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Old 07-07-2012, 01:08 AM   #13
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Re: Is this aa bad sign?

Hi When I was on 2mg of decadron it elevated my blood sugars to the 200-300 levels, the "looking like you pregnant" moon face, extra hair on face, fat pad behind neck, are signs of what is a form of Cushings syndrome.
I gained the weight above the hips but lost great amounts of lower leg muscle, I was so weak I could not get off the toilet by myself!!

after tapering down off the steroids over a period of time, I was able to go back to diet controlled blood sugar regime, and I eventually lost the swelling and went to lots of physical therapy to regain muscle strength. Steroids have their place, and can be life saving, to reduce swelling, yet it is tolerated differently, by each individual.

Some people will be up all night working puzzles(ME), cleaning house with bursts of chocolate and over abundance of energy, or be so body aching that it is hard to do much at all.

No one can tell you when it is your time to go, that is between you and God! Most of us have defied the "death sentence" that was in the past that came along with stage 4 cancer.

With more and more new treatments, treatments tailored to the individual versus " the standard protocol", Lots of women are living with what I tell others is a Chronic disease. I monitor my health with frequent (dr, lab, MRI, Pet/ct) Appointments. If there is a concern we address, plan and execute the next step. This board was my saving grace for support, genuine medical research and treatments that I can take to my dr and discuss, what others are doing treatment/ side effects. Lurking without posting, praying, weeping and loving on others to help them in their journey

For me the known is better than the unknown, so I can face it , fight it and move on with my my life as a child of God, daughter, wife, mother,grandma, friend, advocate, caregiver, and a just plain stubborn Nurse patient. (I am a NURSE). I will be 45 this year.

If you are not comfortable to communicate with your oncologist, go find someone else if you can. It is OK not to be tied to negativity. (AS long as insurance, travel etc) allows to to change.

Sorry so Long, Good wishes and prayers to you

dx 1/06 IDC 2cm 38 at dx
2/06 L mast nodes 3/9+ SNB neg ER-/Pr - her2 + Stg 4 liver/pelvis
3/07 6 brain mets WBR down to c-2
4/07 osteonecrosis jaw
1/08 mri new 9mm lesion right lower side
2/08 gamma knife 1 lesion 11/08 regamma
10/09 latent rad necrosis to brain met,
1/20/10 crani: lesion necrosis w active cells continue her add tykerb
1/11 NED just Ingrown toenail! YEAH GOD
8/11 Tykerb, herceptin weekly, elevated her2 levels, negative scans
oct -march 11 new neuro deficits lower legs
3/12 2 spinal metsTykerb, Herceptin
04/12 4050cGY rads T 2-4 & T7-9
5/12 Brain,cervical lumbar clear/thoracic slight decrease
10/12 t 2-4 shrunk t-9 grew start Xeloda, 02/13 stop xeloda,5/13 on metformin, decadron, Tykerb, iv and IT herceptin 5/30/13 total #11 #2 of 80mg dose weekly.
9/13 100mg of IT her, IV hern, 750 mg tykerb, 3mg dec.
last Mri T--3 SHRUNK t7-9 shrunk no edema. Left shift in CBC bone marrow BX negative.
10/13 Ct has shown Double left ureters with stones/cysts in them, after 3 births and lots and U/S iit takes cancer to figure out you have 2 smaller ureters going into 1 kidney!
12/13 Mri brain no new lesions, cervical and lumbar arthritis.
Tspine lesion at T3 stable, T 7-9 GROWTH lots of pain

1/29/14 HIHO HIHO its off to Neuro surgery I go

Life is Good when you wake up in the morning and take a breath and know that God has given me another day.

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