Thread: braless
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Old 10-28-2013, 08:12 AM   #13
Debbie L.
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Re: braless

Bilateral mastectomy, no reconstruction. I don't like not having breasts, but I do love not having to wear a bra. As for the appearance of the flat chest, I rarely think about it anymore. Initially I was quite careful about my clothing (ruffles, gathers, big cowls, etc), but not for long. I wear scrubs at work and casual (to put it mildly, smile) clothing most of the rest of the time and it's just regular clothing -- t shirts, tanks, whatever. Once I lost that hyper-awareness of the changes to my body, I realized that most people were not paying that much attention and really -- so what if they were, as long as I am confortable?

As for wearing a bra for the purpose of holding the prostheses, I found that I could not tolerate that. I thought that would be what I did, at least outside the house, and I tried, but man! If I felt obvious and uncomfortable with my flat chested appearance initially, the bra and "things" in it felt (to me) FAR more obvious and uncomfortable.

But I do think that for most of us who go flat, there was a period of adjustment, and it was measured in months and years (not days or weeks). Would others agree?

Debbie Laxague
3/01 ~ Age 49. Occult primary announced by large (6cm) axillary node, found by my husband.
4/01 ~ Bilateral mastectomies (LMRM, R elective simple) - 1.2cm IDC was found at pathology. 5 of 11 axillary nodes positive, largest = 6cm. Stage IIIA
ERPR 5%/1% (re-done later at Baylor, both negative at zero).
HER2neu positive by IHC and FISH (8.89).
Lymphovascular invasion, grade 3, 8/9 modified SBR.
TX: Control of arm of NSABP's B-31 adjuvant Herceptin trial (no Herceptin, inducing a severe case of Herceptin-envy): A/C x 4 and Taxol x 4 q3weeks, then rads. Raging infection of entire chest after small revision of mastectomy scar after completing tx (significance unknown). Arimidex for two years, stopped after second pathology opinion.
2017: Mild and manageable lymphedema and some cognitive issues.
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