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Old 03-13-2011, 02:06 AM   #7
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Re: Liver Mets - Cryo vs Radiation vs Surgery

Hi Lori
First thank you for sharing. I am thinking of you.I am so sorry cryo did not work enough. Have you found the right hospital/surgeon now?
On my side I am still fighting to get my mets removed. But things changed: I had 2 appointments this week I had made a month ago. The first in the most experimented Cyberknife center in North of France, and the second with a surgeon in the biggest cancer center in France called Institut Gustave Roussy.
In the Cyberknife center they started by a MRI. And then they informed me that I didn't have 2 mets but four. They explained that the 2 "new ones" were in fact very small and that they believed they were always there. But they have a more powerful MRI 3T when most of the MRIs in France are 1,5T. I discovered this! So since November I first thought I had one met, then 2 and now 4, all there since the beginning. The biggest one is 17mm. The only "good" news is that the 2 already identified tumors lost 2 or 3 mm. The fact that there were 4 tumors did not seem to bother the doctor and he said he would operate but he had to go through the process of the center and consult with the team. That may take 10 days. I was very worried about my second appointment but the surgeon said that she would operate even if there were 4 tumors and maybe use RFA for the smallest one during the operation. But she also had to submit my case to the staff. I will have an answer end of next week.
So please hope for me that these teams will say yes.
I am afraid of Cyberknife because we do not have many stats about the outcome and the side effects of radiation in the liver for breast mets. I am also afraid of resection not only because of the risks and the pain but because Lani posted several times that operations lower our immune system and that could make other mets pop up in other parts of the body. Did you ask that question?
How many mets do you have, one? I read you took Navelbine. Are you still on it and if not, how long did you take it?
I hope you have a plan by now. I sure understand what you are going through. Sending tons of hugs.
08.2006 3 cm IDC Stage 2-3, HER2 3+ ER+90% PR 20%
FEC, Taxol+ Herceptin, Mastectomy, Radiation, Herceptin 1 year followed by Tykerb 1 year,Aromasin /Faslodex

12.2010 Mets to liver,Herceptin+Tykerb
03.2011 Liver resection ER+70% PR-
04.2011 Herceptin+Navelbine+750mg Tykerb
06.2011 Liver ned, Met to sternum. Added Zometa 09.2011 Cyberknife for sternum
11.2011 Pet clear. Stop Navelbine, continuing on Hercpetin+Tykerb+Aromasin
02.2012 Mets to lungs, nodes, liver
04.2012 TDM1, Ned in 07.2012
04.2015 Stop TDM1/Kadcyla, still Ned, liver problems
04.2016 Liver mets. Back on Kadcyla
08.2016 Kadcyla stopped working. mets to liver lungs bones
09.2016 Biopsy to liver. no more HER2, still ER+
09.2016 CMF Afinitor/Aromasin/ Xgeva.Met to eye muscle Cyberknife
01.2017 Gemzar/Carboplatin/ Ibrance/Faslodex then Taxotere
02.2017 30 micro mets to brain breathing getting worse and worse
04.2017 Liquid biopsy/CTC indicates HER2 again. Start Herceptin with Halaven
06.2017 all tumors shrunk 60% . more micro mets to brain (1mm mets) no symptoms
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