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Old 01-05-2013, 10:20 AM   #6
SarahFoodforBC's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 8
Re: Just diagnosed teacher

Chemo brain can affect verbal processing, which means potentially not being able to think of words, wrong spelling and other verbal glitches. I actually managed to misspell my son's name on an important application. I would also find myself sitting at the computer unable to understand what simple words like "through" meant.

Chemo brain can also affect ability to multitask. I would suggest being very organized - have detailed written lesson plans at hand, for example. Unless you have a very bad case, you should be able manage to do your job without too many noticeable incidents.

If you would like more information on chemo brain, why it happens, how long it lasts (does it lead to dementia later?), you can Google the following article, "Latest research on chemo brain after breast cancer treatment'

After seven years, I'm about 80%-90% back to normal and I think I probably had a moderately severe case.

Wishing you all the best,

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