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Old 02-10-2016, 02:47 PM   #34
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Re: Boosting Your Immune System - share your ideas

Yes, Jackie.

It was such a tragic thing to see a young healthy man so completely incapacitated. In a wheelchair. Couldn't turn his head. Needed to blow into a tube to get air, and to speak a few words. I can't even imagine living like that. Do you remember him? And his story?

Juls, and ALL -- I rarely took anything before bc. Ever. Not for period cramps or whatever.

'95 mastec, tram flap, chemos (4) for 9 mnths w/all the awful side effects. I was found to be borderline ER/PR so they put me on Tamoxifen.

In '98 when my 4th stage invasive lobular bc had spread throughout my liver. Minor change in my always predictable liver enzymes was the tip off. Surgical biopsy confirmed same bc but also that I was HER2+ (Herceptin still in clinical trials -- I'd read all about it -- but I asked to be tested anyway.) I was then found to be ER-/PR-. Docs told me to flush the Tamoxifen.

I did all the pre op testing and scans (full body, not ECHO, the more invasive one for heart, a stress test, bld, bld, bld and more more more) I also went to 2 more oncs for input plus the integrative oncologist (Dr. Gaynor) cause I'd read his book in '95 and KNEW if I ever needed such a person I would go to him. He was spiritual, holistic, saw the patient as a body and a soul, psychologically and physically.

Onc #1 said Taxol. Onc #2 said Navelbene cause it was kinder, gentler and they'd already told me I would be on longterm chemotherapy for the rest of my life. Onc #3 said Taxotere. Why? B/c what you have is a highly aggressive form of bc and Taxotere is the most aggressive weapon we have in our arsenal. I decided to fight fire with fire and take the harder road. (Tempting though the kinder gentler path was.)

Dr. G, the integrative onc, gave me my list of suggested supplements. All other docs said to wait till after chemo to start the supps. I called Dr. G. He said -- IT IS DURING CHEMOTHERAPY, WHEN YOUR BODY IS UNDER ATTACK FROM THE CANCER AND THE EFFECTS OF THE CHEMO, THAT YOU MOST NEED TO BE ON THE SUPPLEMENTS!

It took great courage but I went with his advice. He was the expert on these. And over the yrs I would learn that mainstream western docs don't believe in supps, are still waiting for more studies to come out to scientifically prove their efficacy. If I had waited, I swear I wouldn't be here today.

So be brave I say, and go with your gut. My gut said, listen to this doc's advice.

I told you his first book HEALING ESSENCE by Dr. Mitchell Gaynor is or was on Amazon for 99 cents. I recommend it highly. It says sooo much!!!!!!!!!!! It said what I'd long been thinking. The mindbody connection is real and yet another tool we need to tap into. So I meditate and use guided imagery and mantras, talking to my body, and the Universe.

And I take my supplements, one at a time, every day (2-4 x a day). Empty stomach pills, AM pills, PM pills, SLEEP pills which include some prescriptions for high blood pressure and high cholesterol but are predominately over the counter supplements.

Any questions, just ask.

Again, thanks Jackie for looking for and finding Christopher Reeve's tale...

Andi BB
'95 post-meno dx Invasive LOBULAR w/9cm tumor! YIKES + 2/21 nodes. Clear mammo 10 mnths earlier. Mastec/tram flap reconst/PORT/8 mnths chemo (4Adria/8CMF). Borderline ER/PR. Tamoxifen 2 yrs. Felt BLESSED. I could walk and talk, feed and bathe myself! I KNEW I would survive...

'98 -- multiple mets to liver. HER2+ 80%. ER/PR- Raging, highly aggressive tumors spreading fast. New PORT. 9 mnths Taxotere Fought fire w/fire! Pronounced in cautious remission 5/99. Taxotere weekly for 6 wks, 2 wks off -- for 9 mnths. TALK ABOUT GRUELING! (I believe they've altered that protocol since those days -- sure hope so!!)
+ good old Vit H wkly for 1st 3 yrs, then triple dosage ev 3 wks for 7 yrs more... The "easy" chemo, right?! Not a walk in the park, but not a freight train coming at 'ya either...

Added Herceptin Nov '98 (6 wks after FDA fast-tracked it for met bc). Stayed w/Vit H till July '08! Now I AM FREE! Humbly and eternally grateful for this life-saving drug! NED since '99 and planning on keeping it that way. To hell w/poor prognosis and nasty stats! STOPPED VIT H JULY '08...! REMAIN STABLE... Eternally grateful...Yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds ... (e e cummings) EVERY DAY I BEAT MY PREVIOUS RECORD FOR # OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS I'VE STAYED ALIVE. Smile KNOWING you too can be a miracle. Up to me and God now...
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