Thread: Gaining Control
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Old 11-16-2007, 11:54 AM   #6
Sandy in Silicon Valley
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Cool cautions on use of evening primrose oil & other phyto-estrogens

Hi, Andi & others interested in alternative/ supplementary herbs & nutrition,

I personally shy away from taking any kind of supplements, unless recommended by my oncologist, who works as well as a lab researcher.

This, ever since I was told very emphatically to get OFF Vitamin E supplements, which my primary physician had recommended for hot flashes, before my first craniotomy operation - since VitE can also act as a blood thinner, and cause excessive bleeding during/after surgery.

So I avoid over-eating soy products (tofu, edamame, soynuts, etc.), and take no supplements whatsoever. My oncologist mentioned that some supplements can interfere with the efficacy of radiation and/or chemo treatments as well.

Here's a website that seems research-based and legitimate, that espouses evening primrose oil as a drug-like preventative for breast cancer:


It mentions that evening primrose oil works especially against HER-2/neu+++ bc, which would seem to apply to those who read posts on these forums.

However, my understanding is that active bc tumors are made up of a combination of different sub-types of bc cells: some HER-2/neu+++, some hormone-receptive, some triple negative. Which of those cells proliferate depends somewhat on their native strength, as well as the antagonist agents carried by the host's bloodstream - such as anti-hormonals, Herceptin, Tykerb, a variety of chemo agents, the host's immune system, etc.

What I think might be the risk, in taking evening primrose oil along with Herceptin or Tykerb, is that the hormone-receptive cells that may be the less-robust bc type in one's bc/bcmets, might become stronger and multiply more vigorously, once the HER-2/neu+++ bc cells are rendered inactive with effective Herceptin/ Tykerb drug therapy. If that were to happen, the phyto estrogens such as soy, flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil might actually promote cancer cell growth - the fact is, the research "jury" is still not in.

The following is from Wikipedia: "A 2006 review article stated the opinion that not enough information is available, and that even if isoflavones have mechanisms to inhibit tumor growth, in vitro results justify the need to evaluate, at cellular level, the impact of isoflavones on breast tissue in women at high risk for breast cancer. The generally accepted position on this topic is that phytoestrogens may be beneficial for healthy women, however, women with cancer history should be aware of existing risks and avoid consumption until more information is available."

Sandy in Silicon Valley
1992 - age 44/ ER-/PR+ Stage II dx - mastectomy, CAF x 6 cycles; Tamoxifen
1997 - BRCA1 mutation dx'd
1998 - ovaries removed
1999 - off Tamoxifen, on Arimidex
2003 - dx'd Stage IV - lymph nodes & lungs. ER-/PR-/HER2neu+++.
Tx: Herceptin & Taxotere (6 cycles).
2005 - 2.9cm x 3.6cm brain tumor. Craniotomy, CyberKnife. 9 mo. staph aureus infection at incision site - 2nd craniotomy. Two small brain mets CyberKnife'd.
2006 - revisit Xeloda - dosage lowered to 2500mg/day, 5 cycles.
2007 - "spot" dx'd on qtrly brain MRI - same location as CyberKnife 7/05. > by 2-4mm per quarter - - radiation injury or re-growing cancer? Tykerb added to Herceptin - July, still "watching & waiting". Otherwise, fully functional...

"The majority of people are not only afraid of holding a wrong opinion, they are afraid of holding an opinion alone." Kierkegaard
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