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Old 04-23-2020, 01:13 PM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 474
Re: AMPK activation by anti-diabetes drug promotes survival of dormant breast cancer

From what all I have read, and I research a lot, for the majority of situations the opposite seems to be true. AMPK or Adenonine Monophosphate Kinase is probably the most important anti-cancer protein we have. I read a very interesting article. It talked about the possible (I say possible) biochemical basis of what is called the Warburg phenomenon. Without going into complicated detail this Warburg phenomenon explains the glucose craving that cancer cells demonstrate There are a whole bun ch of proteins
where A stimulates B which Stimulates C etc etc down to the nucleus where the final link
in the chain stimulates the cancer cell to grow. Of all of these A-B C-D-E etc etc (this is called signal transduction) the main one in cancer seems to be P13K phosphorolating another protein called AKT which is what the authors of this paper called the Warburg Protein". AKT phosphorylates A protein called M-TOR and the destructive actions of this possible Warburg protein sequence, is carried out by AKT activation of MTor. The author stated the more you can decrease MTor action the better off you will be as far as cancer goes.

It seems that the more active AMPK is the less active MTOR is. Most of the plant isoflavones that show anticancer actions in animals like Rooibos, Bitter Melon, Andrographus, Dandelion all stimulate AMPK action. Metformin itself (until this article) has been said to have a benefical action against cancer, even to have an action against stem cells. In todays competitive world of science and grants it is
publish or perish.

I know there are researchers who are quite good on the board (Becky, Nguyen and others) and it might be valuable to see their research if they are interested. To attack cancer like is being done now will probably produce little of anything substantial. But attacking cancer cells based on reversing the Warburg phenomenon may produce drugs of real value and little toxicity. Increasing the action of AMPK might be an important step in accomplishing this. I really am curious to see what others on the board find. This is not a trivial topic.


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