 -- Due to BRCA2+, I had my total hysterectomy performed via DaVinci and laparoscopically
1-27-16 --- LAST Chemo Treatment; TCH; will continue with the Herceptin until Nov. 4, 2016
11-06-15 --- Neulasta dispensed at 7 p.m. (I do this 27 hours after each treatment) - made me tired and achy
11-05-15 --- FIRST Chemo treatment; 5 hours; TCH; nurse gave me the On-Body Neulasta which was to be dispersed on the following day 25 hours later
11-04-15 --- Portacath inserted; had issues with finding a vein for anesthesia; 5 trys. While in surgery for the port, the surgeon could not insert the portacath on the right or the left side so went straight to the jugular on the left side - very uncomfortable.
10-28-15 --- EchoCardiogram; all shows NORMAL
10-19-15 --- Drains taken out
10-07-15 --- Bi-lateral (double mastectomy) and 2 drains put in. Left breast 2.1cm tumor (IDC) and 5 sentinel lymph nodes taken (biopsy for lymph nodes are negative)
10-01-15 --- Results from the CA-125 are negative - there are fibroids and a polyp on the lining near the cervix. We did not biopsy, and will be doing a total hysterectomy in April, 2016
09-30-15 --- Ultrasound on uterus and blood test for CA-125
09-22-15 --- Met with Plastic Surgeon on all options for reconstruction; chose to NOT do any reconstructive surgery at this time
09-18-15 --- Test results came in positive for BRCA2+; also met with surgeon as we made the decision to do a bi-lateral mastectomy; he showed me the MRI read-out 2.4cm mass
09-10-15 --- Met with Genetics Counselor to do the test for BRCA
09-04-15 --- Diagnosed DCIS and IDC; left breast; 4 o'clock from nipple
09-02-15 --- Left breast tumor biopsied
08-26-15 --- Ultrasound confirmed lump in left breast
08-19-15 --- Met with Doctor that reads the mammograms to understand what she saw in the 3D mammogram as it showed NORMAL and I was feeling a lump; she ordered an ultrasound
07-25-15 --- Felt a small lump
06-03-15 --- (AGE 53) 3D Mammogram; result showed NORMAL (Post Menopause and I take NO medications)
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