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Old 03-23-2006, 01:34 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Re: DNA vaccine trial at UW

(Ok Joe, since we can't post anonymously after April 1st, I am posting this now!)

Hi everyone,

I am also on the UW DNA vaccine trial. I know the trial people read this board sometimes, so I don't want to share my name. I've already gotten my vaccines and my biopsy, and I wanted to second what Cat said. I had my first vaccines without the male doctor (Doctor C); then on another visit I had him. It was definitely not as good an experience. He just doesn't know as much, and he covers it up with being arrogant. He knows almost NOTHING about breast cancer, I can tell you that! We probably know more than he does combined. I found out from the nurses that he really hasn't had any cancer training yet. He is only a resident that just finished his general practice training and he doesn't have any cancer training (which is obvious if you talk to him at any length about breast cancer!)

Anyway, I wouldn't see him as a reason not to go on the trial Cat, but I would ask for another doctor. Or if you have to have him, just make sure you don't ask him much about cancer or the trial itself (or if you do, ask another doctor too.) I asked him some questions and then later asked Dr. Salasar the same questions and it was obvious that he was just making up stuff he didn't know. The answers were so totally different it was amazing. I have medical background myself so I kind of knew he was full of himself and making up stuff as he went along.

Anyway, this is all just one person's opinion, but I had to chime in because I was very disappointed when he started being involved in my visits. It totally changed the visit for me. But maybe if you have him from the start it won't be so bad!

Lots of love and luck and health to everyone!
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