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Old 09-05-2005, 01:02 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
hi again--
It's been a couple days, so I thought I'd let you know what I have tried--in case anyone else reads this thread in the future.

Al recommended PraevoSkin, and that sounded good, but because it has to be ordered online, I didn't order it because I was too desperate :-)

I had some gel things like Barbara suggested, which provide relief, but the kind I had were for laying around with and were to provide relief, not healing. But I did try them and they feel great!

Margaret mentioned Emu Oil, but our local health food store isn't open that many hours on the weekend--I live in wisconsin, which isn't know for healthy eating--we are lucky to even have a health food store, so we need to be grateful for the hours they are open.

Rach said to use Thermazene(silver sulfadiazine) cream--for me that wasn't an option because I am allergic to Sulfa.

JJ suggested Jameison's Aloe Vera Gel. I was given an aloe-based gel by my radiation oncologist (Natural Care Gel, produced by C. R. Bard in Covington GA), which is what I have been using since I started radiation. But after posting this topic and reading the replies, I got to thinking about my aloe vera plant. Yesterday I started using the gel from the plant leaves. And my burns look better already! It could be that it was their time to start looking better anyway, but who knows.

I'm still uncomfortable, but I know that this won't go on forever, so I will be patient :-)

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