Thread: Port Problems
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:28 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 12
Port Problems

I was wondering if anyone out there had a problem with their port. I have had my port since Feb/07 and now they can't get a blood return. A procedure was done in the x-ray department to check the port. Results showed the port was in the vessel, but its hitting against something that stops any blood to return. Is this something that happens sometimes?
When the port was inserted (day surgery) I had a hard time and then I found out to one of my visits to ER that my lung was puncture. (4 days in the hospital) Does anyone have discomfort with there port? Since day one this port has been uncomfortable, especially when I lift my arm to put a T-shirt on or try to sleep on that side.

I finished my 6 rounds of chemo in May and start Herceptin in June. So far I have had 8 rounds of herceptin and 9 to go. I am nervous if they have to replace this port. I almost felt like quiting and telling them thats enough and remove the port. I know that sounds harsh, but I been to hell and back. (wouldn't go into it) I thought I would get a break when I got off the warfrin, (which was continuous blood work) but between Muga scans, MRI, CT which you need injections, my arm is exhausted. I don't understand exactly why they can't use my port. (when it was working) for these injections. Most response when I ask is, we are not aloud to use the port. My veins weren't good to begin with and now it's impossible to get one.

I was so strong in the beginning counting down my chemo treatments and getting excited about my last one, and looking forward to getting this port out. Then I found out that I would have it for another year because I needed 17 treatments of herceptin. My onc dr told me its not as bad as the chemo I received, but I got along good with my chemo treatments. I have had more side effects from herceptin.

Would appreciate any input on this.

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