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Old 02-20-2010, 08:28 PM   #28
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: In a fixer upper on the east coast
Posts: 11
Re: madubois(Mary Ann) Is An Angel Now

Dear sisters of the heart,
I am Liz, Maryann's friend. For the last 14 months Maryann has had many health problems, all caused by an infection that was missed for months. I put her in the hospital in May, again in June, again in August, and September. After being in for 72 days she was released to home care. What wonderful people they are. She worked hard, did what she was told and waited. Waited to get stronger, waited for her new hips, waited for people to come see her, waited, waited, waited. I would bring lunch and we would "Party". On Fridays before I went to the hospital near her home to EM, I would have dinner, conversation and hugs. I was afraid to sit on the bed, I might cause her pain, but sometimes she insisted. What I really wanted to do is take her in my arms and let her take my strength. Last Friday,(2/12) my husband and I went to see her and have a birthday party for her mom Tina. We sat in the kitchen, but I knew something was off. Had been for two weeks after she had her pump refilled with morphine.
Sunday, I resisted the violent urge to go see her (I wanted to give her time with her mom, mom spends week days in Conn), Her mom called at 8, I called an amblunce and she went into the hospital for her last time. By Monday she was in a coma, an infection just overwhelming her. She died at peace Thursday night 7:23, with her sister and I holding her hands and telling her we love her and it was ok to go.
The memorial service is on Tuesday at 11:00, NY time. Please stop for a moment and say a pray at that time ,,, for Maryann, her family and friends.
I have never loved a friend like I loved Maryann, I will miss her in my heart, with my heart for the rest of my life.
Sooooooo, go hug someone, and tell them you love them,,,
With sorrow in my heart and demanding a cure, I am
Liz T, Maryann's forever friend'
We are having her cremated and in the warm weather we are going to the water and spreading her ashes in the
Atlantic. She always wanted to go to Europe.
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